Chapter 163 The Inner Ghost
biu, collapse!

A bunch of bright red fireworks shot into the sky and exploded, and a bloody tiger head appeared in the sky of the palace. The strange whistle made Dai Nulong suddenly open his eyes and rush out of the hall.

His eyes turned red when he looked at that special red tiger head, which was a sign that the warning switch at the bottom of the royal treasury had been pried.

"There are thieves!"

Although Dai Nulong was very anxious, he still had luck in his heart. The third floor of the Royal Treasure House was located tens of meters underground. Once the warning mechanism was triggered, there would not only be fireworks warning, but also the dragon-breaking stone to block the road.

Theoretically, as long as he quickly leads people to the scene and catches the thief, the actual loss will not be huge.

Because of the incident at the Xingluo Palace last month, all the inspectors were nervous. Just a moment later, Dai Nulong, who came out of the Zong Lao Yuan, received the relevant information.

There were no warnings triggered near the royal treasury, and there were no casualties. It was obvious that insiders had sneaked in to commit the crime, and they were thieves rather than terrorists who robbed openly.

But Dai Nulong turned pale after hearing the news. What level of mole could silently reach the bottom of the palace treasure house?

If it weren't for the fact that only the Zong Lao Yuan Zong Lao and the Emperor knew the details of the three security boxes, would it be possible that no one would even know that all the items had been moved? !

It just so happened that when Dai Tianquan was out redeeming people, Dai Nulong quickly remembered that there was no trace of the mole who attacked the palace last time.

Now it seems that the mole is not lurking too deep, but that there is a problem with the direction of their exploration. The mole is not from other forces at all, but from their own Dai family!
Even more conspiracy theories, what is the purpose of the Dai family's mole providing intelligence to the Five Elements Sect to kidnap all the princes?
It's those bastards who want to usurp power!is it you?My good son, Dai Tianquan’s good brother, did you do this?
Damn, killing all the princes will only allow your son to ascend to the throne, and even steal the core area of ​​the royal treasury. Dai Tianli, you dog, you bastard is so cruel.

Dai Nulong swallowed the words "dog son" that he subconsciously spat out. Dai Tianli was his son. Didn't he scold himself too by scolding him like this?
Dai Nulong was full of anger but couldn't vent his anger, his eyes were red and slightly convex, but he was almost dizzy with anger and did not lose touch with the team, and even his martial soul fusion skill accessories were always by his side.

He almost experienced a life-and-death crisis last time, but he still learned a lesson. No matter what, he should try his best to ensure the safety of his life and not give the thieves in the dark the slightest chance.

Of course, his queen was fine, but Dai Nulong looked at the gloomy expressions of the clan elders running in the distance. He didn't believe that one or more old bastards hadn't intervened in this matter.

If he hadn't figured it out today, he wouldn't have realized this at all. Those clan elders were meddling in various affairs of the palace, and Dai Tianli couldn't get around them. Even if they didn't participate directly, they definitely helped cover up something!
"You guys, lead people to surround the royal treasury in all directions. Be sure to guard it tightly and make sure there is no mistake!"

Dai Nulong, who obviously couldn't believe it, directly asked several clan elders to seal off the outermost areas, while he himself led people into the palace treasure house to find out the truth!


"Mr. Gray Robe, can you hear me, Mr. Gray Robe?" Zhu Zhuqing, who was huddled in the corner, said with a cry in her lowered voice. Even if she was young and ignorant, she could tell that something was wrong around her.

Group after group of guards exuding powerful soul pressure passed by the road in front of her, rushing towards the direction that Mr. Gray Robe asked her to explore. There were even some with weaker auras who stayed in place to block the intersection.

But at this moment, Guang, who was busy with other things, had no energy to care about the little girl. The distorted light around her also appeared a little discordant in the smoke and dust.

Fortunately, the sun has completely set, and no one will care that something is wrong in this remote corner.

Zhu Zhuqing squatted on the ground, leaning against the corner of the wall with his sticky back, tightly wrapping his arms around his long bent and erect legs, and then buried his frightened little face into his knees, leaving only a group of autumn-like eyes watching. Watching the passing crowds.

Until the appearance of a familiar figure made her almost scream.

. . .

Wearing light armor, Zhu Zhuyun held a torch and led the patrol towards the clan mansion where the accident occurred. She was indeed very capable.

Even if there is not even a single direct force in Davis's direct line in Tianquan Mansion, and even if Davis's life or death is uncertain now, she still uses the people of Qingshui Garden as her trump card and uses Davis's relationship to join the patrol team to expand her power.

It is true that Davis suffered heavy losses, but so did Dai Shoucheng. Although Dai Mubai's Muguang Mansion was fine, no one took him seriously.

Whether the prince who was rescued was everyone, Davis, or someone else?She has to do her best within the scope of what she can do.

But one thing Zhu Zhuyun knows very well and is helpless is that no matter how capable she is, the initial capital must come from Davis. As a result, she can at most have one point at her own disposal, and the rest is Davis' appreciation capital.

