As Lin Feng spoke, he reached out and pointed over there. Finally, the two of them walked to the sofa over there, and then sat across from each other.

"Tell me, Mr. Lin, you have always been on the Three Treasures Palace for nothing. Moreover, this time, although it was a failure and 300 million in funds were indeed lost, for now, for us The normal operations of the company will not have much impact, some will be small, but don’t worry, I will find a way to turn around other projects as soon as possible."

In fact, Mr. Yang also feels a little regretful about the loss of 300 million yuan, but there is no way that things have reached this point. Even if he is regretful now, there is nothing that can be done to save it.

At that time, after Lin Feng heard these words, he just shook his head helplessly, and then let out a bitter smile. Everyone knew how much sadness and helplessness he contained.

"I had calculated everything, but I never thought that I would fall into the hands of a young man. Maybe I was a little too careless, but it doesn't matter, these three hundred million dollars are nothing, and , in the later stage, I will also make up for it from him, don’t worry, the loss of 300 million will be put on my head for the time being."

"I am wily and experienced, but this time, I was unexpectedly defeated by a young man. Maybe I was too confident that I did not expect to encounter such a setback. However, I will not be discouraged. , let alone give up my plan. Although the 300 million yuan is a big loss, it is not unbearable for me. Moreover, I know that this young man is not an ordinary person, he has Extraordinary potential and strength.”

"So, I plan to look for opportunities from him to regain my losses. Please rest assured that I will do my best to make this young man pay the price he deserves. I will pay close attention to his movements, understand his weaknesses, and formulate a plan A more thorough plan. I know the rules of the game in this world well, and I also know how to use the rules to get what I want. I will use smarter means and a more alert mind to regain the upper hand. I know that this process may It will be long, and it may be hard, but I will never give up. Because, I am the fighter who will never be defeated, and I am the one who will always have the last laugh.”

"Mr. Lin, what are you talking about? This company belongs to you, how can we put all this money on you? Besides, the company's current operation of large projects is still no problem. At that time, when we mobilized funds, It was transferred from those small projects last week, so there shouldn’t be much impact for the time being.”

"Okay, then tell me, how much funds are available on the company's books now?"

"Mr. Lin, your words are full of determination and domineering, which makes me and other subordinates deeply admire you. But I am really a little confused about what you said about counting this fund on you. After all, this company is yours , all profits and risks should be borne by you. However, regarding the company's current operating status, I must say frankly that large projects are operating smoothly and there is no big funding gap."

"At the beginning, in order to meet the funding needs of large projects, we allocated funds from some small projects. Although these small projects are small in scale, they are a stable source of income for the company and provide necessary support for the company's overall operations. Therefore, , I have no doubts about the statement that it won’t have much impact for the time being.”

"However, if you are asking about the funds available on the company's books, I must answer cautiously. According to the latest financial data I have obtained, the company currently has approximately 150 million available funds. This amount of funds is our carefully considered The final results cover all aspects of the company's daily operations, employee wages, taxes and fees. Although the amount is not huge, considering the competitive environment and policy adjustments we are facing, this fund should be enough to cope with the current situation. Operational needs." "Here, I want to emphasize that the success of the company's operations does not only depend on the amount of funds, but more importantly, our team, strategy and market positioning. We are confident in facing various challenges and passing Continuously innovate and optimize operating strategies to achieve sustained and stable development of the company. Therefore, Mr. Lin, please rest assured that we will do our best to contribute to the development of the company."

After saying this, Mr. Yang was suddenly stunned for a moment. Now that Lin Feng came up and told him about money, could it be possible that he was planning to take money from the company again? If that's the case, how much does he want this time? To be honest, he feels terrified even if he doesn't give out a single penny.

"Okay, more than 1 million, it seems that the funds are still far from enough. In addition, how many projects are our company negotiating now? If not, you can carefully translate all the contracts for me. Now, Which aspects of cultural construction do we focus on?"

"Mr. Lin, I remember I reported this to you before. It's okay. I'll take it over now, and then I'll tell you more about it."

At this time, he really didn't think much about it. Moreover, he was the actual controlling shareholder behind the company. At this time, it was normal for him to want to know about the company's normal operation. Finally, he brought all the documents over, and then explained the start of each project to Lin Feng in detail.

Such a large group company must have more than just one or two projects in its hands. Therefore, they now report a total of 17 projects, including 12 large projects and 5 small ones. There are still several projects under preparation and should be officially launched in the short term.

After listening to all these project analyzes and summaries, it was already nearly 12:00. At this time, Lin Feng just stood up and let out a long yawn. In fact, he had already finished most of what he just said. He was able to write it down, but there were some small items that he really didn't pay attention to.

"Look at this, what our company is currently investing in is a cultural film and television city. This should be the largest project under construction. At present, how far is the project progress?"

"The foundation has been laid in the early stage. In the later stage, we have found a contractor and should be on site soon. If we have sufficient funds in the later stage, it will take at most 12 months. 12 months will be very fast. It can be built to a high standard, and it will also be the best cultural film and television city in these provinces." (End of Chapter)

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