"Wait a minute, you said he went to a hotel? What hotel? I just heard you mention it."

"Oh, it said we were going to Yuhu Hotel. Yes, we were going to Yuhu Hotel."

"Yuhu Hotel, why is he going to Yuhu Hotel at this time? That hotel is the most upscale hotel in the city."

"I don't know. Maybe the other party is a very mysterious or respectful person. In addition, it is often inconvenient for Da Mimi to come forward. It is very likely that she will leave this matter to Re Jie. This It’s possible.”

"Do you know what I'm suspecting? Do you know that Yuhu Hotel was the hotel where those people stayed before? It's such a coincidence that he went to Yuhu Hotel at this time. Tell me, what did he want to do? Well?"

"You mean, she is still adding this matter, so what is going on? Also, everyone has checked out and left. Although she has lived there for a while, she just followed this thing. Can you find anything?"

"I don't know what he is going to do, but he is definitely investigating this matter. Fortunately, during this period, including before and after the member moved in, I have not met them in the hotel, and I have always been It’s through a single line to communicate online, this should be more or less the same.”

"If nothing can be found, I think there is no need for us to worry about these things, right?"

In fact, if you look at Reba, Rejie will not complete any of these things, because in his opinion, Rejie has always been a very simple little boy. Could it be that he is following Da Mimi, short-term? Will it become so complicated in just one month?

Therefore, Reba believes that Rejie's visit to Yuhu Hotel this time may be just another process, or even a coincidence, on the surface, and has nothing to do with these things at all.

"I think you'd better be more cautious. Many things are different from what we imagined. Now, Rejie is no longer the same Rejie he was before. He is now assisting Damimi wholeheartedly. Could it be that this Don’t you see that at all?”

"Yes, I have indeed seen this. I also know that Da Mimi is indeed very important to her now, but the key issue is that Rejie tested me from here before, and I kept it very well. Moreover, I have never revealed anything in front of him, so I believe that he will not suspect any of this."

"If he didn't suspect all this, then why did he go to Yuhu Hotel at this time? Is he going to meet some important person?"

"I don't know about this, but as far as I know, after Rejie came here, he only knew Da Mi, Mi Xiaoyan, the two of us, and even some colleagues in his company. He should have contact with the others. Not many, there probably won’t be much interaction or socializing in this social interaction.”

"Yes, there is a question about it. So, does this make me curious? By the way, I remember you told me before that there was a computer expert next to Da Mimi. ?"

"Yes, isn't it Li Zifei's brother Li Ziqiang? He has always been mysterious before and has no idea how much he has done to help Sister Mi. However, it can be said that there are very few people in the company who have actually seen him. "Little, almost no one has seen it." "Computer expert, but this time he did not arrange for him, but arranged for Rejie. Rejie also knows a little bit about computers. Is it possible that he Do you also want to trace the network traces of our contact, set the IP address, and then trace this matter?"

"Network traces? IP address? This, what can this find?"

In fact, Reba's knowledge about computers can be said to be completely blank, and she has no idea whether his so-called inspection method can determine any important clues.

"You may not know much about this aspect. To be honest, I didn't know much about it before. But recently when I came into contact with the Internet, I really discovered this. As mentioned above, as long as someone passes this The server, or any messages sent or done through this IP address, will leave traces on it."

"I remember that you told me before that your most contact method was to confirm your transaction time and location through email. In the meantime, you also made a few phone calls occasionally, but the phone calls should all be in the form of space card roaming. The status, this, should not be traceable.”

"If you want to trace the phone calls, you will definitely not be able to trace them. After all, they are some voice messages and will leave no trace at all. However, it is often this IP address that usually exposes the target they are contacting."

"If this is the case, through a network expert, can he trace the content we sent at that time?"

"The content cannot be traced. Furthermore, our emails are all encrypted. How can we find the content?" The key question is that he can find out that his IP address was sent to a certain room through a certain room. After all, we had relatively frequent contact, and the two of us had already started to get in touch on the first day he stayed at the hotel. "

"Then if it is really traced that the IP address ultimately points to our Maple Forest Culture, then Da Mimi can basically be sure that this matter is 100% instigated by us."

"Yes, so this is what I am worried about. Those people should be very cautious. I believe that in that hotel, he should not be able to leave the original IP address. However, the target IP address may not be If it’s broken, I’ll hurry up.”

After saying this, Lin Feng seemed to suddenly think of something. He suddenly stood up from his seat, and then hurriedly walked away from the room.

Reba looked at him leaving in a hurry. She had no idea what he was going to do or what was he thinking? Could it be that, in this environment, could he still think of some ways to deal with it?

After a few minutes, Lin Feng was seen returning to the room again. However, this time, he could feel that his expression was indeed much more relaxed. It seemed that some of the problems had been solved. solve. (End of chapter)

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