"How's it going? Are you full?"

"Okay, I'm quite full. How about you? If it's not enough, we'll give you something else."

"Okay, this should be enough. There's nothing else to do. Otherwise, we'd better go back and go to bed early."

"Why, have you suddenly missed me a little in the past two days?"

Suddenly, Lin Feng lowered his voice and said something. At that time, Reba was just stunned for a moment after hearing it. However, she soon understood what this joke between husband and wife meant.

"What are you talking about? I've been busy with these things these past two days. Why, do you miss me?"

"Yes, I do miss you, but there are some things I must tell you carefully. I think that now that we are married and have our own family, having a child is a must. It needs to be put on the agenda.”

"What do you mean? Didn't I say it before? Now, I have to take care of Yueyue's feelings. We can't have children. In this case, the harm to Yueyue must be too great. So, wait until Yueyue grows up. After slowly understanding these things, we can think about some things, isn’t it also okay?”

"I thought about it, if Yueyue still can't figure it out, then, even if she waits until she gets older, then this matter will be more troublesome. So, I don't want to wait any longer and see, maybe, wait If he was younger, he would be able to accept it easier."

"Are you sure? If I have a child, will you redistribute your love to this child? Or will you give all your love to another child?"

"Absolutely not. I, Lin Feng, will indeed have my own clear distinction between love and hate when doing this. I will definitely put both loves on the two children equally. Moreover, without bias, I will never Favoring one of the children is definitely my biological son, child."

"Tell me the truth, do you want a son?"

"If it's not like a son, then it's impossible for me to tell you these things at this time. Yes, I do want a son. If we are able, we'd better have one, but if we give birth to a son, we'd better have one." If he is still a daughter, don't worry, I don't have any patriarchal thoughts, there is absolutely no problem, and I will treat him as a son."

"You can pull me down. Now you have completely exposed your thoughts. You said you don't favor boys over girls. In fact, you just want a son. Am I right?"

"There is still a gap between fantasy and reality. Besides, I have always accepted reality. In addition, Yueyue is a daughter. Can you see that I treat him a little differently? I treat her a little differently. Aren’t you also very, very loving?”

"That's fine. Let's not talk nonsense. If you really want your own child, then we will let nature take its course. Everything will depend on how God arranges it."

"Okay, let's let nature take its course and see how God arranges it. Let's go, tonight is a good day, and I want to have a good night with you in the bridal chamber."

After saying this, Reba just stretched out her fist, and then lightly punched Lin Feng's chest. Finally, the two of them leaned on each other and walked out of the private room.

On the surface, it seemed that all the crises had passed. However, for some reason, Lin Feng suddenly woke up from his nightmare while sleeping until midnight.

He suddenly got up from the bed, and then he was panting heavily. He had just had a dream, and it was a very scary dream. It seems that he has not woken up from the dream yet. At this moment, the bedside lamp turned on, and it was obvious that Reba was awakened by Lin Feng.

"What's wrong with you? Did you have a nightmare? How about you? Are you okay?"

Reba was very nervous and asked with concern.

After hearing this, Lin Feng just shook his head gently, and then smiled helplessly.

"Do you know what dream I had? I dreamed of Da Mimi. She stood opposite me. Originally, she ran towards me, but suddenly she turned into a tiger. , and he opened his bloody mouth, there was even some blood flowing out of it, and then he ran towards me desperately."

"Otherwise, how afraid are you of this woman? You can actually imagine her as a tiger in your sleep. I think you are thinking too much. There is no such thing as This kind of thing happens.”

"Yes, it is indeed possible. Such a thing will not happen. However, I still dreamed about it in my dream. It means that dreams are usually the opposite. Therefore, in this case, it should not be able to transform into a tiger. , maybe it will turn into a gentle kitten, and then it will be at my mercy?"

"Then you are really overthinking. Sister Mi's character is not like this at all. She would rather be alone than show such weakness in front of others. So, do you want to see this? One side, I guess you can’t even see it in your dreams.”

"That's not necessarily true. Then maybe she wasn't pushed to a dead end at all? If it was, maybe it would be easier to say all this."

"Okay, let's not talk about this. Hurry up and go to bed early. Oh, look, it's already 3:00 in the morning. We should get up in a while."

While talking, Reba let out a long yawn, and then lay down on the bed again.

Although Lin Feng lay down, he still felt uneasy.

What exactly is this situation? Also, why do you suddenly have such an idea at this time?

What on earth did he go through? Or should I say, what should he go through? Tomorrow, whether all these things can proceed smoothly will inevitably make Lin Feng a little doubtful.

In the morning, the two of them had something to eat early, and then left home and went to the company.

After arriving at the company, it was just 8:00 in the morning, and Lin Feng turned on the computer on time, because he would go online today to start all the subsequent name changes.

Just when he was about to execute these procedures, suddenly, the desk phone rang. Lin Feng just picked it up and put it next to his ear. (End of chapter)

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