"Okay, what we say now is just speculation and imagination. Maybe, we won't be able to understand what happened until Rejie comes. Okay, let's just wait patiently. "

After finishing speaking, the two people just nodded to each other, then sat in their seats and waited patiently.

At this time, Reba, who was sitting in the office, gradually felt that something was not right, because a full 10 minutes had passed since Da Mimi went out, but she still did not see Da Mimi. .

He quietly waved to Lin Feng. Lin Feng understood what he meant. In the end, the two of them left the conference room together.

"What happened? Why did he suddenly quit in the middle? Moreover, it has been 12 minutes now, and no one has come back yet. Is there something urgent? Does it have to be done at this moment?"

"Actually, I have been talking about this matter just now. I suspect that they should know something, or have grasped something. Otherwise, they would never leave without saying goodbye."

"What did you master? What did you know? Aren't all the things we made before have been wiped out? If so, what else can they find? Also, that good Xiaoyan And he walked in all of a sudden.”

"I don't know, but during this critical period, didn't you notice? There should be one less person at the scene."

"One person is missing? Who is missing? Among Sister Mi's usual assistants, there is only Xiaoyan. Oh, are you talking about the secretary? Because of the company's affairs in the past two days, the secretary has not gone to work at all. Therefore, the company is now In a semi-stagnant state, it’s basically just these people.”

"No, I mean, among the important people around her, there is still one key person missing, and that is your brother Rejie."

After saying this, it seemed that Reba was really reminded. When she first came in, she had not thought about this at all, and she had not thought about whether Rejie should appear on this occasion.

"Think about it, there is no one available by Da Mimi's side now, and the only right-hand men who can convince him are Re Jie and Xiao Yan. And now, today is such a critical period, Re Jie is not here, and he has not appeared on the set, so tell me, where did Re Jie go at this time?"

"Could it be that there was another purpose? Or did they arrange for Rejie to go out and do other things? Or, as you guessed yesterday, he went to Yuhu Hotel just to investigate this matter. The whole story?"

"I suspect that it should be like this. Moreover, if my guess is correct, Xiaoyan should have just finished talking to Re Jie on the phone before coming in. Re Jie should have meant to terminate temporarily, but it is not clear. What do they have in their hands? If this is the case, then I really feel that things are in the most trouble now."

"No way, how could it be such a coincidence? Besides, I know how capable Rejie is, so nothing should happen to him."

"I tell you, you must not underestimate your brother's ability. Now under the training of Da MiMi, he has begun to gradually grow up. Therefore, I suspect that this time, he should play the key role. Otherwise, this matter would not have come to an end like this." What Lin Feng said was indeed reasonable, but Reba was still unwilling to accept such a big plan, and she would be betrayed by her own brother. Trapped, if that's the case, how should he face this?

At this moment, Reba suddenly felt Lin Feng push her. Then, she raised her head and looked at Lin Feng curiously. However, Lin Feng did not look at her, but just pointed at the door. direction.

At this time, Lin Feng noticed that a person came in from the direction of the door. In a blink of an eye, he rushed towards Da Mimi's office. Yes, he could see clearly that the figure on the back of this person should be his younger brother. Rejie.

He was about to get up and chase after him, but Lin Feng immediately stopped him because he knew that this was not the best opportunity for their siblings to argue again.

"What are you going to say now? Do you want him to hand over everything in his hand? Let me tell you, it's already too late, and her heart belongs to this company, so what should we do? It’s all meaningless.”

"Could it be that things have reached this point and we still have to watch things continue to linger? If so, what efforts have we made..."

"It's meaningless to say this now. Let's go. I believe they will give us a formal explanation soon. In addition, after the explanation, we will find ways to deal with it all and see what's going on. But, I estimate that today’s signing is completely dead.”

After Lin Feng said this, he just shook his head helplessly, and then pulled Reba and the two of them back into the conference room.

However, at this time, the mood has suddenly dropped from the highest point to the lowest point, because no one knows what happened.

Afterwards, Rejie hurriedly entered Da Mimi's office, even this time, without even knocking on the door. At that time, after he came in, Xiaoyan and Da Mimi focused their attention on him.

Especially Da Mimi, she became very excited at this time. She stood up from her seat, then hurriedly walked straight and looked at him.

"What's going on? Xiaoyan just said that you made a phone call in a hurry and asked me to temporarily terminate the contract. What happened? Has it been investigated?"

"Sister Mi, let me tell you, this matter actually needs to be started from the beginning. Moreover, when I went there before, I originally wanted to find the IP address to investigate, but I found that both parties had cleaned up the IP address very cleanly. We couldn't find anything at all."

"If that's the case, then I believe these people are also well prepared. Therefore, even if we continue to pursue this, we will find nothing in the end. But, why do you need to give short notice? In addition, I heard that Xiao Yan said, you disappeared suddenly? And, I kept calling you and couldn’t reach you?" (End of Chapter)

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