"Brother Feng, the more you talk about it, the more suspenseful it becomes. Moreover, we are all eager to try it now and want to know what your next big plan is."

"I can tell you for the moment that I am currently in contact with several foreign film companies. I am going to use a full-scale all-star lineup to make you a 3D special effects stereoscopic film. Moreover, it will be with foreign film companies. I believe that once this film is released, it will be a sensation all over the country and even the world."

"You, what did you say? Cooperate with foreign film companies? Then, will some Hollywood stars also participate?"

"Of course it will. Just relying on your popularity is not enough to open up so much in the whole world. Therefore, we have to promote this movie to the world, and the investment ratio is also very high. Of course, as we bring The results must be very good. Once this film is released, it will have a huge influence not only in China, but also on a global scale."

"Great, if that's the case, then it seems that we should still have a lot of development opportunities in the future. By the way, I was chatting with a little sister in the morning today, and she is still In Sister Mi's company, she was just a third-tier actor. She told me that Rejie in their company, by the way, your brother, seemed to have suddenly changed from the themes of the movies he shot, which made these actors They are all a little dissatisfied.”

"What? Changed? What do you mean? Changed to what? Isn't it just a youth inspirational film? It also uses some second- and third-tier actors from your company. At this time, what kind of content can be changed?"

"It seems that they have completely changed the subject matter. Didn't they call it a youth inspirational film before? However, the style seems to have changed now, and it is called a suspense film. I don't know what this change means."

"What suspense?"

After saying this, Reba just frowned slightly, because she had gradually felt that if he changed the subject in time, it was probably to target his company.

At that time, when Reba was deciding on the theme of the film produced by the company, she actually deliberately wanted to avoid this point, because she did not want to have any obvious conflict with her brother.

But I didn't expect that after going around and around in the end, I still couldn't escape it all. In fact, sometimes some things are destined by God. Even if I want to avoid it, I'm afraid I can't do anything. There is no such chance.

Of course, Lin Feng knew all this. After all, there were plans for the agreement they had discussed before, and currently, he also knew him in his heart.

He just stretched out his hand, and then gently patted Reba's hand, telling her that she must calm down and what she should do at this time.

"I have an idea now."

After saying this, Reba suddenly turned around, then looked at Lin Feng, and finally at the actor who was working.

"Oh, what's your idea? Just tell me. As long as it is beneficial to the development of the company, you can say it all. Even if it is some bold ideas, then we can bring them out and discuss them seriously together."

"My idea is not necessarily the best, and it is not necessarily correct. It's just that I feel that at this time, Rejie, he must be very helpless." When Reba said this, it was indeed true. He is inclined towards his younger brother Rejie.

Moreover, she knew that it must be very challenging for Rejie to shoot a film with a subject that he was not good at.

"It's okay, Sister Reba, just say what you want to say. Besides, I know what situation Rejie is in now. In fact, I have heard the young actors talking about it. They said that actually Rejie basically still has the right to speak on the set, but the directors are solely dealing with official business."

"Is all this true what you said?"

"Yes, it's absolutely true. They specifically mentioned it when they chatted with me before. However, I didn't pay much attention to this place at that time."

"No, it is said that Sister Mi has always been very supportive of his movie, and is she willing to let him continue to do it?"

"That's just a superficial statement. Moreover, Sister Mi has actually reached an agreement with the directors in private, just like coaxing children to play. Moreover, Sister Mi regards all the money as wasted. Furthermore, after all, The investment lineup for a youth film is not big at all, so this small amount of money should not have a big impact on the company."

Speaking of this, Reba actually felt really uncomfortable in her heart. Moreover, she felt that her brother was being played around like a monkey, while she, her sister, was being played around here. Not being able to help him share these things is actually a kind of merciless pain for Reba.

"Okay, as for her attitude, I don't need to pay attention to this now, and it has nothing to do with me. I just want any of you to be able to participate in his movie? "

After hearing this, Lin Feng just frowned in embarrassment. It was obvious that this was different from his original idea.

The company's investment and filming company should be Da Mimi's company, and now these actors are all from their own company. At this time, what is going on when one's own actors are involved in other people's movies?
  "Reba, actually I know what you are thinking. You really want to help Rejie, but the agency they currently belong to belongs to Maplewood Culture. If you invest in their company's movies at this time, then all this will How do we explain these actors?”

"No, no, no, don't you know that there is something called free status? Is there a kind of guest role? As long as it is a guest role, then, no matter which company she belongs to, she must not be the protagonist or part of the company. The supporting role is just a cameo.”

"Oh, you mean a guest appearance. There is definitely no problem with a guest appearance. We can fully support this. Do you want to use the influence of these people to increase the popularity of his movie?"

"Currently, this is all we can do. In addition, I am indeed not as good as before when she changed the theme. I have never considered it. I don't know whether it can succeed."

"Whether it succeeds or not, it all depends on human effort, so we don't need to think so much, we just need to do what we should do, and everything else will develop naturally." (End of Chapter)

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