Chapter 64 Dinner

This operation caught the entire audience off guard, and the barrage was full of complaints and curses.

Da Mimi, who was watching the live broadcast, was also dumbfounded.

It was playing fine, but the screen was black.

This show has no human touch at all!

Damimi was so angry that she cursed her mother. She heard Reba say that Lin Feng and Yueyue were sick. Out of concern, she was also going to open the live broadcast room to see how they were doing.

Unexpectedly, Liu Sisi and Tang Yan appeared in the live broadcast room one after another.

These two celebrities combine beauty, intelligence, and talent, and are no less than Damimi in every aspect.

Seeing Lin Feng being treated with care and attention by the two of them, Da MiMi felt very uncomfortable.

While feeling jealous, he scolded Lin Feng countless times in his heart.

It turns out that Lin Feng likes to flirt with women so much because he is already a father. He actually gets so close to other women without any sense of duty. Is this how he behaves like a father?
The more Dami Mi watched, the angrier she became. In the end, she saw that Tang Yan and Liu Sisi actually agreed to stay in bed with her, which aroused her jealousy and curiosity.

She wanted to see what these people were going to do at night.

But what she didn't expect was that the program crew stopped filming when the time came, which was really annoying and urgent.

Frustrated, Da MiMi once again threw things in the office. A new tea set she had just replaced was smashed to pieces again.

At this moment, Reba opened the door and walked in. She was shocked when she saw the mess on the ground.

She was also very angry because of the sudden shutdown. She happened to see Damimi getting angry, so she connected the two things together.

It seems that Da Mimi still has feelings for Lin Feng!

But what woman wouldn’t like a rare animal like Lin Feng?
Da Mimi is not some ruthless and desireless god. Can he resist Lin Feng's charm?
Obviously not possible!
Reba sighed softly and walked towards Dami: "Sister Mimi, who made you angry again?"

Damimi said coldly: "No! I saw that the teacup didn't look good, so I dropped it."

Reba spoke straightforwardly: "Sister Mimi, stop pretending, you can't deceive me. Are you worried about Lin Feng? It makes you feel bad to see two beauties spending the night with him, right? ?”

"I happen to know which hospital they are in. How about I help you go there and check out the situation?"

Damimi lowered his head and said nothing.

"Sister Mimi, just speak, as long as you give the order, I will rush to the hospital right now!"

"What are you talking about! What does it have to do with me that Lin Feng is happy and happy? I am worried that Yueyue will be psychologically affected if she grows up in such a family environment." When Da Mimi spoke, her voice was hollow.

"Oh, really?"

"Why are you lying to me! I have given up on Lin Feng, and now I have no interest in this guy. I just care about Yue Yue."

Reba didn't know what was behind Damimi's explanation.

"Oh, well, I'm just too worried, Sister Mimi."

"Well, don't think too much about it. It's getting late, so you should go back quickly. There is a variety show coming soon. You should make adjustments and maintain a good figure and skin. Don't go on the show and be pinched by the negative fans."

After a few words of concern, Da Mimi sent Reba away.

She walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows and had a panoramic view of the city.

The streets are busy with traffic and people are rushing around. At this time, many people are eager to go back and spend a wonderful night with their families.

However, she was alone.

For the sake of her career, she gave up everything and achieved today's impressive results.

But at the same time, she also lost everything. Today's situation was caused by herself.Is it worth it?
If she hadn't cruelly abandoned Lin Feng and Yueyue at the beginning, would this kind of life of being a husband and raising children be what she wanted now?

Damimi thought about this issue for the first time in her life.


In the ward, the aroma is fragrant.

Unable to resist Liu Sisi's insistence, Tang Yan finally agreed to her request and bought barbecue, spicy crayfish, a few side dishes, and a few bottles of beer.

The food that Lin Feng and Yueyue had was a bit bleak: noodles, porridge, and milk.

However, Liu Sisi also bought some fruits for them to eat.

She originally wanted to buy Yueyue a durian to eat, but she was strongly opposed by Lin Feng.

Lin Feng felt mixed emotions as he watched the two women fingering each other with great interest.

Yueyue and I are drinking porridge, and you are gorging on meat. Do you really have a good conscience?

Liu Sisi held a meat skewer in her hand and said proudly: "Lin Feng, I have wronged you, but for the sake of your health, you should bear with it."

Lin Feng rolled his eyes: "You are too young. I would like to remind you that I went into the hospital just to eat barbecue. You should be careful. But you don't have to be afraid. Just eat with confidence. We are in the hospital, even if you have acute gastroenteritis Don’t worry, just lie down on the hospital bed and wait for the infusion bottle!”

Faced with Lin Feng's cynicism, Liu Sisi replied with a glare: "Crow's Mouth!"

"I'm not a crow's mouth, but my mouth is enlightened, and anything I say can come true." Lin Feng said with a bad smile, "Sisi, stay in a private room in your early morning hospital!"

With a puff, Liu Sisi almost spit out the contents of her mouth.

She quickly wiped the corners of her mouth with a tissue, but her body was shaking with laughter.

Tang Yan was also smiling from ear to ear.

The two people hurt each other as soon as they met. Tang Yan had long been used to it, but after all the trouble, the two never had a falling out.

Yueyue was rarely quiet. She seemed not to be interested in the adults' topics. She drank her porridge silently, looking back and forth at the adults with her curious eyes.

Although she is still young, her mental activities are quite rich. He found that although his father was sick today, he was not in pain at all, but was much happier than usual. What was going on?

Yueyue was very puzzled.

"Yueyue, how does the porridge taste?" Tang Yan asked.

"It's okay, it's not particularly bad."

Tang Yan smiled: "Yueyue can only drink porridge and noodles today, and Auntie can't do anything about it. Yueyue just has to endure it for today, and Auntie will take you to have a big meal some other time."

Yueyue mouthed the porridge in her hand and looked at Lin Feng: "Auntie, what does daddy eat?"

After saying this, everyone turned around and saw that there was nothing on Lin Feng's small dining table.

Each hospital bed is equipped with a foldable small dining table to facilitate patients' dining.

The few of them were eating enthusiastically, but they ignored Lin Feng.

Looking at Lin Feng's words like a doormat, Tang Yan smiled sheepishly: "Look at my brain, I have completely forgotten you, but Yue Yue still cares about you."

"Wait, I'll bring you the noodles right now."

With that said, Tang Yan put a bowl of noodles with clear soup and water on Lin Feng's table, and asked: "Lin Feng, is it easy for your stomach to digest the slim food? How about I give you a bowl of porridge?"

(End of this chapter)

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