Pirates: Davy Jones is the captain of the Dread Ghost

Chapter 109 Please listen carefully when I finish playing this piece of music

Chapter 109 Please listen carefully when I finish playing this piece of music


Kaku couldn't describe what kind of magic sound he heard. Like the heavy rain and waves outside, each wave was more exciting than the other, and the sound was extremely powerful and magnificent.

What the hell is this tune?
He knew it was dangerous and knew very little about music, but he still couldn't help being attracted. He approached the door covered with barnacles and seaweed with fear and curiosity.

What is the old man doing?
Kaku thought so, but put his hand on the doorknob and turned it slowly.

The door creaked open, and the dim yellow light inside came out, making his shadow long and sharp, as if he would leave him the next moment and run away quickly.

Old man... I shouldn't have gone in any further.

He warned himself, but still couldn't restrain his inquisitive mind and looked inside.

Inside is a huge palace, Kaku even thought it might be bigger than the Terror Ghost itself. There is a majestic pipe organ in front, and a deep body sits in front of it, leaning over to play the magic sound.

There are piano pipes made of coral all around, emitting strange music and emitting strange heat.

Davy Jones was playing intently, seemingly unaware of the people behind him. The sound of the piano never stopped, and he himself had no intention of looking back.

Under the peaked cap, Kaku was breathing rapidly and his chest was heaving. Judging from this situation, no one else had disturbed Davy Jones. He did not expect that he was the first person to encounter Davy Jones.

This is a mistake.

He took a few steps back, exited the house, and closed the door again, but his hand never let go of the doorknob.

This was indeed a mistake, but should I just run away?
Is this what a "CP9" agent should do, run away from the battlefield?
Listening to the majestic magic sound, Kaku seemed to be touched. He mumbled and pushed the door open again. This time he walked in without hesitation.

Every time he took a step forward, his body changed slightly. By the time he was close to Davy Jones, he had already transformed into a "giraffe form" as high as a hill.

Kaku holds swords in both hands, can use "Arashi Kicks" on both legs, and the tip of the giraffe's extended nose can be used as a "finger gun". His combat power has been greatly improved compared to before.

I should be brave.

But he still couldn't help but tremble. He didn't know whether it was because of that look into each other's eyes during the day, or because of the magic sound, or because of the horrifying legends about Davy Jones.

All in all, he roared.

"This old man is 'CP9' agent Kaku! Davy Jones, remember my name, because I will take your life!"

However, Kaku pretended to be mature, but his childish voice instantly returned to its original form, and was soon completely swallowed up by the magic sound that echoed in the palace, as small as a mosquito or fly.

Davy Jones was still playing, as if unaware.

But Kaku couldn't hold himself back anymore. He didn't know why, but he became more and more irritable and impatient, as if something behind his back was urging him to take action. Maybe it was also because he felt humiliated by Davy Jones's ignorance.

call out--

He flew forward, using the "Four Sword Styles" combined with the "finger gun" on the tip of his nose, like five sharp weapons, hitting Davy Jones's back together.

However, before it was touched, many dense tentacles stretched out from Davy Jones's body and the walls of the palace!

They came from all directions and squirmed towards Kaku.

Kaku's scarlet eyes originally only saw Davy Jones, but he became much more awake when the tentacles entangled him.

He suddenly realized that he was so irrational and rashly approached Davy Jones without knowing the enemy's situation!
What on earth am I doing?Why do you make such a stupid mistake?
No, it was wrong from the beginning. He should not have stepped into the room, but should have waited for the other "CP9" members, or even for General "Qingzhi" or Colonel "Smoking Man".

What exactly made me lose my mind, and when did I lose my mind? Is it this demonic sound?

Have you been lured into a trap step by step since you heard this demonic sound?
Kaku's "Four Sword Style" vigorously slashed out countless swords and cut off many tentacles, and he tried to find a way out.

