Chapter 89
This is her view on love. When looking for a boyfriend, just consider whether you like it or not. Other things are not important at all.

Lin Feng has been in silence, thinking about what Liu Sisi said just now.

He has no plans to remarry, but Liu Sisi and Lin Feng think together in this regard.

Liu Sisi asked: "Have you considered it? But if you really want to marry me, I will reluctantly agree to it. I can change any decision for you."

Lin Feng had mixed emotions and was a little overwhelmed looking at Liu Sisi's sincere eyes.

As a girl, it must take a lot of courage for Liu Sisi to be able to open up her heart and tell herself such inner thoughts.

At this moment, Lin Feng was really moved by Liu Yifei's sincerity. Now that he has done this, it is no longer appropriate to pretend to be a grandson.

Liu Sisi noticed a slight change in Lin Feng's expression and continued to strengthen her offensive.

"I said, I've told you so much, you can't just say nothing, right? You're already a father, do you still need a girl to take the initiative in this matter?"

As she said that, Liu Sisi put her head directly close to Lin Feng's chest like a little bird.

Lin Feng refused to hide and allowed Liu Sisi to come closer.

Then, he picked up Liu Sisi, got up and walked to the bedroom.

The next day, Lin Feng was woken up by the alarm clock. Because he slept too late last night, and he had to get up early to record a show, he was afraid that he would oversleep, so he set the alarm clock.

After getting up, Lin Feng gently pushed Liu Sisi, who was sleeping next to him, and urged her to get up quickly, otherwise she might be in trouble if she was bumped into by Yue Yue and the program crew.

After she got up, she went to rummage through her suitcase, put on some clothes, and then dragged her tired body to wash up.

Lin Feng was also getting up slowly. On normal days, Lin Feng might get up very late.

But today was different. There was an extra woman in the family, and he had to deal with the aftermath quickly.

After getting up, I started to clean up the battlefield.

He cleaned up some small debris, paper, etc. that fell on the ground and threw them into the trash can. Then he took out the trash bag and replaced it with a new one.

After that, he went to help Liu Sisi pack her suitcase.

The suitcase was extremely messy, and several pieces of clothing were thrown on the sofa by Liu Sisi.

Lin Feng complained while sorting it out, why this woman's suitcase looked like a trash can.

Being such an adult, it’s hard to pack a suitcase.

When Liu Sisi came out of the shower, she happened to see Lin Feng pinching her underwear.

Lin Feng didn't have any hobby in this area, but Liu Sisi's underwear was scattered on the ground. He pinched it when he picked it up.

Liu Sisi reminded in a low voice: "Lin Feng, don't squeeze it randomly, it will break."

Lin Feng quickly packed all her things into the suitcase, zipped it up, and put it in front of Liu Sisi.

Liu Sisi said dissatisfied: "You are so anxious to drive me away, making us feel like we have done something shameful."

"Well, it's almost the same anyway. Let's go quickly. We won't be able to explain it when the people from the program team bump into us later. You don't want any scandal to spread, do you?" Lin Feng raised his eyebrows.

Liu Sisi said: "I'm not afraid, I don't want to leave yet."

"Then I estimate that today's hot search will definitely be about you staying at my house."

Lin Feng is not an alarmist. He doesn't know exactly how many fans he has.

But Liu Sisi's 8000 million fans on Weibo are there. If the overnight stay is really going to be spread online, think about how powerful these 8000 million fans will be.

Liu Sisi said with disdain: "I'm not afraid anyway. The worst thing is that I won't be a star. What, are you afraid of the collapse of your house?"

"I don't have a house, so I'm useless." Liu Sisi chuckled: "You have a pretty clear understanding of yourself."

After saying this, Liu Sisi and her suitcase were pushed to the door by Lin Feng.

"Okay, go home quickly and catch up on your beauty sleep if you don't wake up."

Without any explanation, Lin Feng opened the door and threw Liu Sisi and her suitcase out.

By the time Liu Sisi reacted, she was already standing at the door of her house.

What a disloyal person, treating yourself so rudely.

She grabbed Lin Feng's arm and said coquettishly: "My arm hurts and my whole body hurts. It's all because of you. As punishment, you carry my suitcase into the house. Isn't that too much?"

This is blatant cheating, right?

However, Liu Sisi's coquettish behavior really gave people an irresistible attitude.

Since she said so, she can't be unreasonable.

Even if she wasn't blackmailing someone, she had no reason to refuse such a request from a girl.

When Liu Sisi opened the door, Lin Feng carried her suitcase into the room.

Looking up, Liu Sisi's room was really dirty and messy.

Lin Feng frowned and said, "Sisi, your home is too dirty."

Facing Lin Feng's disdain, Liu Sisi looked indifferent: "If it wasn't dirty, why did I stay at your house last night? You took advantage of me."

Lin Feng was speechless for a while, why do you mean I am getting a big deal? This is voluntary, right?

Liu Sisi smiled and continued: "By the way, what are your plans with Yueyue today?"

"not yet."

Liu Sisi rolled her eyes and suggested: "Why don't you come together to help me clean the house? Do you have the material even if you don't have to shoot it?"

Lin Feng raised the corners of his mouth slightly, pinched her cheek, and said, "I'm not that stupid yet."

Liu Sisi smiled evilly and said, "Yes, I didn't expect you to be quite smart."

"Let's do this. I'll send you the phone numbers of some housekeeping companies later. You can contact them and hire a few people to clean them for you." Lin Feng raised his eyebrows.

"I don't want to clean it up. I just have a reason to sleep at your house every day."

"If you have this idea, I don't have any objection. I'm just afraid that your body won't be able to bear it."

Liu Sisi's pretty face blushed, and she thought to herself: Well, you are quite good at flirting, and you teased me to the point of elation.

Lin Feng didn't stay any longer, waved his hand and said: "I guess Yueyue will wake up soon, I have to go home quickly."

"Okay, let you go."

Liu Sisi said reluctantly, put her hands on Lin Feng's shoulders, hugged his neck, then stood on tiptoes and met Lin Feng's lips.

A few seconds later, Lin Feng licked his lips and asked, "Is this the end? I haven't satisfied my craving yet?"

Liu Sisi looked at him with resentful eyes. She didn't have enough, right?
Before she understood what was going on, Lin Feng's big hands hugged her waist. Then she leaned forward and was kissed by Lin Feng unexpectedly.

The two could not be separated for a long time.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps came from the corridor, and someone was coming.

(End of this chapter)

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