"Then what you mean is that you still believe that it was me who encouraged Re Jie from behind, right? Okay, no problem. You can call Re Jie over now, or make a phone call and ask him if he is. Am I teasing him from behind?"

"Okay, there is no need to discuss this issue between us. Moreover, the purpose of my coming today is not to talk to you about this issue. Likewise, it is not to show you my success in poaching 16 of your actors. feel."

"I know, what are you trying to say? Isn't it about the period of contract protection for those artists? Let me tell you, there is absolutely no need for us to talk about this matter. Since you have done everything so absolutely, then You have to accept this matter. Therefore, I must succeed in the artist's contract protection period, and it must be done. To be honest with you, I have prepared all the information. , Okay, now that you are here, I can show it to you, please wait a moment."

As he spoke, he stood up to you, then turned around and left the room.

In fact, Lin Feng originally wanted to stop her because there was no point in showing her things to him.

Moreover, Lin Feng also knew that as long as she produced the key evidence, her so-called artist contract protection period today would be a piece of waste paper.

However, seeing that Da Mimi looked like she had defeated the general at this time, he didn't want to refute her face, and besides, he had to give her a chance, right?

While Da Mimi left, Lin Feng stood up and walked back and forth in the room. When he walked to the window, he saw a table placed beside the window. , what is placed above is the photo of his daughter.

He looked carefully and found that this photo should have been taken just in the past few days, and he had never seen it before.

It's obvious that Da Mimi now regards her daughter as her core, and there are photos of her daughter everywhere, which only proves how important her daughter's position is in her heart.

Just looking at all this, Lin Feng is relatively relieved. At least it proves that he gave all his love to his children. If this is the case, even if it is far from enough, he believes that the same Yueyue can also feel the family of warmth.

"How about it, does this photo really look good?"

Just when Lin Feng was holding the photo and looking hesitant, at this moment, suddenly, the door was pushed open, and Da Mimi walked in from behind. Then, she walked to the side of him and took the photo to look at. Take a look.

"Well, yes, this photo is quite natural. It must have been taken while playing outside, right? The effect is very good, and the child's expression is also very natural. Yes, it's really good. "

"It's okay. If you like it, come back. I have an electronic version over there. I can send you one. Then you can wash it out and display it. Oh, by the way, you can't display it on the bedside yet. Like this Will it make Reba unhappy? You must consider their feelings now. "

Well said, Da Mimi once again talked about Reba in a weird way. To be honest, Lin Feng was the least willing to discuss this issue with her. How many years after the divorce did I get together with Reba? Did he betray his life and marriage? Why did Damimi feel as if he had cheated on her when he said this?

He knew that if he continued to struggle with this issue, it would be endless, so he didn't want to continue talking about this topic.

"By the way, where is the thing you asked me to see? I want to take a look."

"I have printed it out for you. I just read it tonight. There should be no problem. I have now sent it to the legal department. The legal department will submit it as soon as I get to work tomorrow. , the fastest, which is two days, almost, this formal prohibition order will be issued. "

Lin Feng didn't answer her words. He just took the contract and took a closer look. To be honest, every bit and every bit of the rules listed above were completely real.

If we just look at this thing, then this prohibition order will be issued smoothly soon, and we will definitely fully support Mimi's request. It's just a pity that he can't do this yet.

"Yes, the reasons are very good, and each item is listed in detail. If I were a judge, I would also issue this injunction to you."

"Yes, so, this matter is completely confirmed and a foregone conclusion. It doesn't make any sense for you to come to me today. Let me tell you, I will not give you face. I am the one who is responsible for this matter. I have to keep doing this, and I not only have to give an explanation to myself, but I also have to give an explanation to the company, do you understand?"

"Yes, but you haven't thought about it. Sometimes things are not as simple as they seem. Sometimes, after you complete this matter, it may bring you another trouble. Then you Just weigh the weight and see which end is lighter and which one is heavier.”

"Really? But why didn't I feel it? I just feel that under the current situation, what I see now should be the most important actors. Although they have been poached by your company, but... Let me tell you, these actors will never see any profit for you in the short term, say within a year, do you understand?"

Looking at this posture and Da Mimi's very complacent look, Lin Feng just smiled helplessly. He probably never dreamed that the key evidence had actually been in his hands.

"Well, it seems that you really used your trump card this time. If this is the case, these actors are worthless to me. Moreover, I really lost a lot of money this time. ”

"I asked my legal team to do a rough calculation for you. The unilateral liquidated damages of these actors alone must be more than 1 million. You are really generous this time. I have to say that Maplewood Culture is indeed It’s very beneficial.”

"These are all digressions. We are not here now. Come on, sit down. I want to talk to you about other things." (End of Chapter)

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