Chapter 79
The three women had already cooked the porridge just now, and now all that was left was cooking.

Not long after Liu Yifei left, Lin Feng remembered that there was no staple food at home, so he sent Liu Yifei a WeChat message and asked her to bring some staple food back.

At this moment, Lin Feng was cleaning up the mess in the kitchen.

The three women had made a mess in the kitchen before, cutting the vegetables into a mess and falling all over the floor. While Lin Feng was cleaning up, he was thinking about how to repair the chopped vegetables.

Tang Yan stood aside blankly, watching Lin Feng working happily, but she didn't know what to do.

"Lin Feng, what do you think I can do for you?"

"Just stay here for now. When I finish cleaning up, I will naturally arrange work for you."

Lin Feng always likes to do things independently, which may be related to the habit he has developed by raising his own children.

After everything was tidied up, he cut the potato strips Liu Sisi had cut into shredded potatoes with a knife.

Tang Yan was amazed by this skillful swordsmanship.

She was envious: "Which cooking school did you learn your knife skills at? I'll sign up for a class too."

"This is a boy's skill. You can't learn it from outside."

"Does Shaolin Temple still teach this?" Tang Yan asked seriously.

Lin Feng laughed at her worrying IQ and joked: "Yanyan, you are so silly and cute."

Tang Yan was confused: "My fans have the same opinion of me as you do. They all say I am stupid and sweet."

Lin Feng nodded in agreement: "It seems that is really the case."

As he spoke, he pointed to the cabinet above Tang Yan's head: "Help me get a bag of salt from the cabinet."


"Well, there's also sugar in it. You should be able to tell the difference between these two things, right?"

"Who do you look down on?"

As she spoke, she turned around, stood on tiptoes, and raised her arms.

The height of this cabinet is very high. Even though Tang Yan is 1.7 meters tall, it is still difficult to stand on tiptoes and raise her arms.

Now she was busy getting salt, and she seemed to have forgotten that she was wearing Liu Sisi's short and wide shirt today.

As he raised his hand, his short shirt followed his body, and from the angle Lin Feng was at, he could just see Tang Yan's scenery.

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng was stunned and reminded: "Yanyan, don't you feel that your upper body is quite cool?"

After listening, Tang Yan then remembered that her movements were probably too big and her shirt couldn't block certain places.

She took off the salt and handed it to Lin Feng. Her face was as red as a pepper: "What did you see?"

Lin Feng pretended to be innocent: "I didn't see anything!"

"Stay strong. Anyway, I'm wearing something underneath, so I'm not afraid of you seeing it. Besides, there aren't many people wearing beachwear all over the world, right?" Tang Yan explained.

"Well, what you said makes sense."

Lin Feng nodded in agreement.

She didn't expect that even Tang Yan, a conservative-minded woman, would be so liberal now.

The entertainment industry is such a big mess!
But this is also a trend. Now the audience likes to see celebrities wearing more revealing clothes. The less they wear, the more revealing they are, which proves that the more fashionable they are, the more avant-garde they are.

If you don't deliberately cater to the audience, you will definitely lose your job.

Look at every award ceremony, the female celebrities don't wear very cool clothes.

Just when Lin Feng was thinking about it, Tang Yan asked again: "What do you think of my sister's figure? Leave a comment on Dianping."

"Well, my sister has a great figure."

"Perfunctory! What's so great about it?"

Lin Feng turned around and glanced at her again, and said lightly: "I think your long legs are good, you can play with them... Forget it, they are very pretty anyway." Tang Yan asked again: "Then Da Mimi and I Whose legs do you like better?"

"Then you still need to ask? I refuse to answer this question."

"What color underwear am I wearing?"

"I'm color blind, but I guess it's black."

Tang Yan crossed her chest with her hands and looked at him with a wicked smile: "Didn't you just say nothing and didn't see it?"

"Um..." A little embarrassed, Lin Feng scratched his head and explained: "That's it. As for the rest, I didn't see anything else."

"Hmph! You are making excuses for yourself. Now you have become so dishonest." Tang Yan pretended to be angry.

"I've always been this virtuous. It's just that you didn't understand me before." Lin Feng instead asked Tang Yan, "Who did you learn the tricks from? You learned it badly!"

"If you don't do something, you won't tell the truth!"

"You've seen it all, and the truth doesn't matter anymore."

Tang Yan: "..."

After a brief contact, Tang Yan changed her previous evaluation of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng usually has the image of a stable father. After all, he is a father, so he can't be so out of tune with his actions and words.

However, when he was not in front of Yueyue, he still showed his true nature as a man.

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows at her and said with a playful smile, "It's not like I haven't seen it before."

In one sentence, some past events appeared in Tang Yan's mind.

That was when they were filming Fairy Sword, and Tang Yan was in a hurry to change clothes and couldn't find the dressing room.

She originally thought that Lin Feng was away filming, so she simply ran to his dressing room to change clothes.

But halfway through changing her clothes, she heard movement in the room, and then she realized that Lin Feng was sleeping in a pile of clothes.

Lin Feng was also woken up by her and witnessed the whole process of her changing clothes, but this guy didn't even say an apology.

Although it has been a long time since this incident, Tang Yan is still embarrassed when she thinks about it.

She glanced at the big boy in front of her. After all these years, his character had not changed at all.

Although time has left traces on his face, it has also added a lot of charm to him.

He still remembered Lin Feng at that time, young, immature, and energetic as he should be at that age.

Tang Yan once thought that with Lin Feng's talent, sooner or later he would become a first-line star.

did not expect……

Before Tang Yan entered the industry, Lin Feng was already a well-known child star.

When she learned that she had the opportunity to film a movie with Lin Feng, Tang Yan was so excited that she didn't sleep for two days, but at the same time, she was very scared.

She was afraid that Lin Feng would pretend to be a celebrity and treat her indifferently.

Because her heart has long been ready to move towards Lin Feng. If Lin Feng really ignored her and pretended to be cold, Tang Yan would feel very uncomfortable.

But after the contact, Tang Yan's worries were swept away.

Lin Feng is a warm-hearted man with a gentle and approachable personality. He also enthusiastically guides her on filming issues and even brings them snacks.

Since then, Tang Yan's affection for Lin Feng has gradually increased.

However, she kept this feeling buried deep in her heart and it was difficult for Lin Feng to discover it.

After coming back to her senses, Tang Yan said to Lin Feng: "You are already a father, why do you still speak so glibly?"

"This has nothing to do with being a father or not. This is a man's nature. Since the child is not here, I can't just take care of him." Lin Feng smiled and said, "Yanyan, it's time for you to talk about marriage. Is it the target?"

(End of this chapter)

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