If we don't resolve the issue of compensation for these actors, I'm afraid these people will move towards lawsuits one after another, which will lead to the company falling into a greater crisis in the future.

No matter what, now Lin Feng can at least provide herself with 300 million in funds. Although it is exchanged for her own things, there is no way to describe it. She has no other better choice.

At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, Da Mimi was waiting in the office. At this time, there was a knock on the door. He agreed, and then he saw Xiaoyan opening the door and walking in from there.

"Sister Mi, everything is ready now, and the two of them have arrived and are waiting in the conference room."

"Two people? Two people, isn't it Lin Feng? I, Lin Feng, have a lawyer with me, right?"

"No, it's Lin Feng, Reba, and a few lawyers. There are a total of five people in their party. And, from the looks of it, they are planning to complete the signing today."

"It's really an eyesore. I never forget to take Reba with me. Moreover, if Reba comes to the company at this time, she will definitely be sarcastic. If I had known now, I would never have agreed to this matter."

"Sister Mi, we can no longer change our minds now, and we have reached a desperate stage. If we cannot get the money this afternoon, there will be a compensation tomorrow, and we will not be able to pay it out at all. If this If the money cannot be disbursed, we will face even larger compensation in the end, do you know?"

"I know, I'm just saying casually now, I won't suddenly stop the idea of ​​funding because of this matter, okay, since they have made all the preparations, then we can simply Clean up, go, sign this contract as soon as possible, don’t waste each other’s time anymore.”

"Sister Mi, has Rejie never contacted you since he left yesterday? Moreover, has he never returned to the company?"

After hearing this, Da Mimi just shook his head gently, and then looked up at Xiaoyan. They thought that there might be no contact with them because they didn't find any clues, but they didn't have anything to do with Xiaoyan. Contact me?

"Didn't he call you or contact you? Didn't he tell you anything?"

"No, he hasn't done anything, and he hasn't said anything, so I don't know what happened. I just feel weird. Why has there been no news for so long? I still try to I called his number but couldn't get through."

"Is nothing going to happen to him? No, no. How could something happen in a big hotel in broad daylight? I guess he must be tied up by something."

"Sister Mi, I just feel weird. He has been unable to be contacted. I don't know if our contract should go ahead."

"Now that everyone has arrived, and we can no longer wait any longer, as you said, if the money is not paid out tomorrow, then we will face a higher compensation, so you can’t control that much. In addition, you are also trying to find a way to continue to contact him. Anyway, we will have to discuss the details of the contract later. It is estimated that it will take an hour to complete the signing. "

"That's good. I'll wait a moment and arrange the conference room over there. Then, I'll find a way to find Rejie right away. Then I'll give you the news. That's it." The two of them discussed. After finishing all the details, Xiaoyan followed Da Mimi and left from here. Of course, they were also seated together with their lawyer's team.

Pushing open the door of the conference room, the two of them saw Reba following Lin Feng. The two of them had been sitting proudly on the other side of the conference table. Looking at him like this, it was estimated that the preparations should be finalized, and they would also win these projects and Contract.

"Okay, Mr. Lin. I haven't seen you for a few days. It's really springtime. What's going on? Is it because your newlywed wife has nourished you, or do you think you have had a good harvest in career and love?"

Lin Feng had already predicted that even if they signed a contract with him, they would not be able to get through this smoothly and happily based on Da Mimi's unique character.

"Whatever you want to say now, just say it. I know you are not in a good mood, and you don't want to let go of all the projects in your hands. However, you are desperate, so you have no choice."

"It seems that you have really convinced me this time, right? Moreover, you also brought Reba back to the company. Reba, how are you? Visiting your old place again, do you feel anything new?"

"Sister Mi, in fact, when something like this happened, to be honest, I felt a little regretful and worried about the company."

"Okay, stop crying like a cat and pretending to be compassionate. You two have celebrated secretly so many times, so you don't have to explain it to me this time."

"Damimi, let me tell you again, the two of us are here with a team of lawyers to sign a sincere contract for you. We don't have any other ideas, so you don't need to be so weird. If it's true If this is the case, then is our contract really unable to be performed?"

Da Mimi also knew that after she just came in, her words were indeed a bit strange and her voice was strange, but there was nothing she could do about it. Seeing the two of them, she couldn't help but vent her anger. Moreover, she could only vent these words. Only when you come out can you feel better in your heart.

"Sister Mi, don't waste time. If this is really the case, it will definitely be detrimental to our affairs. You should hurry up and discuss the contract details with them now. I have to find a way to contact Rejie."

Xiaoyan quietly leaned next to Da Mimi's ear and whispered softly.

After hearing this, Damimi just nodded lightly, and then she reached out to the lawyer to signal. Soon, the lawyer brought over all the relevant contracts and some treaties.

"Okay, let's get down to business now. These are the things I have on hand. You can check it carefully now. Then, bring over the contract you signed. I also need to ask my lawyer to analyze it carefully again." ( End of this chapter)

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