Chapter 295 Choice

"They are nothing more than the college union. The college's venue and reconstruction are very troublesome." Huo Wushuang explained, "By then, our current college will be transformed into the lower house of Water and Fire College, corresponding to low-level and intermediate soul masters. Academy.”

"The merged Water and Fire Academy needs to be re-located and built to correspond to the Advanced Soul Master Academy."

"Originally we planned to choose a location in Tiandou City. The venue was coordinated by Thunder Academy and Tiandou Empire. Now it's not easy. I guess Dad and the others will have to consider Wuhun City."

"In addition, the original plan was to switch to the side of the Tiandou Empire. Dad planned to establish a good relationship with the Tiandou Imperial Family. Now he has to change direction and go to the Platinum Bishop Salas."

"Ah." Huo Wu turned his head after hearing what his brother Huo Wushuang said, "Isn't that because I asked dad and the others to do useless work."

"You're overthinking it. Dad and I care about what you think, but Tianshui College doesn't care." Huo Wushuang patted Huo Wu on the shoulder to comfort him.

"The key to their hesitation lies in the strength of Wuhun Palace in recent years and the decline of Tiandou Empire. The situation is constantly changing. We cannot let our greed affect the current judgment because of the sunk costs we have paid. This is what dad and I asked you to do. The reason for the decision.”

Speaking of this, Huo Wushuang stared in the direction of the East Spider Beast Resting Area and frowned. No matter whether he cooperated or fought alone, he was not sure of defeating the opponent.

In his opinion, the opponent's physical skills and weapons are particularly difficult, and his age and soul power level are even more frightening. Not to mention that only the Eastern Spider Beasts have the means to circumvent the restrictions of the illusion when facing Canghui Academy.

According to the dean of Blazing Fire Academy, there have been too many new things coming out of Wuhun Palace in recent years, especially in terms of student training.

If he wanted to fall to the Wuhundian camp, he also planned to get two places for exchange students from the East Spider Academy from Salas and arrange for his own children to study there.


"Now, please invite the captains and vice-captains of the Eastern Spider Beasts, Tianji Body, Wind and Thunder Academy, Water and Fire Academy, and Elephant Academy to come on stage to accept the awards." The host announced in a loud voice.

The so-called awarding on stage is not only a much-anticipated honor, but also a certificate and actual reward for participating in the promotion competition.

Emperor Xue Ye, Ning Fengzhi and Salas personally distributed the rewards, but in the past, this actual reward was just a formality, with each team receiving 1 gold soul coins.

This year's standards were raised much higher than in previous years. The sponsor, the Tiandou Imperial Family, also raised the bonus to 3. The most important thing is that Xue Ye also awarded knighthoods to the five tier teams after the commendation speech.

The captain, vice-captain, viscount, and team member baron, but Xue Ye was very strict about the territory. The territory will be distributed uniformly after they graduate.

What it actually means is that these titles are empty for the time being, which can be regarded as a clear indication of treatment given by the Tiandou Empire to attract talents from the outside.

If any team is willing to serve for the Tiandou Empire after graduation, they can naturally obtain the substantial benefits of the corresponding title, including fiefdom and substantial power.

The higher the potential, the more benefits Tiandou will provide. For example, Du Hengkong has received an invitation from Xuexing these days to join the Tiandou Royal Advanced Soul Master Academy, and he can obtain the title of earl after graduation.

However, Du Hengkong was obviously not very interested in aristocratic power, and Xuexing was quite dissatisfied with him. However, he was also quite tempted after hearing that the title of earl could lead to a city as a fief.

After all, if you can take over the city where your martial arts school is located, you can easily expand the scale of Tianjimen quickly.

"Tch, you know how to make these empty promises." Miga was a little disdainful when he heard this in the audience.

To be precise, as long as a Soul Sect joins the Tiandou Empire, they can get the title of Viscount. The 10 people on the stage are all Soul Sects. This reward just sounds nice. If you really want to get the benefits, you have to join Tiandou completely. empire.

Of course, the ordinary soul sect's title does not include fiefdom, so the treatment Xue Ye personally promised was naturally better than what ordinary soul masters received.

After all, these students in front of me are not middle-aged soul sects with no hope of advancement, but young elites with bright futures.

Salas frowned slightly on the podium. He didn't care about the small profit Xue Ye offered. The key was that Xue Ye's behavior of blatantly wooing all the teams was a bit too shameless.

And just because he doesn't care about these worldly and vain aristocratic rights doesn't mean that he is unattractive to these young boys.

"Your Majesty, isn't this good?" Salas handed the note and the gold soul coin savings card to Hu Huiqing with a smile, then turned around and interjected, and there was a little more gunpowder smell in the air.

Regarding Salas's question, Xue Ye's reply was very tough: "Your Excellency Bishop Platinum, the awarding of titles is an internal matter of the empire and has nothing to do with the Spirit Hall or this competition. It's just that I appreciate the rewards given by these children. "

"They represent our Tiandou Empire to participate in this Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition." Xue Ye saw the excited faces of these ignorant teenagers and did not hesitate to add fuel to the fire. "Here I also want to make a promise to you. If any of your teams can win the final game, the entire team's knighthood will be promoted to one level. At the same time, the prefix of the academy will be added with the word "royal" and will be financially supported by the empire. Of course, It is limited to academies and teams within the Tiandou Empire.”

