Chapter 263 Lottery
"The Eastern Spider Beasts win."

"Weevil Academy wins."

"The Blazing Academy wins."

"Tianji's true body wins"

. . .

"Team [-] of Haotian Academy wins"

With the excited voice of the referee, the first day of the qualifying competition officially kicked off. A total of 36 teams participated in the qualifying competition in the Tiandou City division.

Not only were the majority of the people who bought tickets to watch the game, there were also five competition guests sitting on the VIP table.

Sitting in the middle is Emperor Xueye, the contemporary emperor of the Tiandou Empire. On his left are Ning Fengzhi, the master of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, and Prince Xuexing. On his right are the Platinum Bishop Salas of the Wuhun Palace and Hu Yanzhen, the master of the Elephant Armor Sect. .

The presence of these big figures in the soul master world made the atmosphere more lively. There were many people discussing the strength of each soul master team and even directly participating in the bets on the field.

Even the five people in the VIP seats were not exempt from this. They looked at each team competing for the first time and gave their own comments.

"This year's competition is really full of talents. I see that many teams have Soul Sect level masters. The quality is obviously much higher than in previous years." Emperor Xue Ye said calmly while watching the competition below.

However, there was no joy on his face. To be precise, he had stopped talking a lot since the end of a certain game.

Prince Xuexing on the left shrugged his head and remained silent. Who would have thought that the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy would be picked off on the first day and defeated by a team of unknown casual cultivators.

This time the royal family's face was slapped, and Salas on the side could hardly hide the smile on his face.

"Ahem, Haotian College is indeed the third runner-up in the last competition. Even the second team is so strong this year. It seems that they have a big stage in the finals."

On the other side, Ning Fengzhi saw Emperor Xue Ye's increasingly stiff expression and immediately changed the subject. Although their Qibao Glazed Sect did not invest in building a college, his own daughter was studying in Haotian College.

He just came back a few days ago and he was very satisfied with her progress, and the batch of hidden weapons she carried with her were also very suitable for the self-defense of direct disciples of the Qibao Glazed Sect.

It's just that Haotian Academy seemed to attach great importance to the student named Tang San, so he could only use normal trading methods with him.

And Tang San also said that the production of his unique hidden weapon was cumbersome, and it was inconvenient to make and trade in large quantities. Even if the Qibao Glazed Sect was responsible for the production of basic components, Tang San was only responsible for the assembly, and he didn't have time now.

At least we have to wait until the end of the competition before we can officially cooperate.

"The members of Haotian Academy's second team are really talented, but unfortunately they are still young. There are only two soul sects, and the rest are all soul sects. I'm afraid the preliminaries will be quite difficult."

Salas retorted, but his eyes were fixed on Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu. As the soul sects of the Clear Sky Hammer, these two were extremely powerful. They were definitely among the most eye-catching people that day. indivual.

Fortunately, the performance of the rest of Haotian's second team was very average. Although they were all soul masters with good strength, their martial souls were nothing outstanding.

"I believe in the strength of Haotian Academy. They can definitely pass the qualifiers." Ning Fengzhi's expression remained unchanged, "They will even shine in the subsequent promotion matches and finals."

He knew more or less about the arrangement of Haotian's second team from Rongrong. The three main players Yu Tianheng, Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong did not play, and were replaced by three reserve players.

In this way, although the performance of Haotian Team [-] in the first day of qualifiers was not outstanding compared to other teams, when they encounter strong teams later, this information gap will definitely give them an advantage.

"They say that Sect Master Ning has great calculations. Could it be that he is confused today? Haotian's second team only has two fourth-ring soul masters. Compared with other teams, there is a real soul ring gap." Hu Yanzhen said sarcastically from the side.

"To put it aside, there are at least three Soul Sects in our Five Elements Academy, and there are even four in the Thunder Academy, as well as the original body of Tianji and the Eastern Spider Hundred Beasts."

"In comparison, the level of Haotian Academy's second team is on par with teams such as Barak Royal Academy and Botanical Academy. It would be too difficult for them to achieve top five results, right?"

"I can only say that time will prove everything, and it will be clear who is the wise man and who is the fool." Ning Fengzhi still looked calm and calm.

"And I look at the lottery results. Haotian Team [-] will meet the Elephant Armor Academy the day after tomorrow. Then I would like to see the level of Huyan Sect Master's disciples."

"Haha, then let's see who laughs and who cries." There was no fear on Hu Yanzhen's face. The strongest members of Haotian's second team were the two Haotian Hammer Soul Sects.

However, the Diamond Mammoth of their Elephant Armor Sect is known for its strength and defense. In addition, Ali has refined the 8000-year-old skull, and his own strength and defense capabilities have been improved to a higher level. I believe it is the best offensive system in the world. The Clear Sky Hammer can also withstand it!
"Why do you two need to be anxious? The order of the draw is just the order of the qualifiers. Each team has to compete with the other 35 teams. It will be clear by then whether it is a mule or a horse."

