"Oh, being with you two is such a blessing. Hello, hello, hello."

Mark walked forward enthusiastically, shook hands with the two of them one by one, and then sat down opposite them.

"This is the first time that you two formally sat together and had a meal with me. However, you came in a bit of a hurry. You should have brought a gift. At least, since you got married, I will give you this gift." I haven’t had time to deliver it yet.”

"Don't worry, Mr. Ma. We haven't held a wedding yet. We are just recognized as husband and wife in a legal sense. When we hold a wedding later, don't worry, we will definitely be indispensable for your big gift."

"Really? That's great. Remember to inform me when the time comes, okay? By the way, I heard that Reba you have arrived at Maplewood Culture, right?"

"Yes, I have officially joined Maplewood Culture. Now, I am responsible for coordinating the performing arts department. So, if there is any cooperation in the future, Mr. Ma, you should pay more attention to me."

"What are you talking about? It's my honor to cooperate with Miss Reba, so there is no problem at all. By the way, what's the reason why you brought me here? Oh, by the way, Mr. Lin, what did you just say? The conversation on the phone was a bit hurried, saying that you want to cooperate with me on something? But I am very strange, is there anything we need to cooperate with? Oh, are you planning to make a new movie or other projects? What if If that’s the case, then it should be okay to choose our theatrical distribution first, right?”

"Don't worry, your theater chain has been around for so many years, so I still have a lot of control over you. As long as it's a movie I'm in, I will definitely give you this opportunity. Don't worry, I won't It will be given to other families.”

"Great, if you say that, I'm really a little excited, and I don't know what to do, so let's do this, I will drink two more drinks tonight, which can be regarded as an expression of my respect for Mr. Lin, this is a sign of respect and gratitude from you."

"Don't worry, we have plenty of time tonight, but I have always been unique in doing things, and I also like to speak clearly. So, I can tell you directly that I am here today There is actually something here that I want to ask of you."

"Oh, you want something from me? How could you, the dignified Mr. Lin Da, and Miss Reba still want something from me? But don't worry, as long as it's something that I, Mr. Ma, know, as long as It’s something I can do, so it’s definitely not a problem for me, tell me, what is it?”

He was still in the same state as before, and he spoke carelessly, never thinking about his situation.

Perhaps, this is the state that a businessman should have. Even if the back is overwhelming like a mountain, then, in front, he is still as stable as a mountain, and no one will notice any clues.

"If your guess is correct, it seems that you and Da Mimi's company had some cooperation before, especially in terms of investment in movies and TV series."

"Well, there is indeed some cooperation, and in the past, he put many of his movies in my theaters for the first time, so I quite agree with all this. However, in the past two years, it may have been Mi Sister feels that the development of my theater chain is not very good, so she has never chosen to cooperate with me. However, speaking of it, it was probably two years ago." "Why, I haven't cooperated with Da Mi in the past two years. Have you ever established any cooperation? Also, have you never had any formal contact in private?"

"How is there any connection? What kind of role is Sister Mi? Moreover, now the company is getting bigger and bigger, and there are more and more actors. To be honest, I feel a little guilty. By the way, I watched it today There is a big news that 16 actors from their company have collectively jumped to your company, Maplewood Culture, is this happening?"

"Yes, this matter is absolutely true. Of course, if every artist wants to develop his or her own performing arts career, then he must have his own choice and development platform. They may think that our Maplewood Culture This aspect should be more suitable for them, so they all switched to us. Of course, the conditions we offered him were definitely many times better than her rice rice."

"Mr. Lin, you usually don't take action. If you take action this time, it will really be a blockbuster. No one thought that such a big news would come out at this time. This really makes us feel a little weird." .”

Lin Feng, of course, said this on the surface. It was impossible for him to say that he was so despicable that he poached people like these, and he had to bear a huge amount of compensation. Of course, only he could know this. Things, he never said too much to this outsider.

"Let's not talk about this first. I'm just asking you something now. In the past, every time you cooperated, he would remit the money to your account in the form of a share. However, one time she did It was transferred to your account by check transfer. Do you still remember this?"

"Oh, transfer? And check? This is normal. What's wrong? Why do you ask this? Is there any problem?"

"I don't know, do you still remember that at a celebration banquet two years ago, she personally put a share check into your hands? At that time, there were not only a few other people who witnessed it, but also Some artists have also witnessed this, and I have received confirmation. I wonder if Mr. Ma still has any impressions?"

"If you want to talk about this, it seems that I really have some impression, because before it was transferred from the company's public account to the public account, but this time she specially issued a check to me, so I still have some impression. At that time , I collected the check, what’s going on, is there something wrong with the money?”

After saying this, she just frowned slightly, because she had already gotten the money in her pocket, and two years had passed.

At this time, is it possible to make yourself spit it out? He felt that this was simply something he could not accomplish.

"No, no, Mr. Ma, you don't need to be so nervous. I'm just telling you about this matter casually. It has nothing to do with money. I just want to ask where the check he gave you was payable to? I believe, It shouldn’t be the cultural company that Da Mimi is now, right?” (End of Chapter)

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