Fortunately, Zhu Zhuyun could comfort himself. At least in the history of the Zhu family, becoming the queen of the Star Luo Empire was already the top achievement.

And with this power at her disposal, she can at least do something to keep her sister Zhu Zhuqing alive.

However, on the way here, she passed by Qingzhu Garden and went in to check it out alone. She found that there was no one inside. Although no one else knew about it, she still felt inexplicably panicked. "Captain, our duty is to guard the intersection here. Further inside is the main road where the clan elders are stationed. The sect's mansion inside heard that the sect elder Dai Nulong personally went to investigate."

"In addition, the death order issued by the elder Zong prohibits anyone from leaving their post without permission. It even emphasizes that there can be no exceptions for members of the royal family. Anyone who meets them must be detained first."

The deputy captain on the side carefully reminded that the incident in the palace this time was said to be much smaller than a month ago. There were currently no casualties, and only an unknown alarm firework was triggered.

But compared to other police fireworks, these fireworks are bright red in color, loud and big. In addition, the clan elders and clan elders are here, so it is estimated that this time it is not a small matter at all.

"Then stay here." Zhu Zhuyun's voice was cold and inexplicably tinged with annoyance. Where would her sister Zhu Zhuqing be if she was not in Qingzhuyuan this night?

And the order given by Elder Zong made her even more uneasy. If the little girl was caught wandering around like this, she would definitely not get good results. But she didn't know what happened in Zongren Mansion?

Pacing back and forth, she subconsciously glanced around to divert her anxious mood, until she saw a dark corner and her beautiful eyes narrowed.

. . .

The royal treasury is underground in the clan mansion, and few people even in the royal family know about it.

To be precise, they only knew that the underground floor of Zongren Mansion was a large warehouse where monthly payments were collected, and ten meters below was a small warehouse where merit was exchanged for precious resources.

No one knows that the third floor 30 meters down is the real royal treasure house. This trick can be said to be true and false, false and true.

Even if the Zongren Mansion is heavily guarded, no one will suspect it. Although there are many good things in the warehouses on the first two floors, compared to the strength of the guards here, it is not cost-effective to make a wrong decision.

You must know that there is a Soul Saint patrolling on the first floor of the Zongren Mansion's warehouse, and a Soul Douluo patrolling on the second floor. They are both White Tiger Spirits and have royal blood.

Of course, even they don't know the third floor below, because the entrance and exit passage to the third floor does not go through the first two floors at all, but leads directly from the highest-grade cell in the Zongren Mansion a hundred meters below.

Theoretically, that place could only hold princes or even emperors who had committed serious crimes, and it would only be used once in hundreds of years.

However, there is a lot of movement in the Broken Dragon Stone. After what happened tonight, everyone will suspect that there is a cave underground in the Zongren Mansion. The location of the royal treasure house cannot be hidden, and relocation is inevitable.

Dai Nulong, who arrived in a hurry, soon received another thing that made his eyes blazing. The Soul Saints and Soul Douluo people stationed on the first and second floors were gone.

What made him even more furious was that half of the most valuable items in the two-story warehouse had completely disappeared, especially the gold soul coins, not a single one was left, and the opposite was true, half of the silver soul coins were not moved at all.

"Do these bastards want to rebel or take the money to separate the family?" Dai Nulong didn't say this, but he thought so in his heart.

There was no movement from the guards above, and the three-story treasure house below was swept away. This Tema's bullshit outsider was clearly his own mole who had absconded with the money.

"You, go to Sunset Mansion quickly and see how many of that bastard Dai Tianli's family has escaped?" Dai Nulong, who could no longer hold back his anger, turned around and ordered.

"Received, ah?" The royal minister who originally planned to detect and catch the thief subconsciously obeyed the order. When he reacted, he opened his mouth wide and his mind almost turned around and drifted out. Listening to the elder Zong, this matter was the result of the ended prince. for?
This melon was a bit ridiculously big. For a moment, the royal priest's brain was overclocked and he was bursting with ideas.

"Hurry up and go!" Dai Nulong glared without concealing his emotions any longer.

"Oh, understand!"

"You guys, come down with me. I want to see which unscrupulous descendants dare to do such ridiculous things at this time of year." Dai Nulong pointed out three people behind him.

On the third floor, in addition to the road blocked by the Broken Dragon Stone, there is a one-time passage, but the passage is narrow and can only allow one person to pass through.

With the Broken Dragon Stone sealed, that one-time passage is the only exit. Entering from there is as easy as catching a turtle in an urn.

Dai Nulong gritted his teeth and quickened his pace. He really couldn't help but want to reveal the truth quickly.

Although the matter is a foregone conclusion based on his mental reasoning, he still agrees that evidence must be used in everything, and he still has many questions in his heart.

Therefore, the top priority is to go to the third level to catch the mole's tail and minimize the losses.

(End of this chapter)

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