Chapter 158 The Redeemer
Swear in the name of an angel god?Tang Chen was obviously stunned. He knew Qiandaoliu very well, and his devotion to the Angel God was the key to his ability to reach level 99.

This is the foundation of Qiandaoliu, and there is no way he would lie on it. Tang Chen is still very confident in this, but how to explain this matter?
These are five Titled Douluo, or Titled Douluo of the Clear Sky Hammer Spirit, and they are not five pigs. The result of one dead and four captured alive can be said to be extremely bad.

If it wasn't the reason from Wuhun Palace, it's possible that Tang Chen would have to find the reason from his own family.

Can't you?Under normal circumstances, if the enemy is not too strong, or the people in your family are too weak, you shouldn't be annihilated even if you close your eyes.

Qian Daoliu also denied that he secretly sent more people, so Tang Chen could only think of conspiracy, but to be honest, Qian Daoliu was indeed not a manipulative person.

It is not an exaggeration to say that this guy who strictly abides by the teachings of the Angel God can be said to be the moral benchmark of high-level soul masters. This can be seen from the fact that he abides by the promise he made to Tang Chen and did not attack the Haotian Sect's mountain gate.

Looking at Tang Chen who couldn't figure out the reason and was getting more and more irritable, Qian Daoliu coughed lightly and said, "I did send two worshipers and four titled Douluo to support this matter, but they should have just arrived in Tiandou City at this moment. "

"The most important thing is that I usually don't have much involvement in the affairs of Wuhun Palace. This matter was planned by the Pope. If you really think about it, she is almost a generation younger than you Haotian Sect."

"That female streamer?" Tang Chen's face was cold. He had naturally known Bibi Dong's information for a long time. The youngest titled Douluo in history was nothing to him. Only a 10-year-old soul ring could make him His gaze lingered for a moment or two.

Just like him and Qian Daoliu, arriving at Titled Douluo early is nothing. The key lies in actual combat ability. As we all know, women have an inherent disadvantage in strength.

When it comes to titled Douluo, coupled with the gap in martial arts, the disadvantage will be further expanded.

Even if they both have 10-year soul rings, and even if their soul power levels are about the same, he believes that his grandson Tang Hao is enough to surpass the Pope of Wuhun Palace in terms of combat power.

With such a pair of targets, it seems that the gap between Haotian Sect and Wuhun Palace is not obvious. This is also the fundamental reason why Tang Chen does not contain his men. They can eat as much as they can.

As the Haotian Sect became stronger, their hearts naturally became wild. This was true for ordinary clan members, elders and even him, the sect leader.

But now, the female pope whom he looked down upon actually caused him such a big loss!Tang Chen's chest was full of qi, and blood surged all over his body.

"What kind of strength does she have to do this! She must have used a conspiracy that she didn't dare to let the world know." Tang Chen's body was full of soul power. After weighing the pros and cons, he began to consider whether to turn the table over.


"But what?" Tang Chen raised his head suddenly. His Haotian Sect only had 10 titled Douluo at full count. Tang Hao was not registered in the register, and there were only 8 left besides himself.

Now Wuhun Palace kills 1 prisoner and 5, and goes straight to three-quarters of the way. How can he accept this?
Why not intervene in the junior's affairs? That's because Haotian Sect is taking advantage. If there is no explanation today, it would be strange for him to give up.

If his flying speed wasn't much faster than Qian Daoliu, he would have gone straight to Tiandou City to save people.

"The five titled Douluo captured by our Spirit Hall accept the possibility of redemption." Qian Daoliu said slowly. The monster Tang Chen really shouldn't expand the dispute before it can be properly resolved, otherwise the losses faced by the Spirit Hall will be as great as The risk is too great.

"Redemption?" Tang Chen's breath was stagnant. He originally planned to have a fight with the spirit possessed to vent his anger. After all, he had captured five people and not all of them were dead.

If they really broke up with each other, the elders of the Haotian Sect would be almost wiped out, leaving only the three elders of the sect behind.

"Why redeem it? Our Haotian Sect has lost a great elder!" Thinking of the deceased great elder Tang Chen felt particularly heartbroken. Except for his two grandsons Tang Xiao and Tang Hao, he felt that only Tang Yuanshan had some hope of breaking through to level 95. .

"Hmph, nine soul saints have died in our Wuhun Palace! You are the ones who started this matter. Any losses are the bitter fruits of your own sowing." Qian Daoliu's tone was cold and his words were not polite.

This time Bibi Dong did too much and tricked six titled Douluo of the Haotian Sect at once, but this was a good thing. This caused an obvious strength gap between Wuhun Palace and the Haotian Sect again, and also made him compare behind Bibi Dong. There is a new assessment of the power.

Perhaps, if they join forces, they can really defeat Tang Chen's unification plan in advance, if Tang Chen is too bold.

Because there are two risks in planning in advance, the first risk is the consequences of failing to kill Tang Chen, even if he can call in 6 worshipers, and then call in Bibi Dong's manpower.

This aggregated power can indeed kill any pure soul master, including level 99, but this does not include Tang Chen, because he is a pre-selector for the Shura Divine Examination and even holds the Shura Blood Sword.

