Chapter 51 Sheniu Yueyue
Because there are relatively few repeat customers in places like this, they can charge you one by one, and the restaurants near these places are not very affordable.

Lin Feng didn't plan to eat near the hospital at first, but Yueyue kept complaining that she was hungry. In order to let her eat as soon as possible, he had no choice but to choose this place.

"Yueyue, just eat some. Come on, eat it with vinegar to enhance the taste."

Lin Feng poured Yueyue a small vinegar dish and pushed it in front of her.

Yueyue became even more energetic.

"This steamed stuffed bun tastes terrible, even if it's dipped in vinegar."

"The rice grains of this porridge are still so hard that I can't eat them at all."

When she complained, her voice was very loud, and the landlady kept staring at them with dissatisfied eyes, which made Lin Feng particularly embarrassed.

"Yueyue, stop talking. If you don't like eating, just eat less. Let's leave quickly after eating. Dad will buy you something delicious later."

"Then you have to eat them all. Don't you always teach me that you can't waste food?"

Lin Feng scratched his head depressedly. This little girl was so sharp-tongued that he really couldn't speak to her.

Yueyue added: "Auntie, the ingredients are just a waste. Dad, I think you can open a shop here. The business will be great!"

Lin Feng had a bitter look on his face: "Okay, the buns are cold, eat them quickly."

Yueyue still said plausibly: "I didn't delay eating while talking!"

"You'd better say less. This landlady is not easy to mess with. If you offend her, she'll take care of you."

"I didn't mess with her, why did she hit me?"

"You said in someone else's store that the steamed buns they made were not delicious and scared away their customers. Aren't you looking for trouble?"

Yueyue argued: "I told her that the buns were not delicious in front of her, and she corrected her mistake if she could tell. If I said it secretly and she couldn't hear it, how would she know that the buns were not delicious?"

"Strong words make sense!"

Lin Feng sighed silently, too lazy to argue with her anymore.

In the live broadcast room, there were barrages.

"Yueyue, this is not called strong words, this is called eloquent. Does Lin Feng know how to speak?"

"Yueyue's logic is correct. If you point out to your face that the buns are not delicious, then the landlady can correct her mistakes only if she knows her fault."

"Yueyue understands better than many of us adults. I will tolerate this kind of thing."

"Yueyue will tell the truth!"


Yueyue didn't complain, but Lin Feng was extremely embarrassed.

Just now, there were two waves of people wanting to eat in the store, but when Yueyue said this, they all scared away.

Looking at the tense face of the landlady again, people don't think they are deliberately looking for trouble, and they might come over to teach them a lesson.

Forget it, since Yueyue doesn't want to eat, just eat more, finish it quickly and get out of the way.

Lin Feng grabbed the buns and ate them in big mouthfuls. In a short while, he finished all the buns on the table.

Then I saw that Yueyue was still holding half of the bun in her hand, eating it slowly.

Without saying a word, Lin Feng snatched the bun over and went in in two bites.

Yueyue opened her mouth in surprise: "Dad, why are you grabbing my buns? I'm not full yet!"

"If you're not full, daddy will buy you something else to eat later."

After saying that, Lin Feng stood up and went to pay the bill.

When paying the bill, the lady boss didn't react at all, and even said with a smile: "Welcome to come again next time!"

Yueyue said seriously: "I won't come here next time, it's not delicious at all."

Lin Feng: "..." This is so embarrassing. Yueyue, can we not be so honest?

The landlady looked at Yueyue in astonishment: "Little girl, what did you just say?"

"Auntie, these buns of yours are made just like steamed buns. They are so thin and chewy. They taste very choking and not delicious at all!"

The proprietress laughed awkwardly: "Really? Thank you for your suggestion, kid. I will improve it."

Yueyue became even more energetic. She was not here to find fault, she just wanted to express her true thoughts.

"Auntie, you need to put some meat in the buns and make the skin a little thinner. When I have my next physical examination, I will come to your restaurant to eat."

The proprietress knew that Yueyue had no ill intentions and said with a smile: "No problem! Children are welcome to come again next time!"

Lin Feng nodded and bowed: "Boss, I'm sorry, this child is also unintentional. Don't argue with the child!"

After saying that, he quickly led Yueyue away.

"Haha, Lin Feng is almost embarrassed to death!"

"It would be embarrassing if I were there!"

"Yueyue is too strong, she dares to say anything! Is this the so-called social cow?"


As soon as he walked out of the restaurant, Lin Feng couldn't help but criticize: "Yueyue, if you think someone else's food is not delicious in the future, don't complain in front of them, you know? This kind of behavior is very impolite."

"Don't you always say that you have to be an honest kid? Is it wrong to tell the truth? If you don't point out your mistakes, you will continue to make mistakes. Only when you point them out can you correct them."

Lin Feng sighed dejectedly: "Why did you come back again? Okay! I can't help but you can do it!"

Yueyue narrowed her eyes proudly: "Dad, didn't you say you wanted to buy me something delicious?"

"Yeah, what do you want to eat?"

"Biscuits, cakes and lollipops, you just promised them, don't you keep your word?" Yueyue raised her eyebrows.

"No, dad keeps his word."

"Then I also want a sausage."

"OK, no problem!"

Lin Feng happened to see a supermarket selling sausages in front of him, so he led Yueyue there.

On the street, Yueyue was jumping up and down with a sausage in one hand and a lollipop in the other.

Her heart was filled with beauty. Many people passing by saw the lively and cute look of this little guy and were infected by her. Their mood improved a lot immediately.

Lin Feng followed Yueyue step by step and was envious.

The carefree life of a child is really good.

You don't have to worry about money, you can just let the adults take care of whatever you want to eat and play.

Yueyue happily ate the sausage: "Dad, when will you buy me cakes and biscuits?"

"I'll buy it for you later." Lin Feng asked with a smile: "Yueyue, dad is so good to you, will you take care of dad when he gets old?"

Yueyue raised her head and met Lin Feng's expectant eyes: "Do you need to ask? Of course I will take care of dad when he gets old. When I grow up, I will make a lot of money, buy delicious food for dad, and buy new clothes to wear."

Lin Feng poked Yueyue's face, with a look of relief on his face: "Yueyue is really filial. Dad's love for you is not in vain."

"Hmm, I'm going to buy you a wheelchair. Then I can push you to the park to bask in the sun."


Lin Feng took a breath and looked at Yueyue's sincere eyes. He believed that this was true.

Buy a wheelchair, just buy a wheelchair, it's better than throwing yourself on the street.

(End of this chapter)

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