Chapter 91 New Mission

Yueyue's words made the audience in the live broadcast room laugh again.


"Yueyue is really imaginative."

"Hello, Goddess Sisi, we meet again!"

"It turns out that this is how to chase a girlfriend. I've learned a lot!"

"Liu Sisi: I stand still, Lin Feng, come after me!"

"Liu Sisi is really well-intentioned, and she's starting to trick Yueyue."

"I think it's impossible for Sisi to fall in love with Lin Feng. Lin Feng is single with a baby, and Liu Sisi is a young lady. There is still some gap between the two."

There is a gap, but it's just the opposite.

Liu Sisi always felt that she was not good enough for Lin Feng. Although they had only been separated for a short time, she could not stop worrying about Lin Feng for a moment, so she used the excuse of cheating in order to stay with Lin Feng for a while.

However, after eating, she went home.

The house still needs to be cleaned, so we can't stay at Lin Feng's house every night.

She wanted to do this, but I'm afraid Lin Feng wouldn't allow it.

Liu Sisi contacted a housekeeping company, and now she just waited for the cleaning staff to come and clean her house.

After Lin Feng and Yueyue finished eating, they received tasks assigned by the program team.

Previously, Lin Feng believed that the show was just about capturing the daily lives of guests and cute kids, and would not interfere too much with their daily lives. If this was the case, Lin Feng had no objection at all.

No, the program team assigned the task today, and Lin Feng's beautiful fantasy was shattered.

The task is very simple, that is, let the children complete the task of washing clothes.

Note, it is hand washable.

Considering that the children are still young and may not have washed clothes before, the dads can provide guidance, but only verbal guidance and no hands-on help.

Lin Feng still has great confidence in Yueyue's ability to successfully complete the task. The little guy usually likes to do housework, and recently learned to wash dishes. The methods of washing clothes and washing dishes are similar. Pour some laundry detergent into the water, and then Just rub your clothes.

At this moment, Yueyue had already collected a large basin of water, moved a small bench and sat down.

Before, Lin Feng asked what kind of clothes to wash, and Yueyue very thoughtfully said that she would wash the dirty clothes that Lin Feng had changed.

These words made Lin Feng very happy. It was great that Yueyue had the idea of ​​washing clothes for her father at such a young age.

Lin Feng gave her a T-shirt he had just changed into. The little guy threw it into the water, held a corner of the T-shirt and spun it around in the basin.

Lin Feng, who was standing aside, frowned and said, "Yueyue, are you washing clothes or playing with water?"


"Does anyone wash clothes like you?"

Yueyue still said plausibly: "Isn't this how washing machines wash?"

Lin Feng: "..."

He usually washes clothes in a washing machine. Yueyue has never seen how to wash clothes by hand. She has only seen how a washing machine washes clothes by spinning them.

Therefore, Yueyue took it for granted that she could wash the clothes by just putting them in the water and swirling them around.

Lin Feng explained: "Yueyue, the washing machine washes the clothes by rotating quickly. Your manual speed is too slow. How can you wash the clothes like this?"

Yueyue giggled: "Then it would be better if I turned a little faster."

As she spoke, she sped up her rotation, and the T-shirt in her hand was spinning in circles in the basin. Because the speed was too fast, the splashing water wet her clothes.

"Dad, do you think this speed is okay? If not, I'll go faster."

Lin Feng felt dizzy for a while.

The audience in the live broadcast room laughed again.

"Yueyue, haven't you ever seen adults washing clothes? Haha, isn't this a bit too silly?"

"Isn't that how washing machines wash? Yueyue did it right!" "Lin Feng's blood pressure is high again."

"Lin Feng, please teach Yueyue, can you wash clothes cleanly like this?"


Lin Feng put his hands on his hips and stood silently watching Yueyue wash clothes.

The little guy held her clothes and moved quickly in the water. After a while, her speed slowly slowed down. Lin Feng could see that Yueyue was tired.

Immediately afterwards, Yueyue stopped, raised her head and asked Lin Feng: "Dad, have you seen that the clothes are washed? I really can't turn, my arms are sore."

Lin Feng didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "It's just that your arms are sore. How can you wash clothes like this? You need to add laundry detergent first."

Yueyue looked unhappy, why didn't this stinky dad tell me earlier.

She came back with a 5-kilogram bucket of laundry detergent and asked, "Dad, the laundry detergent is here, what next?"

Probably because she can play with water, Yueyue is also very enthusiastic about washing clothes. Although she is a little tired from washing clothes just now, she does not feel dissatisfied at all.

Lin Feng directed: "Then pour the laundry detergent into the water."

"it is good!"

Yueyue responded, then threw the laundry detergent bottle into the basin.

Lin Feng was immediately dumbfounded.

Why is there still such an operation? Could it be that he didn't explain it clearly to Yueyue just now?

Yueyue really didn't mean to be angry with Lin Feng. She had never seen an adult wash clothes, so she did whatever Lin Feng said. When she saw Lin Feng's confused expression, she was still a little confused.

"What's wrong, Dad? Did I do something wrong?"


"You're laughing so hard, are you using laundry detergent as soap?"

"Yueyue is such a little genius!"

"Watch your words. No one is allowed to say that my Yueyue is stupid. She is just not very smart."

"This is all Lin Feng's fault. She didn't make it clear to Yueyue."


After a short silence, Lin Feng couldn't help it and burst out laughing.

The cameraman on the side was also caught off guard by Yueyue, laughing so hard that the earth shook.

Yueyue looked at them confused, knowing that she must have made a joke again, but she didn't know what she did wrong.

Dad told her to throw the laundry detergent into the water, so she did.

Yueyue scratched the back of her head and asked angrily: "Dad, why are you laughing?"

Lin Feng forcibly stopped laughing and fished out the laundry detergent from the water.

"Yueyue, don't throw the whole laundry detergent into the water. You have to open the lid and pour a little bit into the basin."

Yueyue rolled her eyes at him: "It's not like you didn't make it clear to me. How can you blame me?"

"Okay, okay, it's my fault. Dad is wrong, okay, please don't be angry with Dad."

"Okay, I forgive you." Yueyue was very proud and took the laundry detergent from Lin Feng's hand, but her hands were too small and she couldn't twist the lid at all.

Lin Feng offered his hand again and helped her unscrew the lid.

Next, Yueyue poured laundry detergent into the basin. Lin Feng accidentally poured the entire bottle of laundry detergent into it.

Lin Feng saw this and quickly stopped her: "Yueyue, that's enough, you poured too much."

"Is it enough to just pour it in a small amount? Can the clothes be washed clean like this?"

(End of this chapter)

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