The power of the gods is a huge risk that cannot be erased.

The second risk is the old man's understandable selfishness. He hopes that Qian Renxue can get the fruits of the plan. However, Qian Renxue is only 16 years old this year, so planning in advance will basically have nothing to do with her.

But if Tang Chen doesn't give up, the losses may far outweigh the benefits, and Qian Daoliu will seriously consider changing his original plan.

Speaking of which, looking at the end of the letter, the redemption clause was very interesting and very consistent with his wishes.

"Then what conditions do you want to tell me?" Tang Chen glared. He would never agree to the conditions that would damage the foundation of the Haotian Sect.If he wants him to agree to redeem people, he must make the Haotian Sect's losses smaller. Otherwise, what's there to talk about?

"Before that, please give me 100 million gold soul coins." Qian Daoliu lit a golden flame in his hand and burned the finished letter into ashes, looking at Tang Chen calmly.

Compensation is something that needs to be polished little by little to maximize the benefits. Now he is not in a hurry. He will eat the meat he can eat in his mouth first.

Tang Chen's face was stern, but the anxiety in his body slowly dissipated. He knew Qian Daoliu very well, and judging from his reaction, Tang Chen knew that this condition should not be excessive.

"An unnamed savings card worth 100 gold soul coins." Tang Chen touched his storage ring and threw the card in front of Qian Daoliu. At the same time, he stretched out his left hand and moved his soul power to a new stone pier to sit on.

"Shuangli." Qian Daoliu nodded lightly, "We at Wuhun Palace are peace-loving. We are not bad people, but we are not the ones who suffer."

"First of all, return all the stolen goods you grabbed. The compensation for the lost part of the gold soul coins is not excessive."

"Okay." Tang Chen nodded. Why should he feel bad about something he hasn't seen yet? "But we only compensate four transactions within the Tiandou Empire. We don't know about those in the Star Luo Empire."

Tang Chen, who knew very well which families in the Star Luo Empire worked for him, did not say anything. It was not impossible to give him this list, but he had to look at the bargaining chips. At least the second elder would be redeemed.

"Okay." Qian Daoliu nodded after hesitating, "In addition, you have to pay for the pensions for the losses of our personnel in the Tiandou Empire. A soul saint is 30, and the following soul masters to soul emperors will be paid according to three thousand, ten thousand, Standards of thirty thousand and one hundred thousand.”

"Then do you, the eldest elder of our family, need to provide a pension of 300 million?"

"Heh, if that's the case, can I pay your Haotian Sect 2400 million in compensation? I'll kill all the five elders in my hands. Can you let the remaining two titled Douluo commit suicide together?"

Qian Daoliu sneered, is their Wuhun Palace short of money? Three million gold soul coins for a titled Douluo's dog head is quite affordable, right?

"Huh, tell me what other conditions you have besides this compensation." Tang Chen looked impatient, but he had already expected it in his heart.

The above are to make up for Wuhun Palace's own losses, and everyone will want it. It would be good if Qian Daoliu didn't increase the price.

"This next condition is the last condition required by our Wuhun Palace. At the same time, we will not ask for a gold soul coin from your Haotian Sect as compensation."

What the hell?Tang Chen frowned. His first reaction was to be wary, and then he was confused. What kind of medicine was sold in Qian Daoliu Gourd?

. . .


Heaven Dou City,
A six-man support team led by Qian Jun and Jiang Mo rushed over. It looked like they didn't waste time in a carriage, but came at full speed with light equipment.

For this reason, Guang chose to become invisible directly, leaving the reception to Vivian, and at the same time, he safely handed over the prisoners, including the four elders, two flying Soul Douluo and three flying Soul Saints.

Vivian followed Guang's instructions and gave all the credit for the matter to Bibi Dong. If she asked too many questions, she would say that it involved confidentiality and could not be leaked.

Then she asked Platinum Bishop Salas to move back with the people from Wuhun Temple, while she stationed alone in the Holy Light Courtyard, planning to retreat for a period of time.

She was not familiar with the apostle's abilities. These two battles were more based on instinct. Especially the second time, she felt that transforming the jungle battle seemed to have touched the key to her ability.

After the change, the Blue Silver Emperor has an extraordinary tacit understanding with her apostle core, and life and control are explained more deeply and intuitively in actual operations.

Of course, she is not working behind closed doors. She can communicate with Ah Yin, and maybe they can solve the problem of one body and two souls.

This is not impossible, because light is not good at the field of life. Separating the apostle core brings huge risks but also brings new possibilities.

Although the two brothers Qianjun Jiangmo are over a hundred years old, their faces are still young, and their temperaments are also the most out-of-the-box among the seven worshipers. They look at people and things based on their own eyesight and don't put on any airs.

This can be seen from the fact that they took four elders and flew directly from Wuhun City to Tiandou City in a straight line.

The essential reason why there was a time lag between Haotian Zong and Tiandou City was that the distance from Tiandou City to Haotian Zong was much smaller than the distance to Wuhun City.

But as soon as they arrived, they heard a strange little girl say that everyone and everything in the Haotian Sect had been solved. They were still a little confused. Is this the end?
(End of this chapter)

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