Chapter 60 When will he die?
Now only Lin Feng was left, but his condition was a bit serious, and Liu Sisi began to worry about Lin Feng again.

I don’t know if he will be fine at night. If he needs to be hospitalized for observation at night, what should Yueyue do?

Let’s take a look at Lin Feng’s situation later!

When I came out of the doctor's office, I happened to meet a pregnant woman with a big belly.

Yueyue felt curious and stared at the pregnant woman for a long time.

She leaned against Liu Sisi's ear and asked, "Aunt Sisi, is that pregnant aunt going to give birth to a baby?"

Liu Sisi also noticed the pregnant woman and replied: "Yes, that aunt has a baby in her belly."

"Then I was also born in my mother's belly?" Yueyue looked at Liu Sisi innocently.

Liu Sisi was stunned. Every time Yueyue asked about her mother, she always felt that the topic was particularly heavy.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Yueyue asked again: "Aunt Sisi, am I right? Am I born from my father?"

Liu Sisi replied: "Yueyue was also born from the mother's belly. Yueyue grew slowly in the belly first. After more than nine months, Yueyue was fully developed and was born from the mother's belly. come out."

"It's only nine months. If only I could stay in my mother's belly for a while, maybe I could still remember my mother's appearance." Yueyue said in a weak voice.

After hearing this, Liu Sisi's eyes turned red, with tears rolling inside.

She turned Yueyue's little face, looked into Yueyue's big watery eyes, and asked: "Yueyue, do you miss your mother?"

"Yes." Yueyue nodded, "Aunt Sisi, mother loves me, right?"

"Mom, of course she loves you. She loves you very much. She also regrets that she can't be with you."

After Liu Sisi finished speaking, she hugged Yueyue tightly in her arms.

As a woman, she felt that Da MiMi was amazing, but as an outsider, she couldn't differentiate between other people's housework.

The only thing she could do was to put all her love on Yueyue.

"Dad told me that my mother turned into a star after she died. Every night when I go to bed, she will look at me in the sky." Yueyue also hugged Liu Sisi tightly. She liked the feeling of being held by Liu Sisi, That feeling was something she had never felt before when her father held her.

To be more precise, this hug feels like maternal love.

Yueyue has never experienced maternal love, but she subconsciously believes that this is the love from her mother.

"Auntie, I want to tell you a little secret." Yueyue whispered.

"Oh? That's it. Then Yueyue, tell me. Auntie will definitely keep it a secret for you."

"I had a dream when I was sleeping. I dreamed that my mother was sleeping with me in her arms." When Yueyue spoke, a strange light flashed in her eyes, "Aunt Sisi, don't tell dad, I'm afraid he will find out. sad."

Liu Sisi met her eyes and nodded again.

There was something stuck in her throat and her eyes were very sore. She wanted to hold Yueyue and cry, but she didn't want to infect Yueyue with this bad mood.

"Yueyue, if you miss your mother again in the future, you can call your aunt. You can also treat her as your mother. She will chat with you and listen to your little secrets. She will definitely keep them confidential."

"Well, okay, thank you Aunt Sisi."

Liu Sisi kissed Yueyue's chubby little face, and Yueyue smiled happily.

If possible, Liu Sisi has 1 mothers in her heart who would like to be Yueyue.

It’s just that this road has a long way to go.

The two chatted while walking, and the topic quickly turned from "Mom" to the cartoons Yueyue likes to watch, and then from the cartoons to "Journey to the West".

After returning to the ward, Yueyue couldn't wait to run to Lin Feng's bed and said proudly: "Dad, my illness is cured. When will your illness be cured?"

"It should be soon." Lin Feng pinched Yueyue's nose. "Then you really won't die, right?" Yueyue stared with big eyes, looking forward to Lin Feng's affirmative answer.

The young Yueyue is particularly sensitive to matters related to death.

This may be related to the fact that her mother died and abandoned her. When Yueyue heard that Lin Feng was sick, she instinctively associated it with death.

She is already pitiful when her mother dies, but she will be even more pitiful if her father dies again.

"Don't worry, dad won't die. Dad still has to watch Yueyue grow up, and he still has to wait for Yueyue to make money to buy me a big villa."

After Lin Feng finished speaking, he looked at Yueyue with a smile.

"Then dad wants to wait until I buy the big villa before he dies?"

Lin Feng: "..."

Liu Sisi laughed on the sidelines. She didn't understand why Yueyue kept focusing on the topic of "death" today.

She guessed that Yue Yue was really afraid of losing Lin Feng. Although the little guy was young, he had already experienced the pain of "losing a blood relative".

Lin Feng said: "Don't worry Yueyue, dad won't die, it will be decades later."

Hearing this, Yueyue clapped her little hands happily, and then asked Liu Sisi: "Aunt Sisi, when will you die?"

Liu Sisi was stunned.

Lin Feng looked at her with a playful expression, eager to hear how Liu Sisi would answer Yueyue's question.

"Me?" Liu Sisi pointed at herself and looked at Yueyue, "I have to die behind your father, and that will take a long, long time."

Yueyue danced happily, her energy didn't look like she had just been sick.

"It's great. With dad and Aunt Sisi with me, I will never be alone again."

Seeing her happy look, Liu Sisi smiled from ear to ear.

Suddenly, she remembered the topic she had just discussed with Lin Feng, about whether they could be buried together after death.

Originally, she meant it as a joke, but since the topic has reached this point, why not discuss it further.

Liu Sisi had expressed her feelings to Lin Feng several times, but she was always rejected by this guy.

But she was not discouraged at all. She still stayed true to Lin Feng with the idea of ​​​​getting closer to the water and getting better.

She was thick-skinned and didn't care what Lin Feng thought of her. Instead, she made Lin Feng blush every time she took the initiative. Every aspect of this shy big boy was in Liu Sisi's heart.

Liu Sisi suppressed a smile and asked Yueyue: "Yueyue, Aunt Sisi has a question for you."

"Yeah, ask!" Yueyue looked at her seriously.

"If my father and auntie both die in the future, will you bury us together?"

"What does it mean to be buried together?"

"Are you going to put my ashes with my father's?"

"Then let's put them together." Yueyue answered decisively, "I will bury you under the uncle downstairs. Whenever I miss you, I will dig it out and take a look again."


Lin Feng burst into laughter, and he rubbed Yueyue's little face: "Haha, why is my daughter so cute!"

(End of this chapter)

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