Chapter 192 The Shrek Three Bitches
Soto City, as an important food town in the southern part of the Barak Kingdom, is naturally much larger than a small, unspectacular city like Notting City.

Coupled with the proximity to the Star Forest, the geographical convenience has contributed to the prosperity of business here, and the scale is already close to that of the main city. The Wuhunzi Palace here also performed well in the same period.

The prosperity of commerce has promoted the prosperity of the city. The level of catering, accommodation and entertainment is much higher than that of other big cities, making it more attractive. Of course, the consumption level of gold soul coins has also increased.

Facing the morning sun, the fresh air after the rain is refreshing.

Three teenage boys walked into the south gate of Soto City.
The leader looked to be the oldest, about 15 years old. He was about 1.8 meters tall and had broad shoulders. He was dressed in white clothes embroidered with gold thread and wrapped around his burly body.

He has blond hair hanging down behind him, almost to his waist, and his face is handsome but a little sickly pale. The most attractive thing is his pair of eyes, with double pupils, and the gaze in the dark blue eyes is very cold.

His handsome face, burly figure and natural nobility attracted the attention of many girls along the way. Even the pathology on his face had a special sense of beauty in their eyes.

His name is Dai Mubai, and he is a student at Shrek Academy. This time he came out to relax before school started.

Looking at the young girls, the fat red-haired man on Dai Mubai's left looked like a pig. He looked like he was no more than 12 years old, but his small eyes were already giving off the greasy lusty light of an old man.

Coupled with the fat cheeks, short hair and two mustaches, many girls did not hide the disgust in their eyes when they looked at Dai Mubai.

This person's name is Ma Hongjun, he is not a virgin, and his experience in this field is much better than that of ordinary adults. Because of his shortcomings in martial arts and his unrestrained relationship, he can be said to be an out-and-out little slut.

However, he had neither money nor handsomeness, so the women he could find were of average quality. Looking at the handsome and rich Dai Mubai next to him, there was deep envy and jealousy in his eyes.

On the right side of Dai Mubai is a bearded man with short hair and gray clothes who is very inconspicuous. He looks at him with eyes full of expectations for Soto City.

"Boss Dai, how about we go to Yihong Courtyard?" Ma Hongjun suppressed the jealousy in his eyes and suggested to Dai Mubai respectfully.

The girl from Yihongyuan was much better than his old aunt with a half-closed door. Her appearance alone was incomparable, even if the lights were turned off. Not to mention the smell and sound, just the delicate and plump touch. There's a lot of difference, okay.

It's a pity that everything in Yihongyuan is good, but it's too expensive. His subsidy of ten gold soul coins a month is just a slap in the face. If he really wants to enjoy it, he has to let Dai Mubai treat him as the unjust one.

"Shh, fat man, what is Yihongyuan?" Dai Mubai lowered his voice to the fat man beside him, "Is your brain growing down there this morning?"

Dai Mubai looked at the fat man with disgust on his face. He couldn't even be a wingman like him. Who is a serious person who works in a brothel every day?

"Let's go to Soto Avenue first. The girls there are of high quality. I remember that the owner of the barbecue stall there has a pair of twin sisters who are the best. Let me win them today and go directly to the Rose Hotel."

"No, Boss Dai." Ma Hongjun became anxious upon hearing Dai Mubai's arrangement. If he really wanted to find a girl based on his own conditions, why would he come to Soto City? Why not go to the village to find Cuihua based on his own conditions as a soul master?

Looking at Oscar next to him, Ma Hongjun rolled his eyes and said, "Boss Dai, forget it if you don't care about me. You can't ignore Xiao Ao. He has never tasted a woman until now. We agreed to take him to have sex."

As soon as he heard that the topic was about him, the bearded Oscar stared at him with a pair of charming peach eyes, and looked at Dai Mubai with a soft voice, "Boss Dai."

"Stop, stop, stop." Dai Mubai looked at Oscar on the side and felt it was annoying, "No, Xiao Ao, even a stranger would find you disgusted by looking like this. No, you have to cut off all your beard first. .”

Oscar, who looks like an uncle, is actually one year younger than Dai Mubai this year. Doesn't it look like he is an uncle at first glance because of his beard that looks exactly like Zhang Fei?Paired with peach blossom eyes and soft voice, it gives people an extremely weird feeling.

Of course, Dai Mubai's call for Oscar was not purely out of kindness. He also had reasons for needing Oscar.

Oscar is an extremely talented food-type soul master. He is a genuine innate soul power that Flanders dug up personally. He is level 29 this year and has a double century soul ring.

Among them, his first soul skill is the recovery sausage, which has the effect of comprehensive recovery. It can not only promote the healing of injuries and increase the feeling of fullness, but also restore physical and soul power and relieve fatigue and pain.

However, the food made by the food soul master is time-sensitive, and the fresher it is, the better the effect, so Dai Mubai brought Oscar with him and planned to let him make a big recovery sausage for him on the spot.

"As for you, Fatty." Dai Mubai lowered his voice and came closer, "Are you ready for the medicine I asked you to buy for me?"

