Chapter 93 One-stop service
After hearing what Lin Feng said, Yueyue smiled even more happily. She couldn't tell that Lin Feng was speaking sarcastically.

Lin Feng walked over and lifted Yueyue out of the basin with one hand.

The little one was soaked all over, and the water couldn't help flowing from her body.

"It's so fun. Dad, can you hang me on the hanger so I can swing on it?"

Yueyue clapped her hands and applauded.

Here, Lin Feng was almost angry, but the atmosphere in the live broadcast room was very happy.

"Haha, Yueyue laughed to death."

"Lin Feng's face turned green with anger."

"Lin Feng held Yueyue up as if he were catching a chicken."

"Will Lin Feng hit Yueyue?"


Lin Feng was originally very angry, but when he thought about all the naughty children at home, Yue Yue was still obedient.

Fortunately, the water Yueyue received was warm, so she wouldn't catch a cold when she soaked in the basin. Otherwise, the little one would have taken another day trip to the hospital.

Lin Feng brought a bath towel and asked Yueyue to take off her clothes, then wrapped the little guy in the bath towel and carried him into the bedroom.

Only then did Yueyue feel a little cold. She wrapped the bath towel tightly around her body and shivered.

Lin Feng pinched her nose and warned: "Yueyue, don't do this again!"

"What's wrong dad?"

"The water in the water pipe is too cold, isn't Yueyue afraid of getting sick? She needs an injection!"

Lin Feng calmly explained it to the little guy, but Yueyue was quite honest and nodded obediently.

Lin Feng helped Yueyue dry the water on her body and found a new set of clothes for her to put on. After that, Lin Feng went to the bathroom to clean up.

The bathroom floor was already full of water, and it was also laundry detergent. It was extremely slippery when you stepped on it.

Lin Feng carefully lifted the basin and poured the water into the pool.Then use a mop to dry all the water on the floor.

After doing all this, Lin Feng called Yueyue over again.

He asked Yueyue to get another basin of water and watched the little guy wash his clothes.

Lin Feng did not dare to take it lightly. He had been patiently guiding Yueyue while she was washing clothes.

In this way, Yueyue successfully completed the task of washing clothes.

Although there was a little hiccup in this process, fortunately Yueyue also gained a skill in washing clothes by hand.

Dad Tian Liang's mission didn't go very smoothly either.

My son, the handsome boy, has never done housework since he was a child, and like his father Tian Liang, he has mysophobia.

When he learned that the task was to wash clothes by hand, he instinctively resisted the task.

Tian Liang connected the laundry water for him, and then asked the handsome boy to wash his own smelly socks. The handsome boy had a mysophobia and refused to wash them, saying that the socks were dirty and smelly, so he couldn't do it.

Helpless, Tian Liang found another pair of pajamas for him, but the handsome boy refused to wash them for various reasons.

Tian Liang also tried his best to coax and lie, and finally persuaded the handsome boy to do the laundry obediently.

But it's not over yet.

The little handsome boy was a little different from other children. He was disgusted with bubbles. When he saw so many bubbles in the water, he burst into tears again.

Tian Liang, who was standing aside, was at his wits' end and felt a sharp pain in his head.

If it weren't for the presence of cameras, Tian Liang would have exploded long ago.

However, he still has to work hard to create the persona of a kind father in front of the camera.

Although he couldn't suppress his anger for a long time, he still put on a smile and said nice things to the little handsome boy over and over again to please the little guy.

As long as the handsome boy can be made happy, he will be willing to wash clothes.Tian Liang kept talking to the little handsome boy for more than ten minutes, and then the little handsome boy reluctantly reached out and washed his hands in the basin.

Then, his mission is completed.

Netizens have compared Yueyue with the handsome boy. In comparison, Yueyue is still well-behaved and sensible. Although she has also gotten into trouble, this is normal.

Moreover, Yueyue completed the task to a very high standard, washing Lin Feng's T-shirt cleanly.

Return to Lin Feng.

After he and Yueyue completed their mission, they were thinking about what to have for lunch.

After experiencing the last incident where he was hospitalized after eating the wrong thing, Lin Feng also gained a better memory. From now on, he will cook at home unless there are special circumstances. After all, he can feel at ease only when he eats his own food.

Just as I was about to check out what other ingredients I had at home, the moment I opened the refrigerator, others were also stunned.

There were only two cucumbers left in the refrigerator, and then he remembered that yesterday Liu Sisi and the others had finished eating everything they could eat at home.

So, Lin Feng was going to take Yueyue to purchase some more ingredients.

He drove to the vegetable market.

It's the same vegetable market where they sell soybean sprouts. This vegetable market is the largest vegetable market nearby. There are a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, and they are very fresh.

Lin Feng didn't know there was such a good place before, but after selling soybean sprouts that time, he and Yueyue also fell in love with this place.

After stopping the car nearby, Lin Feng led Yueyue straight to the vegetable market.

Yueyue was jumping up and down, and she was in a good mood.

"Dad, have you seen a dragon?" Yueyue asked.

"I haven't seen it before. Dragons are legendary animals and do not exist in reality."

"Look over there, it says something like one-stop service?"

Yueyue pointed to a banner on the door not far away and said that although she didn't know much about literacy, she still knew some common words.

Lin Feng looked up and saw the words on the banner: Integrity Home Decoration One-stop Service.

He smiled faintly and really couldn't think of how to explain this problem to Yueyue.

Yueyue said again: "Dad, why don't you take me to try it? I also want to be served by the dragon."

Lin Feng's mouth twitched and he was speechless for a while.

The barrage in the live broadcast room...

"Haha, my daily fun comes from Yueyue."

"Well, I was once served by a dragon."

"The old man upstairs is not serious. The identification is complete."

"With a good-looking body and an interesting soul, Yueyue is invincible!"


Yueyue, a clever little girl, is okay if she doesn't speak. Every time she speaks, she can make the audience in the live broadcast room laugh.Many viewers came to the live broadcast room not only to watch Lin Feng, but also to listen to Yueyue's jokes.

Yueyue is like an invisible joker, making laughter for the audience all the time.

Lin Feng remained silent, thinking about how to answer Yueyue's question.

"Yueyue, this one-stop service is not really about a dragon serving you, but..."

Yueyue looked at Lin Feng with curious eyes, expecting his answer.

Lin Feng paused and organized the words in his mind, trying to explain this "one-stop service" to Yueyue in the most straightforward and popular terms.

"This one-stop service means that this store's services are very comprehensive and meet all the needs of customers from beginning to end. You only need to go to their store and all the problems will be solved."

(End of this chapter)

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