But every time one was cut off, two more appeared. The more he cut off, the more he cut. He found that his consciousness began to become blurry and extreme, becoming violent and bloody at one moment, and pessimistic and despair at the other.

The fluctuations in his thoughts caused confusion in his fighting movements.

These tentacles came in waves like waves, and Kaku soon collapsed from exhaustion.

His hands and feet were twisted off by the tentacles, and his entire body changed from "giraffe form" to human form.

Kaku collapsed on the ground, finally stopped moving, and listened to the entire organ music quietly.

Davy Jones's voice seemed to come from far away. "This song is named after my name 'Davy Jones'. I wanted to play it to you completely, but I didn't expect you to be so impatient. Now that you have finished listening to it, what do you think?"

how about it?
Kaku looked up and everything in front of him became magical, with countless brilliant colors twisting and changing.

Davy Jones's original appearance was completely unclear, but he saw a huge head, covered with tentacles, hanging down like a waterfall, and a pair of eyes in the head was staring at him.

Kaku screamed, his mind completely emptied.
Lu Qi turned his head and listened. He was not sure whether it was the sound of waves, the sound of the storm, or whose scream he just heard, but it was enough to make him frown.

The dove on the shoulder also fluttered its wings uneasily.

Since boarding the ship, more and more strange things have happened, which Lu Qi can determine.

He put one hand in his trouser pocket and searched everything in the corridor with sharp eyes until he heard footsteps and whispers in the distance.

"I killed a woman."

"Really, mine is a man, round and fat. What about you, Xiaoba?"

"Male." The third person hesitated for a while and then said, "New - it should be a man. Although your hair is very long, I can't always tell you humans apart. For us fishmen, you humans have long hair." They’re all the same.”

"But you can't even tell the gender, right? Xiaoba, you are just stupid." The second person's tone always seemed to be mocking.

Lu Qi stood there and listened calmly. He knew that three people in "CP9" had been brutally murdered.

The "woman" is obviously Kalifa, the "round and fat man" is an owl, and the "man with long hair" is Nude.

What a bunch of trash.

Lu Qi snorted coldly.

He had a dark history. His original mission was to rescue 500 kingdom soldiers, but they were captured by pirates and used as hostages.

But he thought that these soldiers were too weak when they were caught, and weak people had no right to survive, so he killed them all.

Now that the hostages are gone, if we kill those pirates, the mission will naturally end.

The "CP9" members who fell at the hands of Davy Jones and his gang were just like the 500 Kingdom soldiers, they were weak and useless people and had no value at all.

Just let them die like this, and "CP9" can recruit new people.

He stood there and watched three people appear from around the corner. His eyes swept over their faces and he quickly recognized their respective identities.

"Iron Rod" Arrita, "Clown" Bucky, and "Octopus" Hachi.

They didn't notice Lu Qi at first, and were walking talking and laughing, until Arrita's sharp eyes saw the figure in the corner, and she quickly grabbed the other two people.

"Who?" She called out cautiously, unsure whether the figure would be Crowe or Luo.

Bucky and Hachi finally noticed the fourth person and stopped together.

Lu Qi walked out of the shadows and walked into the tragic moonlight and flickering lightning. He had already switched to "Animal Type·Cat Fruit·Leopard Form".

The pigeon on his shoulder has flown to a safe height, chirping "coo coo".


To him, the three of them were not people, but a series of numbers written on a reward order.

"It seems that he is with the intruders." Arrita judged, "Be careful, this person feels more dangerous."

"I know!" Bucky wiped his red nose impatiently, which was actually a sign of his uneasiness.

Xiaoba pulled out six long knives without saying a word.

"Three of us can fight quickly." Lu Qi made a judgment, "Return your life."

His originally strong form suddenly seemed to have shrunk, but this did not mean that he had become weaker. On the contrary, it meant that he had controlled his body to an extremely precise level.

Lu Qi slightly bent the leopard's body to begin his killing journey.

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