"He can no longer trust anyone. No one in the company can influence his thoughts. He is the company's largest shareholder, so he has absolute veto power. No matter how much the other directors veto, then he can't You can continue this matter, so for now, you are the only one who can bring him back."

"Mr. Yang, do you know? I have told him many things before, and I really hope that he can look back and stop pursuing such crazy revenge. I even started to regret a little. Why did I have to talk to him in the first place? How about doing these things together? At the time, it was just a small fight, and at the same time, it was also to vent some bad anger, but who could have known that it would reach this point in the end? "

"So, you must find a way to bring him back, otherwise, the company will be completely destroyed. I have told you everything. He only gave me 7 days, so I will give you The time is also very short, two days, at most, two days, you must let him give up this idea, otherwise, it will be too late for all this."

"Okay, I understand, but I don't know if he can really accept what I said? I can only try. Okay, Mr. Yang, I'll trouble you then. What about the company? You keep an eye on it for me first, and another thing is that the money can never be withdrawn. The Cultural City has great potential, and the results will be seen immediately once construction starts."

"Of course, this is a project that our company has been planning for several years. Therefore, everyone in the city is paying attention to this matter. How could we just stop it? There will definitely be consequences for our reputation in the future. It’s a big impact, I definitely won’t do it now.”

"Okay, if anything happens, let's talk to each other, okay, you do this, I will figure out a way to handle the matter now."

Reba was quite happy and agreed without hesitation, but she also knew how difficult this matter was. Moreover, even after completing these things, could he really listen to her words?

Reba seemed to suddenly think of something, so she turned on her mobile phone and took another look at the inspection report. If she couldn't turn the tide and stop all this, then it was very likely that there would be something in her stomach. The child will be the hope of all these things.

During the day, Reba actually had a lot of fun playing with them. After all, it had been a long time since she had been able to play around the entire playground like a child.

Especially Yueyue, she was really happy, and that lasted until the afternoon, when they were about to leave, because Yueyue was already lying on his shoulder, drowsy.

"Did you see it? Children are like this. I remember when I was a child, every time I took her to play, she basically couldn't last the whole day. She usually fell asleep on the way. However, today she seems to I can’t bear it even more, oh, by the way, what time is it?”

Lin Feng held Yueyue in his arms while walking forward. Then, he looked back at Reba. Then, Reba took out her phone to check the time, and finally gestured in front of him.

"It's already 4 o'clock in the afternoon. It's been a long time to play. Let's go home first. Put the child on the bed and let her have a good rest. It's really not a problem to just lie on the shoulder and go to sleep. .”

"Okay, by the way, I see that you didn't eat much at noon. Are you not full? Otherwise, let's go home first, and then we go get some food. It's been another tiring day today, so don't Cooking is done at home.”

"I'm not hungry at all, and I have no appetite at all. Okay, let's talk about it after we get home. Come on, let's go back as soon as possible." Apart from feeling a little tired, Reba didn't feel anything else at all. , the only thing is that she really hopes that she and Lin Feng will have a chance to be alone together. Only in this way, maybe, can she reveal all the questions in her heart.

At nearly 5 o'clock, the three of them returned home smoothly. At this time, the first thing Lin Feng did when he returned was to put Yueyue on his bed. He lay there for a while and guarded her for a while. Made it out of the room.

"Don't tell me, the cute look of this little girl when she is sleeping is exactly the same as when she was a child. I haven't seen her in the past few days, but when I meet her suddenly like this, I still feel very friendly.

"I can see that you are a standard daughter slave. Can you give up everything for your daughter?"

"That's natural. If I really have to choose between my daughter and others, then there is no doubt that I will choose my daughter."

"Okay, if that's the case, then I can also ask you, if it were between your daughter and me, who would you choose? Or would you choose Yueyue and give up on me?"

Lin Feng was suddenly stunned. This was a multiple-choice question given by a woman. Moreover, he didn't know that there was no way to answer this multiple-choice question.

"You are asking me who I will save if you fall into the river at the same time as my mother. This question is the same. I tell you, this is simply an untenable question. Therefore, you will never exist. I will not choose between you and my daughter, because you and my daughter will always be by my side."

Reba didn't speak, just smiled. Obviously, she was not very satisfied with the answer, and she also knew what Lin Feng was thinking at this time.

"It's been a day. Although you told me in the morning that you didn't want to mention work for the time being, I still have to tell you. In addition, there is another thing that I heard today. Rejie Work on the set has already started over there, and he is probably preparing to finish filming the movie within a week."

"This is normal. Da MiMi will be back in a week. Therefore, once he comes back, the company may face restructuring, capital reform, and a series of other things. Therefore, they have a lot of work to do. At this time, Da Mi Mi must find himself. A trustworthy person."

"So, I'm not worried at all about Rejie's matter. On the contrary, I'm a little worried about your matter. And you didn't come back last night. Today, you told me that a temporary emergency board of directors was convened. So, what is the purpose of all this, can you tell me now?" (End of Chapter)

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