Salas looked to the left, "But just looking at the soul power level on the first day, Haotian Team [-] undoubtedly does not have an advantage." "They are younger and have better talents, and the competition is not just based on the soul power level, but also Practical combat ability." Ning Fengzhi continued.

"According to Sect Master Ning, the age of the Eastern Spider Beasts in our Spirit Hall is no worse than that of the Haotian Second Team, and they are all members of the Soul Sect. You can't miss such an obvious difference, right?"

Salas continued, "There is also Du Hengkong, the captain of Tianji Team, who is the Soul King. He is the most outstanding soul master in this qualifier. It seems that these two teams will also compete with Haotian in the first half of the month. Two teams clash."

"Since Sect Leader Ning is so confident in the actual combat capabilities of Haotian Team [-], we might as well bet on the outcome of these two games?"

Ning Fengzhi's pupils shrank and he didn't speak to them immediately. Judging from the first day's competition, those powerful teams didn't show much of their trump cards, but the number of soul rings couldn't be concealed.

This is also a specific situation that he and everyone else can observe. The fourth-ring soul sect is normally stronger than the three-ring soul sect, so whichever team has more fourth rings will have more people supporting it now.

The two teams that Salas mentioned were exactly the two teams with the highest soul power levels. One was full of soul sects and had no shortcomings, and the other was led by the soul king captain and moved forward indomitably. They were undoubtedly the two most popular teams.

Although Ning Fengzhi thought that Haotian Team [-] would win, the reality told him that it would be very difficult.

"Sect Leader Ning is scared, isn't he?" Salas continued to mock calmly with a smile.

"Tianji's body and Bishop Salas of the Eastern Spider Beasts are so optimistic about it. I wonder which team you think is the number one in the qualifiers?" Emperor Xueye looked at Salas coldly and said.

"Hmph." The smile on Salas's face faded and he looked at Xue Ye calmly and said, "It seems that His Majesty is also interested. Could it be that he also wants to make a bet with me like Sect Master Ning?"


Off the court, in the team rest area,

Miga sat on a chair and looked at Amber Qing and others who had returned from the victory and waved. Salas originally invited her to go to the VIP table, but she felt uncomfortable, so she didn't go and chose to be the leader of the Eastern Spider Beasts Team. .

"How about it, I'm not lying, the qualifiers are not difficult. After all, there are not many strong teams." Miga patted Amber Qing's shoulder and said nonchalantly.

"Theoretically, you can advance as long as you lose 4 games or less. There is nothing to worry about."

Hu Boqing looked at Miga's leisurely expression as if on vacation, then turned to look at his team members and sighed, "Sister Miga, I just don't have the confidence in my heart, but I feel much better after the first game."

"Me too."

"Yeah, me too." Several other people also raised their hands.

"By the way, Sister Mijia, weren't you nervous before?" Hu Boqing, who suddenly remembered something, looked at Mijia and asked with some confusion.

Sister Miga and the others were the first batch of students in the academy, and they had no seniors to protect them during the competition five years ago.

"I didn't care at first, but Doron and the others are a bit like you, but as you said, there are almost 30 games in the qualifying round. The more you win, the more confident you will be."

Miga nodded and said, "Even when I went to the Great Soul Fighting Arena in Tiandou City, I went to the Soul King Arena first, and when there was no queue for people to go to the Soul Emperor Arena, I finally thought that I had to leave and it didn't matter whether I won or lost before I went to the Soul Saint Arena. field."

"At the beginning, I was not sure if I were asked to go directly to the Holy Soul Field, but after you fight more, you will know that those guys are more crotch-stretching than the others."

"And as your combat experience increases, you will develop an inexplicable intuition. Even if you have never seen an opponent before, you can detect whether there is a threat from him."

"I have never seen the other party's soul skills before. It was the first time I saw it. I was still able to catch the flaw and solve it easily."

"What is the key issue for you guys? It's that you didn't go to the Great Soul Fighting Arena for a month after breaking through the Soul Sect. However, the same goes for the qualifiers. The quality is even higher than that of the Great Soul Fighting Arena. When you finish the qualifiers, naturally I’m confident that I can win the championship.”

"Is that so?" After listening to Miga's words, Hu Boqing and others felt a lot more relaxed. Thinking of the competition they had in the continent-wide soul fighting arena when they were soul masters, it seemed that there was nothing difficult about it.

"But there is one thing you should be careful about." Miga suddenly remembered something and reminded, "Although students of our current class will not participate in this competition, your seniors from the previous class can. There is no such restriction.”

"I just said that the first team of East Spider will abstain, but I didn't say that you are the second team of East Spider. And I remember what the senior said. This time our East Spider Academy should have sent 4 teams to participate in the preliminaries across the continent. Sai, you are just one of them."

"Oh, by the way, there's one game you didn't see. The Tiangong team that defeated Team Tiandou [-] was from another class. They also just arrived, but the purpose was not for the competition."

(End of this chapter)

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