"I don't need you to do this. I just want to deal with this matter quietly now. In addition, I have a request. I don't want to recover this money anymore. I admit that I failed. 8 million I can hand over the funds completely, and if there are no problems, I will transfer the funds this afternoon, but I just want to know, who is behind the scenes arranging and directing everything you do?"

"I'm sorry, we are absolutely not allowed to disclose the actions of the person who is commanding. Moreover, this is our industry rule. I can never break this rule, so you should accept this. , In addition, I am calling you just to tell you that all the 800 million funds were donated in your personal name. Therefore, I am afraid that you will be the one who will go down in history. Okay, I won’t say much else, and I wish you all the best.”

After saying that, the other party hung up the phone. However, when Da Mimi called again, he found that the call from the other party was an empty number.

This also proves that what he is using is an Internet phone, but he did not think of this when he traced it before.

However, through this phone call, Da Mimi was able to confirm the facts of what happened on his side, and he could also confirm one thing, that is, someone was secretly supporting this matter, and because of this phone call, now, It made him even more suspicious that Reba and Lin Feng were probably inevitably connected to this matter.

But how to find evidence that they are connected? And where are these evidences? This made Da Mimi feel that things were indeed a bit difficult to handle.

At dawn the next day, major headlines came out one after another. Mimi's company and his own name donated a total of 2 million yuan, and then went to aid a very poor person in a third world country. small town.

This news, like a thunder, suddenly exploded in society. Of course, everyone at Da Mimi Company has fully understood this news, because they know that this is not what Da Mimi personally wants. Donated, but completely fell into the trap designed by others.

Throughout the morning, Da Mimi's office was almost deserted. People came to her room one after another, asking for explanations. However, Da Mimi just bowed her head and remained silent. Because she couldn't say anything, and she also knew that any words she said at this time seemed a bit feeble.

It wasn't until almost noon that, with Xiaoyan's enthusiastic assistance, these people gradually left. However, she knew that this was the first wave of the offensive, and there should be more problems in the later stages. of.

"Sister Mi, the two of us have already discussed the general plan. However, once this plan is announced, the sensation it will cause will definitely not be temporary. How should we deal with this matter by then?"

"Sister Mi, in my opinion, since you have decided to do this, you should not come forward at this time. If you come forward, it will only aggravate the matter. Therefore, you should stay at home temporarily for two days. Xiaoyan and I have to deal with it, no matter what he does, the two of us just need to keep silent."

Rejie's intentions must be good. He just wants to fully bear this matter, and he doesn't need to take too much. "As the founder and chairman of this company, do you think I might back down at this time during the company's most difficult period? Why should I push you two to the extreme? In front? To be honest, I would never be able to do this kind of thing."

"Sister Mi, listen to me. Now is not the time to show off your personal heroism. Moreover, you should have a sense of what you should face and what you shouldn't face. Sometimes, you don't necessarily have to ask your boss to show up for everything. of."

"Sister Mi, we have already discussed this matter with Rejie on the way here. We will never let you come forward again. It's just that something unexpected happened this morning. I didn't expect that the news would be reported so quickly. These people can't hold them down all of a sudden, so there is no way to go anymore. In this way, you will now pass through the employee VIP channel, and then I will quietly send you to the parking lot on the negative 1 floor. Taking advantage of the fact that there are still few people at this time, I will take you Send me home, and you won’t come over for the next two days.”

"Do you know why this news broke out so quickly? It was those people from the consortium who broke the news. After you left, he already called me. I can't say it was a naked provocation. , or is it a mockery of me."

As she spoke, Da Mimi just smiled, but her smile was so helpless and so sad. The two people standing in front of him could actually stand it.

"Sister Mi, tell me, if we really want to get the company through this crisis, how much money do we need to be able to get through it temporarily?"

"We have raised 8 million yuan this time. In fact, we have already mobilized a lot of funds from various sources. If we want to temporarily allow the company to barely operate at this time, we will need at least million yuan of funds. Only then can the company be temporarily supported without having to sell off the activities in our hands."

"With 200 million yuan, I think if you really want to raise this money, it will not be too difficult. In addition, I think Maplewood Culture should be able to afford this money."

In fact, Re Jie also had a sudden idea. At first, he didn't think about me, but now that he thinks about it carefully, it seems that no one can help them. The only one who can help her is his sister Re Jie. Barba.

Having said this, Da Mimi just widened her eyes in surprise, and then looked back at Rejie, but after a long time, he just let out a long sigh.

"Rejie, Rejie, you are really too inexperienced. Moreover, you don't even think about it. Now it is very likely that they are the real instigators behind the scenes. They just want to see me take this step. How could he take this money from me at this time to help me tide over the difficulties? Let me tell you, you never dreamed of it. In addition, if he is pretending to be a family model and is going to invest the money in the company, Then, he has his own real purpose, for example, to occupy a certain percentage of the company's shares." (End of Chapter)

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