While she was worrying about these things, Reba's cell phone rang again. Yes, the caller on this cell phone was Luo Xiaoyi.

He knew that when Luo Xiaoyi called him, it must be a new notice from the crew, but it was difficult for Reba to understand. Did this notice dismiss the crew, or did it mean that they were preparing to resume filming?

From Reba's point of view, he hopes it is the latter, because only in this way can he see new hope, and he will not let his heart be filled with pain because of the wrong things he has done before. I feel ashamed of Rejie.

"Hey, Xiaoyi, what's wrong? Did they send out another notice? What's it like this time? Are they going to dismiss the crew again?"

Even before Luo Xiaoyi could speak, Reba asked anxiously on the phone.

"Sister Reba, don't worry. The notice this time is that all our actors will return to the crew the day after tomorrow to start regular filming. Moreover, it said that this schedule must be brought forward. Originally, our plan was to end in half a month. But this time he told us that it should be accelerated within 10 days."

"Ten days? This is too hasty. Besides, is there anything else he is anxious about? Or is there a new movie to shoot now?"

"No, I haven't heard any news from their crew. Therefore, I don't think there is a new movie being shot. I'm afraid Rejie will have other important tasks next time. It's just that the movie went so well. I think it would be very good to resume filming, and at the very least, it would be the result you want to see."

"Yes, that's what I mean. I'm satisfied if the movie can be reshot. So, there's no problem. Okay, Xiaoyi, I really want to trouble you this time. When I have time another day, I will definitely I want to treat you well."

"Sister Reba, what are you talking about? With our relationship like this, do you still want to say these polite words to me? I have already told you the news, so I will be busy with other things first. That's it, if we have something to do, we will Keep in touch by phone at all times.”

After speaking, Luo Xiaoyi hurriedly hung up the phone. Reba was holding a mobile phone in her hand, but her mood was indeed much better than before.

"Is the movie going to be reshot again? I said, all these things will pass, and it will not cause any pressure. Everything can go on step by step. There is no need for you to do more here. Worry about that.”

"That should prove it right. Now, Da Mimi has given him 5 million in funds, and 000 million will support the movie himself, including paying back the money to me. Now, in the hands of Rejie, it should be There is also some activity funds, so that he can get a certain guarantee in life, so that I can finally feel relieved."

"What did you just say? The filming of this movie needs to end early? What's going on? Why are you in such a hurry? Logically speaking, this is his first movie, because it is his debut, so it should be You have to take careful photos, why are you in such a hurry?"

"Then you still need to ask. It must be Da Mimi who has arranged new tasks for him. There are even other things to do. So, I ended the movie in a hurry, and then devoted myself to a brand new one. At work, I guess that’s what it means.”

"It's really hard to understand. Now, what new work can he do at this time? Although the 300 million yuan of funds has been transferred to the books, but she has produced several current TV series Apart from movies, there are basically no projects to invest in. Even if it is reinvested, the money may not be enough. Another thing is that her company has no staff available.” ˆ ˆ ˆ “So, Da Mimi is not a good person at all. As simple as we imagined, she should still have other wishful thinking now, but it's a pity that we can't really understand how all this happened."

"Wait a minute, what did you say? Another wishful thinking?"

After saying this, he suddenly frowned tightly, because it seemed that at this moment, Lin Feng suddenly thought of something, but he didn't know whether his idea could really take shape?

"Yes, there must be other plans. Otherwise, why would these people be summoned back to the company? Now, the company staff are indeed nervous, but I can't imagine why. Is it possible that he really is still there? Any other ideas?"

"It's bad, I suddenly thought of something. This thing shouldn't happen by such a coincidence? Don't worry, let me call and ask."

Lin Feng seemed to think of something suddenly, so he hurriedly took out his mobile phone, and then called the company's executive chairman.

Lin Feng had been retreating behind the scenes in the past few years. Therefore, he did not have a thorough understanding of many current operations and management in the market. He had only been exposed to some in the past. Now something suddenly happened to him. Can't remember.

After talking on the phone for a few times, the other party quickly answered the call.

"Hey, Mr. Lin, what's wrong? Is there something going on?"

"When I was eating just now, I suddenly thought of something. I had arranged several projects with Da Mimi's company before, and then I hurriedly acquired them. You should know about this, right?"

"Oh, I probably know a little bit, but aren't the company's financial and legal teams following you? As long as they are with you, it shouldn't be a big problem."

"No, I just want to ask, if these things are acquired by me, what should I do next? Do I need to go to the registration department according to the regulations, and then go through the name change procedures again?"

"Yes, this is a normal thing. Moreover, if you don't make changes, you won't be able to complete many things in the later period. Therefore, if you don't make changes, it means that you have not taken the project at all. Why, you haven’t changed it yet, right?”

"Yes, not yet. I originally planned to do this immediately after 8 o'clock tomorrow, but now I suddenly thought of something. I just hurriedly signed the contract in the afternoon. If the other company makes any moves at this time, this acquisition What big changes will happen to the contract?" (End of Chapter)

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