Chapter 66 All Wake Up

Lin Feng glanced at the room. Several other people were still asleep, but he was the only one awake.

For a moment, he was at a loss.

Liu Sisi slept on the same bed as herself, which was a bit hard to explain.

At this moment, Liu Yifei pushed the door open and entered.

When she saw Liu Sisi hugging Lin Feng and "sleeping in each other's arms", she felt empty in her heart.

In order to ask for leave to visit Lin Feng and Yueyue, she stayed up all night and finished filming all the scenes from last night and today. She never thought...

Facing Lin Feng's astonished eyes, Liu Yifei said with a smile: "I'm sorry, I came a little early and disturbed your rest."

Lin Feng came to his senses and hurriedly explained: ", they drank too much last night, and I woke up long ago."

With that said, Lin Feng broke away from Liu Sisi's arms and quickly got out of bed.

After a night's rest, he felt much better, and his stomach didn't hurt as much as yesterday.

Liu Yifei put the breakfast she brought on the table and rushed over to help Lin Feng: "How are you? Does your stomach still hurt?"

"I'm fine, no need..."

Just as he was talking, Lin Feng suddenly swayed, causing Liu Yifei to grab his arm tightly: "Seeing that you are so stubborn, I can't even walk."

Lin Feng smiled knowingly, he did it on purpose just now.

He almost fell down on purpose to gain Liu Yifei's attention. He just thought it was fun and wanted to tease Liu Yifei.

"Help me go sit on the sofa."

There was a full set of the play, but Lin Feng still pretended to be sick and put all the weight of his body on Liu Yifei's hands.

Liu Yifei supported him and moved slowly.

Lin Feng walked very hard these few steps.

Little did Liu Yifei know that Lin Feng was lying to her. Looking at his state, she thought Lin Feng was seriously ill.

After helping Lin Feng sit down on the sofa, Liu Yifei asked with concern: "How are you feeling today? I saw you were so sick yesterday, I almost had a heart attack."

"It's not that serious, just a small case of acute gastroenteritis, nothing serious!" Lin Feng replied with a smile.

"Don't lie to me, you're just so brave. I saw you were sweating on your forehead yesterday, you must be in pain."

Lin Feng chuckled: "Are you afraid that I will die?"

"You foul mouth, stop talking nonsense!"

Liu Yifei glanced at him with a complaining look, and Lin Feng was also looking at her lovingly.

Suddenly, Liu Yifei blushed, turned away and looked away, nervously stroking the broken hair from her cheeks.

Lin Feng was overjoyed that this little girl was so shy.

While looking at Liu Yifei, he also noticed that Liu Yifei's face was a little haggard and her eyes were swollen.

"Feifei, did you work overtime filming last night?"

Liu Yifei said vaguely: "Yeah, but I've already rested."

"You're almost turning into a giant panda. Is this called rest?"

Although Lin Feng's tone was complaining when he spoke, Liu Yifei still felt sweet after hearing these words.

She touched around her eyes and suddenly took a breath: "It's over, am I getting old?"

Every woman cares about her appearance, and celebrities are no exception.

When she touched the thick dark circles under her eyes, she felt disappointed.

Lin Feng looked at her panic and felt very funny.

When he first met Liu Yifei, she was still 20 years old. At that time, Liu Yifei exuded a youthful atmosphere, but when she spoke, she always had an adult tone, which was particularly mature.

As time goes by, Liu Yifei has become more mature to the naked eye in the past few years, but in front of Lin Feng, she has always maintained the innocence and liveliness of a child.Lin Feng believes that this is Liu Yifei's truest appearance.

The two sat on the sofa and chatted for a while, and Yueyue also woke up.

When she saw Liu Yifei, Yueyue shouted excitedly: "Godmother, why are you here too!"


Liu Yifei put her index finger to her lips, signaling Yueyue to speak quietly.

But because Yueyue shouted too loud just now, she successfully woke up Tang Yan.

Tang Yan rubbed her sleepy eyes and sat up. When she saw Liu Yifei sitting on the sofa, she became stupid.

She took a picture of her face and looked at Liu Yifei in disbelief. The feeling seemed to be back to the scene when she was filming Fairy Sword.

"Feifei?" Tang Yan opened her mouth wide.

"Are you awake?" Liu Yifei smiled casually, got up, walked to the hospital bed, and hugged Yueyue.

"Oh my god, I thought I was hallucinating, but it's really you!"

Tang Yan patted her groggy head and said in surprise.

She drank too much last night and hasn't woken up yet: "It's all my fault, Liu Sisi, this stupid woman, who keeps dragging me to drink."

Liu Yifei glanced at her: "You know how to shirk responsibility, and you blame others for drinking when you like it. I was fooled by you last time, and you drank too much."

Tang Yan curled her lips and laughed as she recalled the last time her Liu Yifei drank.

While they were talking, Liu Sisi also woke up. She was awakened by the laughter of several people.

She opened her eyes and looked at the ceiling confusedly. It took a while before she realized where she was.

He sat up from the bed, looked at Liu Yifei, and said in surprise: "Feifei, when did you come?"

"You've been here for a while, why do you sleep like a dead pig?" Liu Yifei joked.

Liu Sisi sighed softly: "I drank too much last night, and I still have a headache."

She asked again: "Lin Feng, do you feel better?"

Lin Feng smiled at her: "It wasn't because you disturbed me in my sleep. I would have been fine long ago."

"Did I disturb you in your sleep?" Liu Sisi touched her forehead and tried to remember.

Although her drinking capacity is not bad, she and Tang Yan drank four or five cans of beer last night, and she was a little bit disconnected.

She only remembered getting into Lin Feng's hospital bed in a daze, but she didn't remember anything afterward.

Alas, drinking really didn't delay anything. I wonder if it pushed Lin Feng to the ground.

She also remembered another thing, which was sleeping with her arms around a particularly hard pillow. The pillow seemed to run away on its own, and she hugged it tightly.

Liu Sisi thought she was dreaming, but now think about it, she put Lin Feng to sleep, right?


Liu Sisi glanced at Lin Feng and saw him looking at her with a smirk on his face.

"You didn't harass me while I was sleeping, so why did you come to my bed?" Lin Feng asked.

"That's because you became lustful towards me and secretly picked me up while I was drinking too much."

Liu Sisi's reaction was also quick, and she directly retorted. After speaking, she found that Liu Yifei was looking at her in surprise with her mouth open, and her pretty face suddenly turned red with embarrassment.

She scratched her head in embarrassment and quickly changed her words: "Forget it, forget it, I lost my temper after drinking and disturbed your rest. Don't take it personally. I'll treat you to a drink another day as an apology."

Lin Feng was stunned on the spot.

Liu Yifei's smile was as bright as a flower, and she interjected: "Are you still drinking? Aren't you afraid that you will become stupid after drinking!"

(End of this chapter)

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