"Don't worry, we know what to do. After all, we are still professionals in the fraud industry and there will never be any deviations. We will communicate in private about other matters."

After saying that, the other party hung up the phone directly. Moreover, Lin Feng's call actually had a very profound meaning. He just wanted to speed up the progress of the matter and push the matter to a higher level.

Only in this way can we keep things under our control.

Reba, who was sitting next to her, heard the whole conversation between them, and she also knew very well what issues they were discussing now. However, what made her feel strange was that Lin Feng's behavior now would only It completely irritated Damimi and made her anger grow bigger and bigger.

"If you do this, isn't it a bit risky and radical?"

"Let me tell you, wealth has always been gained through danger. If we get through this smoothly, then it is very likely that Da Mimi will not fall into this trap. Maybe, one day she will suddenly react, All of this is a trap, so isn’t it all over? Therefore, this matter must continue according to this routine. "

"It's really hard for me to imagine how Sister Mi would feel in her heart when she knew the news? Moreover, she would be very, very angry. She never thought that one day we would be able to fight for it. she."

"Her competitive personality, let me tell you, will eventually harm her. If she hadn't been this competitive back then, do you think she would be where she is today? Can she be where she is today? This situation is entirely caused by her personal circumstances.”

"Of course I know about this matter. After all, I know better than anyone what Sister Mi's style has been for so many years. Okay, let's not talk about this for now. We will go home tonight. Have a good sleep, I believe Sister Mi will have more work to do in the future."

After saying these words, Reba turned her head and concentrated on driving her car, while Lin Feng just turned his head to the other side and closed his eyes slightly, because he was also continuing to meditate on this matter at this time. How to proceed.

After returning home, Da Mimi also found that Yueyue was still a little unhappy, but there was nothing he could do. He had basically said everything he needed to say along the way.

But she found that at this time, there was no communication between Yueyue and herself.

"Yueyue, then go up and go to bed early. Mom is busy with other things in the study, and..."

Before she even finished her words, she heard a bang on the door, and finally saw Yueyue entering her room directly.

Looking at Yueyue's leaving figure, she shook her head helplessly once again, and then walked into her room.

At this time, her phone rang, and Da Mimi picked it up and took a look. However, when she saw the call, she was indeed a little happy in her heart. Moreover, it was obvious that her own affairs should be my responsibility. Another step forward. "Hey, how's the matter going? I believe there should be no problem in leaving this matter to a master like you."

"Yes, there is indeed no problem. Now, we have successfully obtained the things, and all the recordings have been spliced ​​according to your wishes. Now, basically everything, large and small, is in accordance with the previous arrangements. Do you want me to send this recording to you now as planned?”

"Okay, just send it to me directly. I'll listen carefully. If there are no problems, then the recording here will be officially used. Don't worry, I won't let you do these things in vain. , I will transfer the funds directly to your account later."

"Sister Mi, look at what you said. You helped me with so many things before, how could I ask for your money now? Besides, it's my honor to be able to help you with things."

"Haha, this can't be done without money. If it doesn't require money, I really don't know how to face you from now on. Besides, there may be other things in the future that require what you do. Don't worry. , you make a living by working, and you don’t do anything else, right?”

"Sister Mi, I really can't ask for your money, but I have a request. I wonder if you can help me, Sister Mi? If you can, that would be great, but if it really doesn't work, , then you have the right to assume that I didn’t tell you about this.”

"Okay, tell me what you want. As long as I can do it, then there will definitely be no problem. Besides, you and I have been in contact for such a long time. I believe you can also understand what I mean. Some ways to treat people and things, right?”

"There is definitely no problem with this. Sister Mi's reputation in this circle is still very good. But I have a little sister who just graduated from the film school this year, and she doesn't know where to go. To be honest , several of their classmates were chosen by well-known directors, but maybe my sister's conditions are slightly worse."

When he said this on the phone, Da Mimi immediately understood. It was obvious that this person wanted to use himself as a backer, and then let his sister climb up step by step.

However, these are human nature, and she also knows very well what these people are really thinking.

"Haha, what happened to me at that time? Okay, no problem. Just ask her to come to the company to find me tomorrow. Isn't this simple? This is what we do. So, which route does she want to take? Acting? Or do you want to be a talented person? Or make a movie? Or a variety show, all of these can be arranged.",

"Sister Mi, I don't know. I just felt that you helped me so much before, so I also thought that I could repay you a little. Unexpectedly, at this time, I still opened my mouth to ask you to help me."

After saying this, Da Mimi seemed to suddenly think of something? He always felt that this should be a good entry point, and he could also know how to do these things.

"Your sister? I seem to remember you saying that your sister was expelled from the school two or three times at that time, and she just couldn't stay in the school anymore. It was you who came to me later and asked your sister to continue in the school. You can stay there, right?" (End of Chapter)

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