"What they want to speculate is their business. I have no right to interfere now. I only have a little advantage. I must try my best to save this company. If it doesn't work, then the company can only It’s declaring bankruptcy and I have to start from scratch.”

"Sister Mi, there is one more thing. Have you ever thought about it? Part of this money belongs to the bank's lending business. If we announce layoffs at this time, the bank will definitely arrange for people to come to collect the loan. We don’t have a penny of funds available right now.”

Xiaoyan actually looks at the problem relatively clearly, and she also knows where the dilemma they are currently facing is.

In other words, no matter what method they think of, in a word, they must need money, and only if they have money to guarantee it, can they ensure the continued development of his affairs.

"Yes, there are some things about the bank involved. Once this matter gets out, then the people in these banks will definitely enter our company crazily. I won't be able to handle it at all by then. Let's see. It depends on how many contracts we still have and how many products we have, and then we sell them all, and we can get back as much money as we can."

"Sister Mi, if these things are sold off, then our company will be in a state where there is no business to talk about, and everyone will probably be idle."

"So, I told you that the company is going to carry out large-scale layoffs. The current staff of the company is really overburdened. The layoffs must be cut to 80%, which means that only 20% of the management will be retained. And Some basic actors, the rest we don’t need anything.”

"Sister Mi, this won't work. If we do this, it will have a very, very big impact on our company. Do you want us to think of other ways?"

"There is no way out. As the saying goes, everyone will push down the wall. I have made a prosperous career in the past few years. I believe that those people have already protected me, but at this time, once Seeing me going downhill, I believe they are eager to come up and step on me again, so there is no way for us to escape."

Everything Da Mimi said now was the truth, and there was no hidden language at all.

Rejie was standing next to him. He just felt that this matter was not trivial. Moreover, he had always thought that someone might be the adviser or instigator of this matter. Otherwise, why would it be such a coincidence?

"Sister Mi, have you ever thought about who did this? How could they choose us for no reason?"

"There must be someone behind the scenes. Now I'm starting to wonder if this matter has something to do with Maplewood Culture, because our biggest competitor at the time was Maplewood Culture."

"However, judging from the surface, it seems that there is not much connection with Maplewood Culture, but some things have been fermented. If it is really impossible to separate, then they "That move was a little too deadly." "Yes, I would rather believe that other people are framing me, but I definitely can't believe that Lin Feng and Reba are behind all this, if this is really confirmed. , then, I’m afraid they are really preparing to push me to death.”

When Da Mimi said this, she was indeed very helpless. Everyone knew that facing such a situation, she would not be able to end it in the end.

"Sister Mi, can you investigate this matter from the beginning? In addition, there is another point. If the company's funds are really in such difficulty, then we must stop the movie. We cannot If we continue filming, it will only make it more difficult for our company."

"Rejie, no matter what stage your sister has reached, I didn't promise you this movie at the beginning. It doesn't matter if the company doesn't have money. Sister Mi is very rich. For this movie, I will personally The way of investment is to invest in this movie, and you can rest assured that it will not affect the progress of your on-site shooting."

"Sister Mi, are you kidding? How can you get this money? If there is really no money, then I will find a way to raise funds, but I will never let you get the money personally, because You have now reached the most difficult period."

"Rejie, as you said, no matter how difficult it is for me, I will still be as skinny as a camel than a horse. Besides, I still have some savings in my hand, plus some real estate stocks and some securities. All of these are It can be sold.”

"Sister Mi, if I want to use your money to make a movie, do you think I can still be in the mood to make a movie? Forget it, let's seal this movie temporarily and don't mention the movie again. , now we must go all out to find ways to overcome this difficulty.”

"Rejie, what's the matter with you? Could it be that you can't listen to what your sister is saying now? Didn't I tell you? There is no need to consider these difficulties and these key issues in the company. You just need to be yourself. Just do what needs to be done.”

"Sister Mi, if we were in the same state as before, then I could go all out to make this movie. Even if the movie loses money in the end, our company may still be able to afford it, but , what now? You can no longer withstand the hassle. If you really invest in this movie yourself, then the pressure on me is really too great. Sister Mi, have you ever looked at it from my perspective? Have you ever had this problem with me?”

"But, your movie is almost halfway through, and you just stopped filming at this time. Wouldn't it be a pity that I did all those things in the early stage?"

"It doesn't matter. In fact, this situation is also very common abroad. It is basically called sealing scripts. That is to say, we will continue to seal scripted movies, including the clips left behind before. Let’s continue until one day in the future, these things can be unblocked again, and then we can start shooting again.”

"I still feel something is wrong. After all, this is your dream, and it is also your first time investing in a movie. Therefore, I want to give you a complete ending. Since there is already a beginning, then it is absolutely impossible. It’s anticlimactic.” (End of chapter)

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