"Boss Dai, don't worry, this is the medicine I bought. Haven't you tried this medicine? One pill will refresh your mind, two pills will never fatigue you, and three pills will make you immortal." Ma Hongjun said with a lewd smile on his face. He took out a small paper bag and handed it to Dai Mubai. "Boss Dai, I'm not telling you that it's better to take less of this medicine. If you can't stand it, give one to my brother."

"Don't talk nonsense. Even if I am willing to let you go, I am not willing to follow you." Dai Mubai grabbed the small paper bag and carefully put it in his pocket and shook his head, "I will give you fifty gold soul coins tonight. You and I Xiao Ao goes to Yihongyuan."

"Hey, thank you, Boss Dai." Ma Hongjun's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard the fifty gold soul coins. He could spend such a huge sum of money besides finding girls.

Moreover, the girls in Yihongyuan are also divided into grades. When the time comes, he can choose the good one and find the cheapest one for Xiao Ao. Anyway, that kind of place is the worst, and it is also a paradise on earth for Xiao Ao, a junior brother. .

"Don't be in a hurry to thank him, just listen first." Dai Mubai looked at Ma Hongjun's excitement and knew what he was thinking, but he didn't intend to expose him and dampen his enthusiasm.

"I'm going to the barbecue stall on Soto Street. You take Xiao Ao to a barber shop this morning to get him neatly groomed. Then you can go shopping and have a good lunch."

Dai Mubai's eyes flashed, and he took out five gold soul coins and threw them to Oscar, "Remember, you must wait for me at the alley to the left of the Rose Hotel before two o'clock in the afternoon. Then I will make 6 recovery coins. Give me the sausage directly.”

Looking at the shining golden cutie in Xiao Ao's hand, Ma Hongjun's pupils shrank, "Xiao Ao, it's so hard to hold this money. I'll hold it."

"No need, I have the money bag." Oscar shook his head, his peach-blossom eyes filled with dissatisfaction with Ma Hongjun. It was okay for Boss Dai to call him "Little Ao" before him. Ma Hongjun seriously considered that he was two years younger than him, so he called him "Little Ao". What's the matter?

Besides, he is not a fool. It is naturally up to him to decide what to do with the money in his hands during the day. If it falls into Ma Hongjun's hands, haha, it is not up to him, Oscar, to decide where to go.

Looking at the two people who had their own secrets, Dai Mubai shook his head slightly and turned away to stop meddling in these nosy matters. He was more concerned about his own freedom. In his eyes, the two best twin sisters were the most important.

If it hadn't been for the damaged roots that time he came back and didn't mend them, he wouldn't be at a loss for a girl now.

Thinking of this, Dai Mubai gritted his teeth. Why, he and his eldest brother were both unlucky after being rescued. As a result, his father Dai Tianquan used big medicine to make up for Davis's shortcomings, and also chose a new prince from the Zhu family for him. Concubine.

As for him, he had nothing and his injuries were barely healed. He wanted to go to the Zhu family to find another prince and concubine, but he was directly ridiculed and ridiculed by the other party. The clan elders were in a state of panic for some unknown reason, and he could not find an elder to complain.

Dai Mubai, who was too transparent there and was ridiculed by his elder brother Davis's new prince concubine, finally couldn't stand it anymore and chose to flee with the small treasury. At least he could feel more comfortable outside the Star Luo Empire.

He, Dai Mubai, was the White Tiger Spirit, and he didn't want to hear anything about sick tigers and silver-like pewter spearheads, so he established a good relationship with Oscar and Ma Hongjun to form Shrek's three villains.

On the one hand, two people help spread the news and control the public opinion, so that the reputation of Dai Shao, the evil-eyed white tiger, can be stabilized.

On the other hand, with Ma Hongjun's Yindu magic medicine and Oscar's big recovery sausage, he, Dai Mubai, was not afraid at all even if he was one against two.


Tang San, who was wet and smelly, entered a hotel and planned to rest for a day before enrolling in Shrek Academy. In addition to changing clothes, he also planned to visit Soto City, which seemed much more prosperous than Notting City.

Thinking that the Shrek Academy where he will go to school in the future is near this Soto City, Tang San's mood became much brighter. Big cities have the advantages of big cities, and he has quite a lot of savings in his pocket.

The subsidy he received from Wuhun Palace alone amounted to more than 500 gold soul coins, not to mention that he still had more than 1000 gold soul coins in stolen money.

The hotel that Tang San entered at random was very strange. It was three stories high and was entirely rose red. The whole building looked like a red rose, vivid and fiery.

Although the hotel looks small in scale, its decoration details are very exquisite, and its location is also the best part of the street for lighting.

When you walk into the Rose Hotel, the first thing you will feel is the tangy rose fragrance. The refreshing fragrance has a somewhat ambiguous feeling, which makes you feel comfortable physically and mentally.

The interior decoration of the hotel has only three colors, white, silver and rose red, warm and unique, and the elegant environment is easy to give people a good impression.

Before Tang San, there was a heroic girl who entered the Rose Hotel one step ahead of him. Tang San originally arrived first, but when he saw her dazed for a moment, he fell one step behind the girl.

(End of this chapter)

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