"No, no, Mr. Lin, that's not what I meant. I'm just standing at the helm to help you think about the problem. I'm also afraid that you are in it, so I don't understand what it is like. The true situation."

"What does it mean? Let me tell you, I understand it better than anyone else, and I also know very well what the final result of doing this will be. So, you don't have to think about these things for me. You just need to Cooperate with me, complete it, and then allocate funds to me. In addition, all the business of the company's legal department will go all out in this direction to do something for me."

"Well, since it is something you have decided, there is no way to change it. I will speed up this matter and will never let you down. Take a look, do you have anything else on your side? Is there anything else I need to tell you?"

"No, the action must be fast, and it must be carried out with great fanfare. If this is the case, I am not afraid of letting others know. Then, we will simply continue this war."

After explaining all this, the chairman nodded, and finally stood up and left from here, because he knew that as long as it was Lin Feng's decision, there would most likely be no room for redemption in this matter.

Basically, there won't be any changes.

Reba followed him throughout the whole process without saying a word. When the chairman explained these things to him, it was actually the same situation as Reba had imagined.

Because this matter is no small matter, and it will definitely not be easily solved by the situation they currently have.

"As for the 1 million yuan, this is really not a small sum of money. In fact, there is no problem that they are considering it. Should you think about it carefully? Are you really going to do this?"

"If I don't do this, then this matter will have no meaning of existence. Therefore, you don't need to worry about me. You must do this matter. In addition, I will go back and find a way to operate other aspects. By the way, you should have had some communication with some actors in the company before. If this is the case, can you find a way to contact them, including some actors you had good relationships with in private before? ?”

"There is definitely no problem with this, and there is still no problem with seven, eight, eighty or nine. I will be able to find a way to convince them. After all, we have given a very high price, and we have also developed a project for them. It is a very high platform. I think that if they can waive liquidated damages, they should be able to consider our Maplewood Culture. The specific situation needs to be discussed with them."

"Okay, then go back and contact those people immediately. No matter what your situation is, or what conditions they offer, you don't need to think about it. You just need to be able to consider that he can enter our company. You don’t have to worry about this. In addition, if these people really don’t agree, I have other ways to poach the artists. Don’t worry, as long as it’s what I want to do, then there’s no problem. People can stop it."

After hearing this, Reba just nodded, because she could see that Lin Feng had been deeply suppressed by this resentment, and if she wanted to change these things again, Reba believed that she would not do it at all. It's as simple as I imagined.

Finally, he returned to his room, and then began to call those people day by day. Moreover, the private relationship with them, to be honest, if he really dug these out, it would not be too big. Difficult things.In addition, Da Mimi's arrogant, domineering and autocratic attitude has made many people complain. This is only due to Da Mimi's influence in this circle, but also to their current development platform and the compensation they have. For them, it is indeed a bit out of reach.

By 12 noon, now, he has successfully instigated 6 people, and these 6 people have expressed that if they can help shoulder these responsibilities and provide themselves with a better development platform, they are willing to join Maple Forest. culture.

At noon, Lin Feng walked over from there and glanced at the door. He still felt that Reba was busy, and the phone in her hand seemed to have never really stopped.

"Thank you for your hard work. How is it? Is there any effect? ​​Don't worry, and don't worry. Even if those people don't agree, then we can find other ways. I also called just now, and then, in detail We need to discuss it. Now, I have achieved certain results there. With four or five people, it shouldn’t be a big problem."

"If you have four or five people there, I already have six people here. There is absolutely no problem. In total, there are already 6 people. Moreover, these people are all first-line actors. If we recruit them, , it should have a great impact on our company’s brand value.”

"That's great. I didn't expect that it could achieve such a good result. If that's the case, it seems that I didn't bother with this matter in vain. Okay, then let's continue to manage this matter like this. Other things , you don’t have to think so much now.”

"This is a rough calculation I just made. All the compensation for these people, if added up, is now basically

It has reached about 9 million. "

This has always been a problem that Reba has been worried about. Moreover, 9000 million yuan is simply an astronomical figure to her. Reba has no idea how capable Fenglin Culture is. If it spends [-] million yuan, maybe , can be solved, but what about the operating funds in the critical later period?Did he really do nothing?

If it is just for the sake of quick success and the entire company cannot continue to operate normally, then I am afraid that Lin Feng's plan will really fail this time, and the impact of his losses will be very large.

"It's only 9 million. It's indeed a lot less than I thought before. It doesn't matter. Keep looking. Aren't there already 000 people now? We have to get 11 people. In addition, I would like to ask, who are we currently looking for?" Approximately how many front-line actors and actresses are there in Da Mimi's company?" (End of Chapter)

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