Chapter 500 Reba’s Status

"Okay, it's nothing. I just think it's a good thing after letting her come here today. I guess she has given up completely this time."

"Yes, she has given up completely, but there is another key issue. He is not just targeting you. Now, his hatred for me has become even greater. Last time, he thought we were acting, but this time, I'm afraid. It's already a fake show.

"So what? The two of us are together. That is our business and has nothing to do with him. Therefore, there is no need to consider her feelings at all. Come on, let's continue."

While saying this, Lin Feng turned around again, and then pressed Reba under him.

Along the way, Da Mimi didn't even know how he got here.

Many times, she felt that tears had blurred her vision.

He never thought that he would actually see this scene with his own eyes today?
If it was really what she heard, or if she didn't see it, maybe she would be able to accept it better.

After all, there is no longer any relationship between him and him as husband and wife, and there is no reality of husband and wife. Therefore, even if Lin Feng finds a woman to relax at this time, there should be nothing wrong with him.

What's more, over the years, I haven't come here alone.

Da Mimi understands this, but if she sees it with her own eyes, she still feels a little gap in her heart, some of which she can't accept.

Just like that, the frustrated Da Mimi returned to the ward.

Yueyue must not have slept yet, she has been waiting here.

After seeing her little bear, Yueyue was very happy. Just as she was about to reach out and take it, she found that there seemed to be something wrong with Dami Mi's affection.

"Mom, what's wrong with you? Why do you feel that you seem a little unhappy? Mom, are you crying?"

Yueyue suddenly saw that her eye circles were slightly red. It was obvious that she must have experienced something.

At this moment, Da Mimi suddenly reacted. He just smiled, and then wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes with his hand.

"It's nothing. It's just that when I went out, my eyes were a little blurry. I don't know if it was a small insect or something. My mother just rubbed my eyes outside for a long time. I haven't been very comfortable."

"Mom, come here and let me help you take a look. Is there anything in it?"

"Haha, no need. I just took a look in my mother's mirror and there's nothing wrong with it. I guess the bug has fallen out. Yueyue, is this the little bear you're talking about?"

"Well, just this little bear."

Yueyue was a child after all, so even with a few simple words, the matter was quickly covered up, and he did not have any major suspicion at all.

On the way, in fact, she had already thought about whether she should tell her daughter about this?
After all, it was his father who he had always depended on, and now he had found another woman.

However, he felt that Yueyue might not be able to accept it at such a young age.

However, even if she can't accept it, the problem now is that this matter has become a fact, so one day, Yueyue will still have to remember all this in her heart.of
Yueyue just couldn't put it down and held the little bear in her hands, as if this thing was really important to her.

"Yueyue, mother thinks this little bear is really ordinary, and there is nothing special about it. So, mother doesn't understand why this thing is so important to Yueyue?" "Mom, you I don’t know, this is Dad’s first birthday gift to Yueyue.”

"What? Is this your first birthday gift? Are you saying that dad never gave you a birthday gift before?"

"When I celebrated my birthday when I was very young, did my father give me a gift? This is the first birthday gift my father has given me since I can remember, so I think it is very precious. Of course, in the future, my father will also give me a gift every year. They gave me birthday gifts, but I don’t think they are as precious as this one.”

"Oh, that's it, Yueyue, can mom ask you a question now?"

"Well, if there's any problem mom, just tell me."

"Yueyue, mom wants to know, if dad falls in love with someone else one day and he starts a new family, will you be able to accept it?"

Originally, he was holding a little teddy bear and playing with it excitedly. However, when he suddenly heard this question, he was stunned for a moment, and then he turned back to look at Dami.

"Mom, what are you talking about? Starting a new family? What's wrong with dad? Isn't dad at home?"

"No, dad is not at home, didn't you tell me? Dad has something to do tonight, so he didn't have time to go home. However, mom will think of this problem, so I want to confirm it with Yueyue."

"Mom, although I don't know what you mean? However, I can guess that if dad wants to form a new family, then I must agree. If I don't agree, mom will not be able to form a new family. family."

"Why? Dad is also an adult, and he has paid a lot for Yueyue over the years. I believe Yueyue should know it very well, right?"

"Yes, I know, my father has indeed worked very hard these past few years, and it's not easy, but I have to see if I like that sister?"

"Then tell mom, which sister do you like? For example, which sister do you want to start a new family with your father?"

"Of course it's you, mom. It would be great if you can be with dad."

Speaking of this, it really got into the heart of Big Boobs.

In fact, she knows that this situation may not happen easily, and once it becomes a scheduled situation, it is estimated that it is impossible to change it.

"Yueyue, don't talk about mom now. I mean, besides mom, are there any other candidates?"

"Besides mom, then it should be Sister Reba."

Speaking of this, Da Mimi suddenly glared.

Sure enough, Yueyue really mentioned Reba.

It seems that she really made a mistake in the past few years. She should not have allowed Reba to get close to the father and daughter again and again, nor should she have allowed them to have such deep emotions.

"Why? Which one do you think is better, mother? Or sister Reba?"

In fact, Da Mimi thinks this question is a bit ridiculous.

(End of this chapter)

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