Chapter 95 Liu Xiaoli visits the class

Yueyue's clingy and cute look made Liu Yifei laugh.

At the moment, Liu Yifei is staying on the set with nothing to do. It has become her habit to open Lin Feng's live broadcast room every day in her spare time.

Liu Yifei's feelings for Yueyue are self-evident. Although Yueyue is not her biological daughter, Liu Yifei is particularly fond of this little guy.

She always felt that Yueyue was her lost daughter in her previous life.

When she saw Yue Yue acting coquettishly and showing cute tricks to Lin Feng, she even smiled from ear to ear.

It happened that this scene was seen by her mother Liu Xiaoli.

Liu Xiaoli came to the set to visit and saw Liu Yifei smiling so gaffefully, and she suddenly felt dissatisfied.

She didn't need to guess, she already thought that this girl must be watching Lin Feng's live broadcast.

I don't know what kind of evil possessed Liu Yifei. She was so fascinated by Lin Feng and her daughter that she couldn't even do her job well.

Also, she felt that she was increasingly unable to control her daughter.

In the past, Liu Yifei was obedient to her, but now she always feels that this daughter has her own agenda and is hiding many things from her.

Liu Xiaoli felt something was wrong and guessed that Liu Yifei's change was closely related to Lin Feng.

At this time, Liu Yifei hadn't noticed Liu Xiaoli's arrival yet, and was holding her mobile phone and watching in fascination.

Liu Xiaoli quietly walked over and took a look. Sure enough, her daughter was watching Lin Feng's video.

She said calmly: "Feifei, your smile is too exaggerated. Do you still look like a girl?"

Liu Yifei swayed, obviously startled by the sudden sound.

She raised her head sharply and complained: "Mom, why did you startle me so much?"

Liu Xiaoli was outspoken and could never hide her words, so she questioned Liu Yifei.

"Feifei, tell me the truth, are you still in contact with Lin Feng?"

"Yeah, what's the problem?"

"What other questions are there?" Liu Xiaoli looked like she hated iron, "How did I tell you before, stay away from Lin Feng and don't have too much contact with him. What benefits can he bring to you? This kind of man is not worth investing too much time and energy in him. You have to put your career first now, do you understand?"

Liu Xiaoli had been disgusted and dissatisfied with Lin Feng for more than a day or two. She used to tell Liu Yifei to stay away from Lin Feng, but her daughter couldn't listen.

It happened that Liu Yifei was watching Lin Feng's live broadcast today and she bumped into it. She also wanted to take this opportunity to give Liu Yifei a good beating.

Hearing what her mother said, Liu Yifei was obviously a little unhappy. She did not contradict Liu Xiaoli, but her gloomy face seemed to express protest.

Liu Xiaoli continued: "Feifei, with your current popularity and status, you can't pick and choose what kind of good man you want. Why do you have to find a has-been star with a baby? I really don't know what you think. .”

Because she was on a set and there were many staff nearby, Liu Xiaoli was afraid of being heard by outsiders, so she kept her voice low when she spoke.

Liu Yifei argued: "Mom, I'm not a child anymore. I can handle my own affairs, so don't worry about it."

"Feifei, marriage is a matter of your whole life. What's the matter with Mom saying a few more words? I find that you are in a state of insecurity now, right?"

"No. I will listen to whatever you say about other matters, but I have my own plans regarding the matter between Lin Feng and me."

For the first time, Liu Yifei gave Liu Xiaoli an annoyed look, and Liu Xiaoli couldn't stand it any longer.

"What are your plans? Aren't I afraid that you will be deceived? You have strong wings now, right? I will tell you today that as long as I live for one day, there will be no chance for you and Lin Feng. If you don't believe me, let's wait and see!"

"At worst, I'll never get married. What am I afraid of?" "You!"

Liu Xiaoli was so angry that she was out of breath. This was the first time Liu Yifei had spoken to her in such a tone.

This unlucky daughter wants to push her head into the crematorium!

Liu Xiaoli was so angry that she slapped Liu Yifei hard on the forehead, and a red palm mark was branded on Liu Yifei's forehead.

Liu Yifei actually became much calmer.

"Mom, please don't interfere with me and Lin Feng, okay?"

Liu Yifei pleaded that her life had been controlled by her mother since she was a child.

This time when facing love, she didn't want to compromise.

"I'm just wondering, what kind of ecstasy soup did Lin Feng fill you with?"

Seeing Liu Yifei's determined look, Liu Xiaoli sighed heavily.

I can't argue with it!
This daughter is really hopeless!
She calmed down a little and lowered her attitude a little: "Feifei, have you ever thought about it. Lin Feng is divorced and has a baby. You marry him and you will be a stepmother in the future. "

"What's this, that second-married people in today's society don't have?"

"That's not okay." Liu Xiaoli said without any doubt, "Anyway, I just don't agree with you two."

"With your conditions, you can't find any kind of good man. You can't choose between a big boss, a young man, or a big corporate executive. Why do you have to hang yourself on a tree?"

Liu Yifei said calmly: "I know my conditions are very good, but conditions and love are two different things. In the face of money and power, is it wrong for me to choose love?"

"Feifei, is your brain soaked in water? Although you are rich, there are many people with better conditions than you. You have worked hard for so many years, isn't it just to find a well-matched man to marry? Lin Feng He can’t give you anything, but will hold you back!”

"I work so hard just because I want to choose my own life. I don't like any of those rich, handsome, rich and powerful bosses. In this life, I will not marry anyone other than Lin Feng!"

"Silly girl!"

Liu Xiaoli stomped her foot hard.

There were many people at the scene, and she couldn't be too impulsive, so she had to swallow her anger.

Seeing Liu Yifei's face of determination, it was pointless to continue talking, so she could only choose to shut up.

In the past few years, Liu Xiaoli has been worried about Liu Yifei's marriage. During this period, she introduced many suitable candidates to Liu Yifei, but Liu Yifei directly rejected them without even meeting.

Liu Xiaoli couldn't do anything to her either.

As for her daughter, no one can compare her to being sensible and well-behaved, but even if she is very upright on the issue of marriage, Liu Xiaoli can't do anything to her.

She sighed helplessly: "You can do whatever you want, I can't control you anymore. But you have to remember one thing, it doesn't matter if you fall in love with Lin Feng first, but you can't go to bed with her."

After hearing this, Liu Yifei's pretty face turned red instantly. She didn't know why her mother suddenly brought up this topic.

"I can promise you other things, but you must listen to me about going to bed!" Liu Xiaoli said firmly.

Liu Yifei was speechless.

What's this all about? You haven't found anyone yet, so you're thinking about having sex first?

This mother is really worried!
(End of this chapter)

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