"Now, she just took 300 million in cash from me for no reason. Does he want it if he wants it? Moreover, I don't want them to use it yet. If that's the case, then you can Prepare the indictment for me as soon as possible. If she just wants to beg me to forgive her today, then there is no need for an interview on this matter."

"Okay, that's no problem. I can draft the relevant legal documents soon. Mr. Lin, do you think I should go back and prepare them right now?"

"If, once this matter is confirmed, when can we file the case at the earliest? Also, when can we recover the 300 million yuan?"

"Once we file the case, the funds on her account will be in danger of being frozen immediately. Therefore, if the money is still on the account, it is estimated that it should be retained, but if the money has been transferred, then we It means mortgaging her company’s assets, and in the end, the entire company may be sold to us.”

"Then it makes no sense. Her company has become an empty shell now. Even if it is mortgaged, I am afraid that it is not at the level we wanted to see before. I hope you will seize the time to prepare the relevant I will look at the rest of the legal documents in detail."

After explaining all this to the lawyer, the lawyer left in a hurry. Lin Feng turned around and looked at Reba, including the move that Damimi made this time, which indeed made him a little troubled. Suddenly, I never thought that this vicious woman could really do this?

"Reba, actually I know what you are thinking. Are you thinking, am I not going to give up on my own initiative? I tell you, I have settled this matter, but don't worry, this matter is not Re Jie participated, and Re Jie is just an ordinary employee in the company, so it will definitely not affect him. If it does affect him, then I will be merciful and will not put these things Submit it."

"Everything is his own choice, including the path he took today. Okay, let's not talk about this now. I want to see what the explanation they gave us is. What, let’s go, I’ll go with you.”

In fact, Reba was also full of curiosity at this time. Moreover, she clearly knew that she had made a mistake, and now she took the initiative to apologize. This did not seem to be Damimi's usual style of doing things. Therefore, her thoughts on this point There are still reservations.

Finally, she followed Lin Feng, and the two of them quickly came to the conference room, pushed open the door, and sure enough, what he saw was really Da Mi, Mi Xiaoyan, and Re Jie, sitting over there. It seems that I have been waiting for myself for a long time.

Just after he came in, he saw Da Mimi at a glance. It could be said that he was smiling. Therefore, just a smile made Reba a little confused. If he really came to sincerely apologize in person, why would it be? What about this expression?

Therefore, she can now basically conclude that she is definitely not here to apologize this time. "

"Damimi, what are you trying to do with me? When I was applying for renewal, I suddenly discovered that you had applied for property protection yesterday, so I can no longer do it. Changed, what kind of trick are you playing?"

Lin Feng didn't think about anything. Since he had already accomplished this, he didn't need to leave any chance for her here. In this case, it would save both of them time. "Yes, I know. When I came to see you just now, your secretary said that you were busy with something. I knew that you should be preparing to make this change online. However, I came here to tell you that yesterday I had already changed all of this, so you never have the chance to change these things."

"Why are you doing this? Moreover, we have signed a contract. If this is the case, do you know that what you are involved in now is commercial fraud, and this crime is very serious. What, this is really Are you planning to survive this calamity and not want to go on like this again?"

"Commercial fraud? Haha, yes, yes, I am indeed involved in commercial fraud now, and you now have complete evidence, and it is still ironclad evidence to sue me, but I am just telling you that you are suing me I’d better think twice before I act.”

After saying this, Lin Feng just frowned slightly. He suddenly felt that this woman was not here to ask for forgiveness, but to provoke. Moreover, she must have come prepared at this time. , she should be hiding something.

"What do you want to say? Also, is there anything that can threaten me? Don't forget, there is a contract between us, and you are involved in commercial fraud. This crime is very obvious."

"Yes, it is indeed very obvious. Do you know why I still chose to sign a contract with you yesterday, even though I knew that everything was a trap? I just want to get rid of you Get what I deserve here.”

"You should get something? You mean, you should get 300 million in cash from me, right? Don't forget, it's entirely your own fault that you got to where you are today. You were fooled. Why? You want me to compensate you for this money? Let me tell you, I will definitely pursue this matter."

"Okay, if you want to pursue it, that's your business. However, before pursuing it, should we talk about another matter? Okay, Lin Feng, I really didn't expect that he could actually calculate this against me. What's the point? Moreover, you also joined forces with some foreign consortium to defraud me of a total of 8 million in funds. Tell me, you really impressed me."

After Da Mimi said all this, in fact, Lin Feng seemed to have almost thought that it was probably because of all this that he took the initiative to come to the door at this time.

Yesterday, this was obviously the case, so, before yesterday's situation, he still signed the contract for himself in accordance with the previous regulations.

The purpose is to get the funds we negotiated. Now that the funds have arrived, he can turn his back and deny anyone, and he wants to start tracing some of his previous affairs? (End of chapter)

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