"I'm sorry, I want to know how much money Sister Mi owes you?"

After Rejie heard this, he immediately went in. The man just looked up at him.

"Who is this? I don't think I saw you in the company. Why, Sister Mi owes money, how can you still do it for her? I tell you young man, don't interfere in things that have nothing to do with you. .”

"Rejie, there is nothing to do with you here. You go to Xiaoyan's office next door and wait for me there. After I finish handling it, I will go over to find you."

"If I am really responsible for this debt, tell me how much Sister Mi owes you."

"Okay, no more, no more. If it's really more, I won't hold out too much hope today. She now owes me a total of 3 million."

"Okay, 3 million, okay. I don't have that much money now, but I have 000 million. If you are willing to ask for it, then take this money and leave here as soon as possible. "

"Okay, 2 million is no problem. As long as I get this 500 million, then I can consider the 2 million again and tolerate it for a while."

"Okay, give me your account number, and I'll transfer the money to you right now."

"Rejie, what are you doing?"

After Da Mimi saw this situation, she immediately became anxious. She just walked forward quickly, and then pulled Rejie down to the side.

"Rejie, do you know? These are bottomless pits. If you can handle this amount of money, then, can you help me solve the second, third, fourth and fifth transactions that follow? ?”

"Sister Mi, we've reached this point now. Let's take whatever we can solve. So don't think about it. In the early stage, I happened to have 2 million in hand, and I just gave it all to them. In this case, at least we can buy it. A rare moment of peace.”

"Rejie, please don't. This money is yours. Don't give it to him at all."

"Sister Mi, just leave it alone. What I decided has nothing to do with you at all, because didn't you say that by delaying it for a few days, you should be able to get the money? Don't worry, I will wait. After you have the money, you can transfer it to me, isn't that okay? Now, it's just a temporary transfer, okay, don't worry about it."

Seeing Rejie's resolute attitude, Da Mimi knew that even if he continued to talk, I'm afraid Rejie would be indifferent and there would never be any change.

As soon as the other party heard that they wanted to transfer money to him, he was naturally very happy. Then he quickly transferred the account number. After Rejie checked the account number, he quickly transferred 2 million yuan to him. on the other party’s account.

The funds that Reba gave her were transferred out so quickly in less than half an hour, or even before she was covered with heat, but for some reason, Rejie didn't feel any heartache.

He felt as if all these things should be paid for, and he should also pay for it. "Okay, are you optimistic? The money has been credited to your account. Now, can you leave? In addition, the 500 million must be given to us for at least three months."

"It's easy to talk about. Since it's 500 million, then I won't press so hard. That's okay. I'll leave first. Sister Mi, let's get together some other time when we have time."

This man's face seemed to change faster than the sky, and he was already smiling so quickly. When Rejie came in just now, neither of them had any smiles. After getting the money, their attitudes immediately changed. It’s different.

"What a bunch of bastards. Back then, they didn't know how to beg me, and they never got any money. Who knew that they would look like this now."

"Sister Mi, isn't this the state of the world? Moreover, when you are useful to intrigues and intrigues, then he will naturally enshrine you to heaven like a god. However, if he thinks that you are of no use, then naturally he will not I will take care of you."

"Yes, I have seen it clearly through this time. Moreover, good people are bullied by others, good horses are ridden by others, and people push down walls. It seems that I have really caught up with all of these. By the way, Rejie, how come you suddenly have so much money?"

In fact, when Rejie told himself that he only had 2 million in his hands now, Da Mimi had already thought that it was very likely that the money should come from Reba.

Otherwise, relying on his ability, he would not be able to get so much money in a short period of time.

"Sister Mi, actually, I believe you can guess the source of this money. Yes, it was indeed given to me by my sister, and it was just transferred to my account half an hour ago."

"What? This, this is what Reba gave you? That means she asked you to use this money to shoot a movie. If that's the case, how can I use this money? Oh, why didn't you tell me earlier? No, no, I'll call him right now and ask him to come back. Even if I give him a little more interest, I will give you the 2 million again."

Da Mimi started to get a little anxious, so he hurried over to take out the phone. However, everyone knew very well that how could he get back the money he had spit out?

"Sister Mi, don't waste your time. Do you think that with his face, he might give you the money? Even if you promise to give him another 500 million in the future, he may not get the money. It’s on your account, so you don’t have to call him anymore.”

"Rejie, then, what should I do? Moreover, I have actually used your money for making the movie invisibly. Look, what should I do? No, I have to think of a way to get rid of this as soon as possible. The money will be transferred to you."

"Actually, Sister Mi, when my sister passed the money today, I did think about continuing to shoot this movie, but then I changed my mind and thought, if I can't even keep this company, I will What’s the point of continuing to shoot the movie? Therefore, I think the most urgent task right now is to help Sister Mi get through this difficulty together. I don’t think about anything else right now.”

"Rejie, have you really decided to temporarily seal the movie?"

“This is something I have to do, and now, apart from this choice, I can’t do anything else, so it’s only a matter of time to establish a foothold now, and it’s a certainty. "(End of chapter)

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