"What happens next? What will he do next? Also, you should have signed a labor contract before, right? If something else happens at this end, how should you treat this labor contract? Is it involved? Get some monetary compensation?”

"There must be some. We actors don't get a penny of remuneration now. Originally, it was said that after the filming of this movie is completed, we can get our own remuneration. As for me, it doesn't matter. , I just don’t get any remuneration, but what about other people? Including the directors, he has to pay for everything. Now, suddenly it is temporarily sealed, and the scattered pieces add up to an estimated ten or twenty million. can be solved."

"What about Da Mimi's company? How is it reacting now?"

"It has been spread around the studio that Da Mimi is no longer able to protect herself, and has completely given up on the movie. Therefore, I estimate that it will be very difficult for Re Jie in the future. Those People will definitely come to him one after another, after all, he is the holder of this film, and he was also the one who controlled everything in the screenwriting process at that time."

"Okay, I understand, but what about Rejie? Do you know where he is now?"

"I'm not very sure, because I want to contact him now, but the phone cannot be connected. He must be in difficulty now. Sister Reba, if you have the ability, you should try your best to help him. He can't get through this difficulty alone, and I guess it's unrealistic to let Mimi take such a large amount of money."

"Haha, she takes it? She can't even protect herself now. She probably can't think of anything to do to raise so much money. How could she care about Rejie at this time? Okay, you leave his affairs to me. If you want to do it, then let’s do this first, thank you for passing this news to me.”

"Sister Reba, what are you talking about? We have been in a relationship for so many years, and now I am also working under your name, so this is naturally what I should do. Now, you don't want anything. Done, take the time to care about Rejie, he may really be in big trouble this time."

"Okay, then I understand. If anything happens, we can keep in touch at any time. That's it."

After saying that, Reba hung up the phone directly, but at this time, Reba's mood was still very heavy, and she may not have thought that Rejie would face such a dilemma in the end.

If this is the case, then how should you proceed actively with your own affairs? Also, how can she help Re Jie?

After all, he is his biological brother, so he is sure to help. Moreover, this is a sure thing. The main question is how should he intervene?

She has actually saved a lot of money in the past few years, but helping Rejie overcome this difficulty should not be a big problem. However, she should not forget that she is no longer a free agent; I have a family, a husband, and a family of my own.

From Reba's point of view, if she uses any funds, even some money she had before getting married, she must say hello to Lin Feng.

After thinking of this, he briefly organized some things on hand, and then got up and walked to Lin Feng's office. When he walked to the door, Reba heard someone's voice coming from inside.

Reba just stood at the door curiously and listened carefully. She heard the voices of a woman and a man. Yes, the man should be Lin Feng. If the woman heard correctly, she should be It's Li Zifei.

It seems that this girl is really everywhere, and now that Da Mimi's studio is in such a big dilemma, then Li Zifei, who is installed here, must figure it out. What's going on? Reba did not hesitate and knocked directly on the door. Then, she heard Lin Feng agree from inside, and Reba opened the door and walked in.

When Li Zifei saw someone walking in, she hurriedly looked back. She just smiled and nodded at Reba.

"Sister Reba, if you come today, I will go out first and won't disturb you anymore. If anything happens, Mr. Lin, I will come back to you."

"No, just tell me what you have to say, or is there something behind my back? Is there anything you can't say in front of me?"

"Sister Reba, please don't get me wrong. Mr. Lin and I are just discussing the matters of Da Mi Mi Company, and to be honest, it is really satisfying that she is in such a predicament this time. But I feel that at this time This should be our best chance to take action.”

"Oh, the best opportunity to take action? What is the best opportunity to take action? Also, if someone is in trouble, it doesn't seem to have anything to do with us, right? How come you, the person who watches the excitement, don't think it's a big deal?"

"Sister Reba, don't you think this is a very satisfying thing? And, do you know? According to current gossip reports, her company is on the verge of bankruptcy. It may be possible within the last month. We have to file for bankruptcy protection, in which case there is no way to go on.”

"Where did you hear all this gossip? I don't even know. You seem to know more details than me. Okay, if you have some time, you should delve into your business. By the way, you just I don't understand what you mean when you say that this is the best opportunity for us to take action?"

"Think about it, Sister Reba, she has become like this now. If we acquire her resources and then buy her shares at this time, will this company also belong to our Maplewood Culture? It seems that she has arrived now, but don’t forget, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, no matter what, he still has 3000 kilograms of nails to break the boat.”

"I think these things are not within your scope of consideration. You should just do your own work with peace of mind."

After saying this, Li Zifei seemed to feel a little embarrassed. After all, asking Reba to point out her problems in person would really make him lose face.

"Oh, Mr. Lin, Sister Reba, I won't disturb you anymore. I'm going out first." (End of Chapter)

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