In the past, Lin Feng would never have called him. Since she had entrusted her child to herself, why would it be so unnecessary for her child to call her?

However, now Lin Feng unknowingly felt that his heart had begun to change quietly. He took out his mobile phone and called Da Mimi. According to the time difference, it should be already morning over there at this time. It's time.

The call was finally connected, which proved that he should have got off the plane now.

"Hey, what's wrong? Is there something wrong with Yueyue?"

When Da Mimi answered the phone, her tone seemed to become very nervous, because it had just exceeded one day, and at this time, normally, Lin Feng would never take the initiative to contact him. Is it possible? Did something really happen?

"You don't need to be so nervous. The child just wants to see if you have gotten there, and if everything is safe. You are here now, right?"

Hearing this, Da Mimi finally breathed a long sigh of relief. As long as the child is fine, then everything else will be fine.

"Yes, I'm already here, and I just walked out of the airport. It's not like I just got off the plane, and your call has already come in. Come on, give the phone to Yueyue, and I'll talk to her. "

"Yueyue, mom has already got off the plane. Oh, you tell mom."

Yueyue happily took the call.

"Mom, are you here already? Are you tired from flying? Mom, you must be very tired. Then you should go back to the hotel and have a good rest. It is said that their time is not the same as our time, right?"

"Haha, Yueyue is really sensible and knows how to care about her mother. Yes, the time is indeed different. If it is night at Yueyue's side, then it is daytime at Mom's side. Mom will go to the hotel immediately. What did Yueyue do today?"

"Today, my father and sister Reba took me to the amusement park and the underwater world. We played many, many projects. Mom, I am really happy today."

"Really? Then just stay there and be obedient. Mom will go back soon after she has finished her work in the past few days. Okay, Yueyue, mom is about to get in the car, so don't worry about it yet. Told you."

"Okay, bye mom."

"Wait a moment."

At this moment, she suddenly answered the phone. Da Mimi was suddenly stunned for a moment. She was about to hang up the phone. She didn't know what Lin Feng was going to say to her at this time.

"Lin Feng, I am abroad now, and time is very urgent. I have to get in the car right away. I really don't have time to listen to you cynicizing me."

"What are you talking about? Is it the so-called cynicism when I talk to you? I know why you are going this time, and I also hope that everything goes well for you."

"Hey, you, what did you say? Do you hope it goes well? Did I hear you right? Are you mentally ill?"

"If you think I'm sick, then maybe I am. Well, I wish you all the best and a triumphant return. When the time comes, we'll talk in detail after we meet. That's it." Lin Feng didn't want to talk to Da Mimi either. He had to explain too much, and besides, how he understood himself was up to him. He just wanted to give up this grudge, but he never thought about becoming good friends with Damimi.

Perhaps, the successful entry of her consortium can give Lin Feng some comfort, and it also proves that he does not need any help at this time, so his company can still tide over the difficulties.

This made Da Mimi stunned for a moment. With his sudden greeting, she didn't know what to do. Forget it, she couldn't care so much. She didn't know that this man was selling anything in the gourd. What kind of medicine.

After everything is settled in his company, then whatever other things he wants to do, he will have enough time and ability to deal with his counterattack.

"Okay Yueyue, now that my mother's call has been answered, can you rest well tonight?"

"Dad, do you know? I am really happy at this moment. I can accept Sister Rereba, and I also feel that the relationship between you and your mother does not seem to be as cold as before. ”

"Yueyue, wasn't my relationship with my mother like this before? Or did my mother tell you something?"

"Dad, actually mom didn't tell me anything. Although I asked a few questions intentionally or unintentionally, mom didn't reveal anything to me. It's just that when you were talking at that time, you actually seemed to think that I wasn't there. Around you, but sometimes I am on the second floor, sometimes outside the kitchen, and I can hear your conversation."

"Yueyue, the matter between father and mother is not as simple as you think. However, father only promises you that from now on, father and mother will never have the same attitude, and there will never be any disputes or quarrels, okay? good?"

"Dad, are you telling the truth? Didn't you lie to me?"

"How could dad lie to Yueyue? Therefore, what dad said must be done. Can you go to bed and rest now?"

"Okay, Dad, then I understand, and I will be obedient."

After she finished speaking, she lay down, then held Lin Feng tightly in her arms, and fell asleep peacefully.

Unconsciously, Lin Feng had already entered a dream. He originally thought that he would have a sleepless night, but who knew that he would fall asleep so quickly.

It may be that he has figured out a lot of things, or it may be that he suddenly let go of all the burdens in his heart at this moment. If this is the case, then Lin Feng believes that what he has to face next should be easy to handle. And the rest will be treated.

On the morning of the second day, Lin Feng opened his eyes early and checked the time. Now, it was just 2:5 in the morning. So, he looked back and saw that Yueyue was still asleep at this time.

He quietly pushed Yueyue out of his arms. , then, covering her with a quilt, she walked out of the room.

He walked outside Reba's room and listened carefully. There was no movement inside. Reba could sleep until 6:00 or 7:00 half the time, but he would definitely not be able to wake up. (End of chapter)

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