"Really? If you really don't want children, can you really accept all this?"

"What can't you accept? I married you. I didn't marry you just to give you a child. It doesn't matter whether I have my own child. As long as I can be with you happily, then, I This life is enough, I am very happy to have Yueyue, and I really don’t think about anything else."

Lin Feng didn't speak. He just reached out his hand in a very moved way, and then took the woman's hand, because at this moment, the distance between him and you, the two of them, seemed to have become closer.

Early in the morning of the second day, Reba started busy with his own affairs. After all, it was agreed at 2:10 this morning that all the actors and staff should start signing their contracts, so he signed all the contracts early. The contracts were placed on the seats opposite in turn.

After all these people have arrived, he can then explain all the terms in the contract to him in detail. If it is confirmed that there are no problems, then, under the appraisal of his legal team, the contract will be officially effective. .

After everything was tidied up, he looked at his watch and saw that it was already 9:00. It was still a full hour before the time they agreed on. Maybe he was too anxious, so the preparation time was a little hasty.

He sat across from him, and then he let out a long breath. Finally, he took out his phone and flipped through it casually.

Re Jie has not contacted her since he left yesterday, and Reba also knows that Re Jie should be busy with her own affairs at this time. In fact, she really wants to take time to visit that base, and then, Look at how his brother's career is progressing.

However, Reba didn't know whether she would be popular once she went there.Moreover, will Rejie accept him?The main thing is that he is so busy now that he doesn't even have a chance to speak to himself?
She really wanted to send a text message to ask him, but now, Reba was afraid that it would make him more embarrassed after sending this text message. Therefore, at this moment, Reba felt that the feeling in her heart was indeed somewhat intriguing. .

"What's wrong? What's going on?"

Once Reba fell into deep thought, it seemed that she was the only one left in the world. Therefore, no matter what kind of movement there was around her, she seemed unable to identify it.

When she heard someone talking to her, and already felt someone standing here, Reba suddenly came back from her fugue.

He raised his head and looked at the people next to him. He didn't know when Lin Feng had arrived beside him.Because today is the official contract signing time, Lin Feng must come forward. He cannot always let Reba take care of it like before. Moreover, as the executive director of the performing arts department, he must come forward in person. Explain these details to them.

"Hey, when did you come? I didn't notice you just now. Look, I have prepared everyone's contracts, and then placed them in front of them according to the distribution of seats. They will come after a while. After that, I’ll explain it in detail, and it should be completed successfully this morning.”

"You don't need to explain this matter to me. I believe that if you leave this matter to you, there will definitely be no problem. I just want to ask you now to see what your situation is. I saw you just now When I was there, I seemed to be a little distracted, and my expression was a little dazed. Did something happen?"

"Okay, no, because today I have been thinking that Rejie's movie has started shooting, so I don't know what is going on there. I also want to call and ask, but the situation on the scene will definitely be different now. It was very confusing, and I didn’t know if he could answer the call or if he would have time to talk to me, so I fell into deep thought and didn’t notice what was going on around me.”

"It doesn't matter. If you want to go, I can go to the film and television base with you at any time. It's not very far from here. It takes about half an hour to drive. I was familiar with it before. If you don't want to disturb me, In his words, I’ll say hello to the manager of the movie theater then, and we should be able to take a look at Rejie from a distance. Wouldn’t it help to stabilize your mind?”

After hearing this, Reba just nodded vigorously. In fact, she just wanted to take a look, but she was a little embarrassed. If someone could really accompany her and not disturb anyone, she could see these things. Considering the situation, Reba felt that this should be considered a very good thing.

"Well, let's wait until all the things here are completed. I estimate that there should be time in the afternoon. By the way, there shouldn't be any arrangements for the afternoon, right? After these actors sign the contract, will they need to undergo short-term training? Where do you arrange this training? Also, how long is the training schedule? Do you probably have the subsequent plans by now?"

"It's almost there. They will definitely have centralized training, which will last about a week. I have already discussed this. If everything goes well, they will start centralized training tomorrow morning. After that, I have received several Although this TV series is not very famous, it can be regarded as a test or an attempt for them."

"As long as there is something to cooperate with, then they will not be left idle here, nor will they be disappointed with this company. Therefore, this matter should be done. Besides, what has just happened It's never that simple at the beginning, it's never that easy. We have to realize it step by step step by step. Also, aren't we going to prepare to remake a movie or a TV series? Now, all of them can join. Come in."

"Yes, this is what I am talking about now. Therefore, I am also contacting outside directors now. It should not be a big problem. Basically, the talks are almost done. As long as the centralized training is completed, then the directors can go one by one We will interview them one by one and see if they select the male number 1, male number 2, male number 3, or even female number 1, female number 2, female number 3, all of these can be generated."

"Well, if that's the case, it seems that our next progress will not be as difficult as we think. After completing this matter, we can think about other things." (End of Chapter)

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