Chapter 103 Zhang Quanfa was arrested
In the 80s, the country's industrial oil industry was in short supply, and castor was promoted and planted on a large scale in rural areas as an oil crop.

However, in those days, the people’s stomachs were not full, so who would sincerely grow it?

Most of them just scatter a few seeds in the ditches and ditches in front of and behind the house, just to make a show, and let them fend for themselves.

It just so happens that this thing has a strong vitality and will grow luxuriantly even if no one cares about it.

The seeds are similar in appearance to cockleburs, with small thorns, and are often played with by children.

When they are really thirsty, some poor people will squeeze it into oil and eat it in small amounts.

That thing is sweet, pungent, and neutral in nature. It enters the lungs and large intestine meridian and can moisturize the intestines and relieve constipation, astringe pain, and moisturize the skin.

Castor beans are also known as hemp seeds.

"Rihuazi Materia Medica" says: To treat water distension and abdominal fullness, grind it carefully and take it with water; for sores and scabies, it can also be grinded and applied.

Therefore, it is conceivable that eating too much of this stuff will definitely cause diarrhea.

Seriously, it can even damage the intestines and stomach.

Most importantly, ricin extracted from castor beans is an important raw material for chemical weapons.

After I don’t know which expert reported it, people in the rural areas were panicked and began large-scale logging.

So much so that in the 90s, the countryside was basically extinct.

The corner of Wang Chengzhou's mouth twitched, and he really couldn't understand the brain circuit of his second brother-in-law.

I couldn't help but recall that when I saw the wheat shoots turning yellow the day before yesterday, I saw his shiny hair and the vague spicy smell.

Presumably, I used castor oil as hair oil.

Damn it, you really make the best use of everything!

"So, those people were so fed up and so angry that they reported your brother-in-law."

The second sister almost burst into tears and was so frightened that she lost her mind and said, "Just in time, your brother-in-law went to the county to sell castor oil again in the afternoon, and he was caught red-handed."

"After a while, someone from the commune came down to notify us and told our family to prepare."

"Here, what are you preparing for? Quanfa, Quanfa, he won't be shot, right?"

As he spoke, he burst into tears again.

The voice was so hoarse that Zhang Shengnan was so frightened that he grinned and started crying.

When the mother and son hug each other, the scene is so miserable.

The commotion made Li Yuzhu and Wang Aiduo frightened, and they couldn't help but ponder:

What would happen if Zhang Quanfa was killed by a gun and Wang Aixian and Xiao Shengnan were left orphans and widowed?

Won't your own family be implicated too?

At that time, people's knowledge of the law was limited, and the county did have the power of life and death, so you shouldn't think that way!
Wang Chengzhou couldn't laugh or cry.

Castor oil has side effects, but it will never kill someone.

The so-called ricin must be extracted through a special process and is not easy to obtain.

In fact, castor oil is widely used in modern foods as an additive.

Such as chocolate and candies.

Zhang Quanfa's issue is at best a food safety issue. Coupled with the special nature of the times, it is estimated that buying and selling is more likely.

It wouldn't be like dying.

However, looking at the frightened and crying family, I thought about the city people who were tricked by him into running away and having diarrhea.

Wang Chengzhou felt that he should be taught a lesson.

Even if he is his second brother-in-law.

Thinking of this, he sighed and comforted:

"It's okay, don't cry."

"Zhang Quanfa was probably taken to the commune to work. At most he suffered a little hardship and his illegal gains were confiscated."

"After working for a few days, I can come back."

When the three women heard this, they stopped crying.

However, as soon as she heard the word labor, the second sister started sobbing again and murmured:

"San'er, is this okay?"

"I heard that when you get inside, your head will be shaved and you will have to work hard."

"It's not like you don't know your brother-in-law's bad temper. How can he suffer that kind of crime?"

Wang Chengzhou was completely helpless.It's true that my second sister doesn't know what it is about Zhang Quanfa that she still misses him deeply.

That bitch broke the law and harmed others, so shouldn't he deserve to suffer a little?

Immediately, he said angrily:

"He brought this on himself!"

"Mom has told him several times that there is no need to be a gentleman, pumpkin seeds can kill roundworms. Why does he have to go to the city to see him like this?"

"It's better to go inside and sharpen your temper, so as not to trap you all the time."

Wang Aixian lowered his head and stopped talking.

But after holding it in for a while, he still muttered: "Well, then he kissed his daughter for himself!"

Wang Chengzhou rolled his eyes and didn't want to talk to her anymore. He turned around and said, "Mom, where is my dad?"

"Your father went to the brigade to inquire about news."

Li Yuzhu finally calmed down, took a long breath, and sighed:
"When I heard that Quanfa's turtle grandson was arrested again, I almost scared him to death!"

"I'm afraid that someone in the family will make mistakes and implicate you, and then I will remove you from your position as a hygienist."

"Hey, tell me, how old are you, and why don't you do anything serious?"

While he was scolding, Wang Honghe came back from outside with a dark face.

When he saw Wang Chengzhou, he breathed a sigh of relief and said bitterly:
"Pack up your things!"

"Work, half a month!"

"Bring out a pair of thick blankets. We have to take them overnight, but don't let him freeze to death!"

Although he didn't curse a single curse word, his annoyance could be heard by even a fool.

The second sister lowered her head, her ears turning red.

"Dad, it's getting dark right now."

Siya wrinkled her face and raised her head.

The red clouds disappeared, night fell, and it was already time for dinner.

Walking the ten-mile mountain road to the commune late at night is no joke.

"What else can we do?"

Wang Honghe sighed deeply, "He doesn't even have any close relatives in his family."

"We don't care about him, who cares about him?"

"Hey, there's nothing you can do with such a son-in-law!"

The whole family stopped talking.

At dusk, the sky dimmed, and the wrinkles on his face were blurred and formed into ravines in the shadows.

Wang Chengzhou couldn't bear it and said, "Dad, forget it, I'll go."

As soon as he finished speaking, the whole family raised their heads and looked over.

"Brother, you're walking at night, aren't you afraid?"

Si Ya knows him best.

When the two of them were playing around, they often told stories about ghosts and ghosts in the countryside.

I didn't feel scared at the time, but now that I really had to walk ten miles of mountainous roads in the dark, I felt very scared just thinking about it.


Li Yuzhu refused without thinking, "San'er, your body is weak and the weather is cold at night. You have to go back and forth for twenty miles before you sit down and get sick."

"Baby, I'd better go."

Hearing his words, a rare smile appeared on Wang Honghe's face, and his wrinkles smoothed out. "You are still young and have experienced too little. It would be bad if you meet something at night."

"Just have this childlike heart."

"Hurry up and get me a steamed bun. I'll take a few bites and then I have to leave."

Wang Chengzhou felt uneasy and insisted on taking a step forward, "Mom and Dad, you have forgotten that I am learning martial arts from old Luan Tou. What's the point of walking at night?"

"I'm done with it, but where can I still be a child?"

"Stop talking, I'll go tonight!"

 Some words could not be reviewed and replaced with "labor", "buying and selling", etc.

(End of this chapter)

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