Chapter 8 No money to buy durian

"There are no restrictions on fruits, Yueyue can choose whatever she wants."

After receiving Lin Feng's permission, Yueyue said without hesitation: "Watermelon, cherry, cherry, and dragon fruit."

"Okay! Eating fruits can supplement vitamins and various trace elements. Dad will buy you more!"

Lin Feng put the fruits selected by Yueyue into the shopping cart one by one.

"Dad, let me help you."

Yueyue aimed at a big watermelon and tried to hug it.

It's a pity that she overestimated her ability and tried her best to move the big watermelon.

Just when she was about to give up, Lin Feng's voice came.

"Come on, try harder!"

Inspired, Yueyue gritted her teeth and tried again, but it still didn't work and she turned her head helplessly.

Lin Feng, who was watching the show with his hands on his hips, sneered: "Can't move it? Dad should do it."

With that said, Lin Feng easily lifted the watermelon and put it in the shopping cart.

"Dad, you're so awesome! You can even lift a watermelon." Yueyue admired her very much.

Lin Feng smacked his lips, are you praising me, praising me, or praising me?
The live broadcast room burst into laughter again.

"Haha, Yueyue's rainbow farts are so unique."

"Why did Lin Feng go there earlier? Think about it, Yueyue is still so young, can she carry a watermelon? You like to see children make fools of themselves, don't you?"

"Yueyue, the cute little girl, often comes up with golden quotes."

"I miss you so much~ Yueyue's little fleshy face, it's so cute to me."

"50 people watched the father and daughter move watermelons online, and I was also drunk."


Indeed, when the show first aired, the popularity of Lin Feng's live broadcast room was still at the bottom among several groups of families.Just because the two people's happy daily life became popular on Douyin, it attracted a lot of traffic to the live broadcast room.

With their cute baby and resentful dad, this funny father and daughter instantly attracted many fans, including many grandma fans.

Um?Why does it stink?
Yueyue smelled the long-lost stench, sniffed and ran over looking for the stench. She looked surprised when she saw the durians on the shelves.

She waved her little hand and called Lin Feng over: "Dad, I want to eat durian!"

Lin Feng twitched the corner of his mouth and looked embarrassed: "Yueyue, why don't we... buy something else."

He has a natural aversion to durians, which are stinky and disgusting to smell.

Yueyue had a headache for several days after taking it once.

"Good dad, I haven't eaten durian for a long time, just buy me one."

Seeing that Lin Feng was unmoved, Yueyue took his hand and started to twist her butt.

The little guy's coquettish look is really annoying and endearing.

Lin Feng was helpless: "Can Yueyue listen to her father?"

The little guy nodded expectantly.

"Since Yueyue is obedient, dad won't buy it."

Yueyue said angrily: "Dad doesn't play by the rules and deceives my feelings. I will never listen to you again."

"You don't listen to dad, and you still want to eat durian?" Lin Feng smirked.

"No, please dad, can you still wake up if I hide in the bathroom to eat?"

Hiding in the bathroom to eat durian?

Not enough, right?
Lin Feng was confused.

At this time, a mother and son passed by.

"Mom, I want to eat durian." The son said.

"Hurry up, this thing is so expensive, I don't have the money to buy it for you!"

Saying that, the mother dragged her son and quickly escaped.Yueyue looked at the two people's retreating figures and scratched her little head.

"Dad, do you have no money too?"

Lin Feng was confused again. What was this kid thinking? Can our family still not be able to afford durian?
Just when he was confused, Yueyue spoke decisively.

"Dad, don't be sad. It's okay. I won't eat durian." The little guy grinned again, "When I go to college, I can find a good job and earn money to support dad."

"Okay. Thank you Yueyue."

Feeling the strange looks around him, Lin Feng uttered a few words in embarrassment.

Yueyue looked innocent: "You're welcome, you should honor your father."

Lin Feng almost died on the spot. This girl looked very smart, but her head seemed to be missing a string, so she couldn't speak out.

"Haha, Yueyue touched my smile point again."

"I think this girl is reliable. If Lin Feng can't afford it, let me do it."

"No, is Lin Feng's current economic situation so bad? He can't bear to buy durians for his children?"

"For a washed-up star with little income, how can his conditions be any better?"

"No, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse."

"Looking at the decoration at Lin Feng's house, I guess life is not easy. If you have money, you won't be able to satisfy your children with durians."

"What you said upstairs makes sense. Lin Feng is really poor. Why don't you donate some money to help him? It's not easy to raise a child alone."

"Oh, how pitiful. Yueyue is not sad, grandma will buy you durian."

Seeing Lin Feng's embarrassment, the audience in the live broadcast room further confirmed their thoughts. It is really too miserable for a has-been star to not be able to satisfy his daughter's desire to eat durian.

The photographer who was following the photo couldn't keep going anymore. He tugged at the corner of Lin Feng's clothes and whispered, "Teacher Lin, why don't you buy one for Yueyue? Money can't be saved that way."

Lin Feng frowned, confused.

You all think you don’t buy durians because you don’t have enough money, right?
I'm rich, I don't pick, I'm allergic to durian, the smell makes me sick.

Well, you win.

Faced with everyone's contemptuous gazes, Lin Feng gritted his teeth.


Lin Feng picked up a durian in disgust and threw it into the shopping cart.

"Dad, if we don't have money to buy it, don't buy it." Yueyue comforted him kindly, "If we don't have money to buy it and it's not shabby, it's okay if I don't eat it."

Lin Feng laughed dryly: "Just buy it, don't talk too much. It's not that dad can't afford it, but he just can't smell the smell of durian. Go back and eat it by yourself, you know?"

"Yeah, I know!"

Although Yueyue was a little ecstatic at this time, she still couldn't bear to see Lin Feng swollen his face and pretended to be fat.

Uncle Xu Yang said that his father had no money, which was absolutely true.

He is just quite poor.

At worst, I should go back and lend him my New Year's money first.

Yueyue made secret calculations in her heart.

Lin Feng obviously didn't notice anything strange about Yue Yue. After buying the fruits, he carried Yue Yue to the shopping cart and pushed the cart to the vegetable area.

Yueyue wasn't interested in vegetables, and Lin Feng didn't ask for her opinion.

I picked some spinach, rapeseed, broccoli, and small rapeseed and put them in the shopping cart.

Seeing this, Yueyue frowned: "Dad, I don't want to eat these vegetables, I want to eat tomatoes."

Lin Feng ignored it, picked another handful of cabbage, put it in the car, and then said, "Dad can eat whatever he buys. You can't just pick tomatoes all the time. You're called a picky eater."

"You will bully me. Aren't you also a picky eater?"

"Don't talk nonsense, I don't."

"Humph, these vegetables you bought are all what you like to eat. Isn't this called picky eating? Have you ever considered my feelings? I don't like eating these vegetable leaves at all."

(End of this chapter)

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