Chapter 171 Results
"I killed Qian Xunji? That's just a rumor." Tang Hao shook his head and denied.

"Although I did have a chance to kill him at the time, the one who did it was the current Pope Bibi Dong. Her strength is unfathomable. Six years ago, I was suppressed and severely injured by her."

"Bibi Dong, how is this possible?" Yu Xiaogang's face was full of confusion, "She was just a soul emperor more than ten years ago. How could her soul power improve so fast?"

"Huh?" Tang Hao stopped leaving and turned around, "What are you talking about? She was still a Soul Emperor more than ten years ago. This is absolutely impossible! When I fought her six years ago, she was already a senior title fighter. Luo, I can be sure of this."

Tang Hao is still thinking about the grass seeds and soul bones left by A Yin, so he is particularly concerned about Bibi Dong's affairs. This time he comes out again, and one of the things he wants to do is to inquire about the Wuhun Palace. information.

"I don't know why? But 14 years ago, she was still a six-ring Soul Emperor. I can be sure that in 8 years, she transcended Soul Saint and Soul Douluo and directly promoted to Titled Douluo with a 10-year soul ring. Although this speed is outrageous But it’s not impossible.”

Yu Xiaogang looked at his idol Tang Hao and without hesitation said the only possibility he could think of in these years.

"Bibi Dong has twin martial souls. She can add a ten-thousand-year soul ring to the second martial soul to directly increase the soul power level. But I don't know how she solves the physical problem of the twin martial souls?"

"Bibi Dong's physique is indeed much stronger than other titled Douluo." Tang Hao nodded affirmatively, "Physical fitness is not a problem for her at all."

"Then everything is explained." Seeing the success of his speculation, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but puff up his chest and continued, "She was stronger than you at that time, and it probably has something to do with the soul ring attached to her second martial soul. .”

"No." Tang Hao lowered his face gloomily. What happened six years ago was the memory he least wanted to touch. "The battle between us is not something you can summarize with a simple theory. Don't ask any more questions."

After saying that, Tang Hao closed the door and left, leaving Yu Xiaogang standing there in a daze with a stiff face. After a moment, he slowly lowered his head, his eyes fell on the black iron token, and a bitter smile and helplessness filled his heart.

"I didn't expect that my idol would become like this. Even the strongest genius of the three sects thinks he can't compare to Bibi Dong?"

Yu Xiaogang pulled up a chair and sat down with a helpless look on his face. He sighed and all his energy was released. He regarded Tang Hao as his idol for two reasons:
The secondary reason is that Qian Xunji humiliated him too much back then, and Tang Hao avenged him. However, he did not expect that the person involved, Tang Hao, would say that the person who killed Qian Xunji was actually Bibi Dong, but the two were masters and disciples. How could such a change happen, he didn't understand?
As for the main reason, it was because Tang Hao was the strongest genius among his peers in the three upper sects. He was as bright as the sun. In his deepest dreams, he had imagined that he could climb to the top of the soul master title like him. Luo.

Then he went to Bibi Dong and shouted angrily: 30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, don’t bully young people into poverty!It's a pity that when they reach middle age, they can only try to break through the soul master.

And Tang Hao also made it clear to him that even the titled Douluo with the Clear Sky Hammer's martial spirit couldn't beat Bibi Dong, let alone his Luo Sanpao martial spirit.

Even if he breaks through the soul sect, or even breaks through the soul king, and performs martial soul fusion skills with Flandre Liu Erlong, he probably won't be able to let the current Bibi Donggao take a look, right?


"Darts, flying knives, metal bladders and steel needles. Is this kid a hedgehog?" Duolong frowned at the miscellaneous things he found, smelled the faint smell of tea and turned to tell other villagers.

"Go and collect all the iron lumps that the boy threw away to prevent them from hurting anyone. Be extremely careful when collecting them. They are all poisonous."

After instructing other villagers to clean up the scene, Duolong and Village Chief Jack looked through the other items on Tang San's body together, and the arrows he shot were also picked up by him.

He couldn't understand the principle of the sleeve arrows and the tight-backed crossbow, but judging from Tang San's movements, those two particularly vicious arrows were probably shot from these two things.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't know how to fill and use it. Duolong plans to take these two things back to his senior to see. The senior will definitely be able to figure out what he can't understand.

And this time he was able to save his life thanks to the talisman given by his senior. He had to thank his senior properly when he returned.

In addition, Duolong and Village Chief Jack actually found a full money bag on Tang San with a hundred gold soul coins in it. How could Tang San have so much money?

Moreover, looking at Tang San's footwork and throwing techniques of these iron weapons, Duolong touched the back of his head and felt that it seemed familiar to the moves and techniques taught in school.

"Village Chief Jack, how do you think Tang San should be dealt with?" Duolong turned to look at Village Chief Jack, who was also undecided on how to deal with Tang San.

Leave it to the official Tiandou Empire?Tang San had no specific evidence of crime, so he did not meet any charges.

