But one or two months have passed, and the situation is still the same. In another two months, the board of directors will be convened. Soon, I will step down from this position. So, all the preparations I have made in the early stage, By now, everything has returned to 0.

"Since you mentioned money, well, to be honest, I'm really interested, but I'd like to know how much money you can invest in this aspect for me?"

"Based on the current scale of your company, in fact, your gap is not very big. Let's do this. I promise to give you 2 million in working capital. The 000 million means that I will enter your company in the form of shares. I think 2 million yuan should solve your urgent needs, right?"

"Mr. Lin, are you sure? 2 million is not something you can say from your lips. If you are sure, then this 000 million will be my life-saving medicine."

"No problem, I can definitely agree to 2 million. As long as you bring the things over, I will make sure you see the money in your account within three days. I, Lin Feng, have been in this industry for so many years. Yes, I believe you can trust me, and Miss Reba is also sitting here today, and she has also seen this matter, so I will never make you regret it."

"Well, if that's the case, it seems that it is really necessary to continue the cooperation with Mr. Lin. Mr. Lin, since you are so refreshing, then I will seize the time and be more refreshing, and the financial manager Today, you should be working overtime in the company, please wait a moment, I will make a call now."

While talking, he took out his mobile phone, walked to the other side of the corner of the restaurant, and then dialed the financial manager's number directly.

At this time, the financial manager was also worried about the lawsuit, because the pressure from above was very tight, and he was asked to withdraw 300 million in a short time, but this was indeed very difficult for him.

Therefore, at this point in time, he still had not left the company. When he saw Mr. Ma calling, he knew that he would be forced to take the money this time.

He really doesn't know what to do. If it doesn't work, he will just resign from this position. Anyway, the salary now can no longer be compared with the previous time.

"Hey, Mr. Ma, what's wrong? I'm still working overtime in the company. To be honest, the time limit you gave me is too short. Until now, our company can't even collect so much money on its books."

"Don't worry. I'm calling you now. I'm not here to ask you for money. I just want to ask you. Two years ago, we had a cooperation with Sister Mi's company. At that time, I took this You write a check, and then you withdraw the money from the check and transfer it directly to our company account. I wonder if you still remember this?"

"Oh, you are talking about this matter. Yes, I have an impression. It was indeed when he took the check. What's wrong, Mr. Ma? Why did it take so long to mention this matter? There should be no problem with the check, right? Besides, the money has been transferred to the account smoothly, so normally there shouldn’t be any problems.”

"I didn't talk about the check. I wanted to ask you, do you have a proposal to keep that check?"

"Keep the record, of course you have to keep the record. I can't throw this thing away casually. Now, I have put it in the archives. What's wrong? Is there any problem?" "You hurry up now, Find the check in time, and then take a photo for me to take a look at to see where the payee of the check is. If there is a problem with confirming the payee, then I will take the check out of the archives now. , hurry up, I will give you an address, send it to me, I will use it tonight."

"Are you in such a hurry? Okay, no problem. I'll go find these things for you right away. We've done them by category, so it shouldn't be too much trouble. It will only take a few minutes. Mr. Ma, please wait a moment. , I will call you immediately to confirm after I find it."

As he spoke, the other party hung up the phone, and then Mark walked towards this side relaxedly.

"What a coincidence, you said. It just so happens that the financial manager is still working overtime in the company at this time, so it just so happens that he can come out with this check. You can take a look later and see if it is indeed the one you want." As for the check, I will arrange for him immediately and send the check over, and it can be handed over to you today."

"The financial manager is still working overtime at this point. I believe it is due to some financial difficulties. Don't worry, as long as this check is satisfactory, then my 2 million funds will definitely be transferred to your account within three days. There is no problem at all. I believe it can help you solve your difficulties."

"That's great, Mr. Lin, I really don't know what to say. Besides, you're giving me timely help. Don't worry. When the money comes to my account, I will definitely put it to good use. Moreover, I will definitely not If I make you lose money, after one year, no, after half a year, I will definitely let you see the benefits."

"How to operate it specifically is your business. Anyway, I believe that my money will not be wasted."

A few people just exchanged greetings with each other. Soon, his phone rang, and he realized that it was a picture being sent.

Finally, he opened the picture and took a look. Sure enough, the check appeared clearly in front of him. He looked carefully at that time and found that the check was not payable to the current company of Da Mimi, but to the current company. It is another limited liability company.

"Take a look, is it this? If you hadn't reminded me, I really wouldn't have noticed at the time that there was something wrong with the paycheck. Although the names were very close, there was only one word missing in the middle. "

While talking, he opened the picture, and then put it in front of the two people again. Reba and Lin Feng hurriedly took it and took a look at it, but no, they were only one word apart, and if you don't look carefully, It's really hard to tell.

In the end, the two just looked at each other and smiled. It seemed that Damimi was playing a word game here. However, this has always been her specialty, and most people really can't compare to it.

"That's right, just this check. This check is very important to me, so you must ask him to send the check over immediately." (End of Chapter)

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