Xue Ye looked at Amber Qing and Gong Yangyu who were standing at the front with a little gloom in their eyes. This was the second time! The team from Dongzhu Advanced Soul Master Academy qualified first in the Tiandou City Division Qualifiers.

Moreover, it was Salas who presented them with awards every time, not him, the highest-ranking Emperor of Heaven Dou. Every time at this time, he felt quite unhappy, feeling that Wuhun Palace was slapping the Tian Dou Empire in the face in public.

"Well, in that case, our Wuhun Palace is not stingy about rewarding young talents." Salas coughed lightly and took over Xue Ye's words and said,

"If your five teams can achieve good results in the finals, you will naturally be favored by the Pope and the elders and join the main hall of Wuhun City."

"Don't be discouraged if your performance is abnormal. You can join the Wuhun Temple in Tiandou City to get the corresponding top-level training. The promise I gave is valid for every team that qualified."

"Even if the follow-up performance is excellent, a city can be delegated to take charge of the local Wuhunzi Temple or even branch temple matters."

Looking at Xue Ye who looked unhappy, Salas added with a smile.

"Your Majesty, recruiting outstanding talents is an internal matter of Wuhun Palace. It has nothing to do with the empire or this competition. It's just that I appreciate the opportunities given by these children."

Regarding Salas's provocation, Xue Ye could only suppress the anger in her heart and skip the topic. Without a titled Douluo in the entire empire, no one could really suppress Salas, the platinum bishop.

He cooperated with the Qibao Glazed Sect to resist the pressure from Platinum Bishop Salas. As for the Wuhun Palace headquarters, the Qibao Glazed Sect did not dare to take the initiative to provoke it. Only the Haotian Sect had this confidence.

"The next promotion competition will still be held in the empire. But the location will be changed from the Tiandou Great Soul Fighting Arena to the Royal Paddock. At that time, the ten teams from the principality and the kingdom that have passed the preliminaries will come to advance with you. competition."

"I hope that all five of your colleges will be at the top of the promotion competition, so that you can take the lead when participating in the finals. The promotion competition is the best stage to reflect your personal strength."

"At that time, for the top five students who have won the most promotion matches, the empire will provide you with the soul beasts you need for your next title promotion. You can choose the type of soul beast by yourself, with a cultivation level of less than [-] years. The empire can guarantee everything.”

Title, wealth, territory, power and even soul rings, Xue Ye's conditions this time were far beyond those in the past, and were the limit of what the Tiandou Empire could do to attract talents.

Looking at the 10 young soul masters in front of him and Salas on the side, Xue Ye pointed out something.

"The promotion competition will be held in one month. I hope you can make another breakthrough within this month. Well, I won't say much else. You kids are very smart. I think you will make smart choices. "

After saying that, Xue Ye turned around and had no intention of quarreling with Sarath. Instead, she left the scene with the support of other empire executives.

"Your Majesty is right, children, make your choice." Salas waved his hand as if commanding, and before turning to leave, he reminded you, "This choice will affect your life."

Heaven Dou Empire or Wuhun Palace? The meaning is already clear, you can only choose one of the two.

It’s just that Xue Ye’s meaning is just to win over the forces, but Saras’s meaning is more than that. No one except the real senior leaders of Wuhun Palace knows:

Under the thin snow, the hot molten lava is already boiling, the dead volcano has reawakened unconsciously, and the war is already close at hand!

The third person who presented the award, Ning Fengzhi, rarely had a very low presence. He had already reached a deal with Xue Ye. The Qibao Glazed Sect would not interfere in talent recruitment for this competition and would protect the Tiandou Empire's team.

In exchange, after the competition, the Qibao Glazed Sect will receive a lot of substantial support from the Tiandou Empire. Not only will he, the crown prince teacher, receive a substantial marquis title, but the Qibao Glazed Sect will also gain the autonomy of a large city!

Beside Ning Fengzhi, in addition to Bone Douluo, there was a beautiful girl looking at him curiously, but she could not help but avoid her sight when she saw Hu Hueqing.

She was Ning Rongrong who had just dropped out of Haotian College. Ning Rongrong nodded in agreement to Ning Fengzhi's proposal without any hesitation.

The team suffered heavy losses twice in the past two years, and her teammates were severely injured in front of her. Ning Rongrong, who is only 14 years old this year, was almost psychologically frightened.

At this time, she would naturally subconsciously go to the place that made her most at ease, that is, next to her father and the two enshrined grandfathers.

Speaking of Haotian Team [-], except for Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong who surrendered in time, the other five members were seriously injured and were sent to the clinic of Gu Changqing, the first doctor in Tiandou City, together with the severely injured Lao Deng Tang Yuanhai.

(End of this chapter)

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