As for killing Tang San Duolong directly, he didn't even think about it. After all, Tang San was a member of the Holy Soul Village.

But thinking of Tang San's ruthlessness, Duolong was hesitant to let Tang San leave. He was worried about the safety of the villagers and his family, but he didn't care.

"I think you can punish him by taking away everything he has, and then we can expel him from Holy Soul Village." Village Chief Jack was experienced and after thinking for a moment, he came up with a solution. "As for what you're worried about, it's nothing." Village Chief Jack pointed to another thing found on Tang San's body, which was the soul master certificate issued by Wuhun Palace.

"You just need to make it clear to him that if a soul master takes revenge on the Holy Soul Village, you will report him to the Wuhun Hall as the first suspect. He will not dare to retaliate if he stands in the open."

"I know that what Tang San did was excessive, but he is a spirit master and has a teacher in Notting City, and his father is also a foreigner who doesn't know the details. If you want to resolve this matter safely, this is undoubtedly the safest way. "

Village Chief Jack comforted him with kind words, saying that he was not a generous person and what he said was just his opinion. The specific choice was up to Doron himself.

"Forget it, if Tang San has nothing to do with Holy Soul Village from now on, let's just leave it like this this time, and let's keep it to ourselves from now on."

Duolong thought of the strange thing about Tang San and nodded in agreement. It was obvious that Tang San was not just an ordinary Blue Silver Grass spirit master.

. . .

Bang, a basin of cold water splashed onto Tang San's face.

Tang San woke up from his coma, feeling sore and painful all over his body. Looking at Duolong and Village Chief Jack in front of him, he felt sad and angry when he remembered what had happened. Tang San, despite having plenty of hidden weapons, actually capsized in this small village. Is this soul master so powerful?

Thinking of Duolong's strength and the position of his soul master cultivation among soul masters, Tang San couldn't help but sigh in his heart. This soul master's path seemed to be no less or even better than Xuantian Baolu's inner family's hidden weapon path. Win.

"Tang San, I didn't see it. You still have these secrets. Tell me, what's going on? What are your footwork and these iron gadgets of yours?"

"The master's secrets must not be leaked." Tang San shook his head, his tone firm but his words ambiguous.

He didn't lie. Xuantian Baolu was indeed the top secret of his former master, Tang Sect, but the meaning of his words was to lead Duolong and others to think in another direction.

Tang San became a disciple of Yu Xiaogang, and these things were what he learned from Yu Xiaogang this year, using Yu Xiaogang's tiger skin to hide his biggest secret.

"Okay, since your father Tang Ri has left Holy Soul Village and you have done such an excessive thing today, as punishment, from today on, you will be expelled from Holy Soul Village and will no longer be a villager here. You are not allowed to step foot here again in the future.”

In front of Chief Jack and other villagers, Duolong announced to Tang San the solution they had come up with, "In addition, all the items on your body will be confiscated to make up for the loss of Holy Soul Village."

"Why?!" Tang San raised his head anxiously, "Why do you snatch my things? These were all given to me by my teacher Yu Xiaogang."

"Hmph, these are sharp weapons that you use to hurt others. Is there any problem if I don't take them away?" Duolong glared, raised his hand and slapped his mouth again. Even if Tang San was allowed to leave, he still had to teach him a lesson. He has a long memory.

Having just suffered a loss, he was particularly concerned about his senior's words. Tolerance and compromise were signs of weakness and bullying to bad people. He had to behave more fiercely and worse to minimize losses and future risks.

"As for the money, is there any problem with it being used as nutritional expenses and mental damage expenses for me and the village?"

"You." Looking at Duolong's raised palm, Tang San, who was inferior to others, could only lower his head and admit it, "It's no problem, right?"

"Well, just admit it. Since you sincerely regret it, I won't delve into your secrets." Duolong's words made the nervous Tang San subconsciously breathe a sigh of relief.

"Besides, before I let you go, Tang San, you must swear by your teacher and father not to retaliate against the villagers of Holy Soul Village, otherwise your elders will all be short-lived ghosts who will have children without even their buttholes."

Duolong spoke again. Although this kind of oath is of no use to a heartless and pure bad guy, it is still somewhat safe.

"I, I swear." Looking at Duolong's raised palm, Tang San silently thought to himself again that the situation is stronger than the person, gritted his teeth and spoke in humiliation.

"I, Tang San, swear by my teacher Yu Xiaogang and father Tang Ri that I will never take revenge on the villagers of Holy Soul Village in the future, otherwise my elders will all be short-lived ghosts who will give birth to children without buttholes."

"Well, that's more like it. Tang San, if you are not convinced in the future, you can seek revenge from me, Duolong. If something happens to the villagers of Holy Soul Village, you will be the first suspect. I will take your information to Wu The Soul Palace keeps a special sample."

Duolong picked up Tang San's soul master certificate and waved it in front of him. With Tang San's oath and double guarantee of identity, he basically didn't have to worry about anything. Of course, to be on the safe side, he still planned to consult with his seniors when he returned. Views.

(End of this chapter)

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