Chapter 297 Avalanche

Tiandou City, VIP Room on the third floor of Baihua Pavilion,

The decoration here is gorgeous, warm and comfortable. Four thick jade pillars inlaid with gold stand in four directions. Under the jade pillars, four exquisite and gorgeous little lions open their mouths and spit out the refreshing fragrance.

On the dance floor in the middle, 6 dancers in various colors of gauze danced gracefully, and the musicians on both sides held harps and pipa to accompany them. Each one was young and beautiful, and looked pleasing to the eye.

At the head of the table in the middle, a young man with blond hair in rich clothes sat there. Although there were not many dishes on the table in front of him, everything from the ingredients to the craftsmanship was extremely meticulous.

On his left and right sides, there was a beautiful woman serving him. She was more beautiful than the dancer below, and a hint of youthfulness could be seen between her eyebrows.

After such enjoyment, the young man's face was naturally full of contentment and leisure. Except for the slight yin deficiency unique to the disciples of Gaoliang on his face, there was a confident nobility in his behavior.

"Okay, okay." The young man's face was rosy, and he clapped his hands and was quite satisfied. "You have served His Highness well, and I don't mind taking you to the palace to enjoy the glory and wealth."

After hearing the young man's words, the dancer below worked even harder. Pieces of light gauze fell everywhere like birds, from the original slightly tight to half-covered, and then to. . .

Seeing that the young man's attention was attracted, the two noble men next to him looked at each other and gritted their teeth, completely letting go of their reserve. Although the man in front of him was a well-known libertine in Tiandou City, his status and even appearance were very different. Much better than those wealthy businessmen.

Even if he is a disciple of Gaoliang, this one is also the most outstanding among the disciples of Gaoliang.

Yes, he is Xue Beng, the younger brother of Crown Prince Xue Qinghe, one of the only two princes in the Tiandou royal family.

Logically speaking, this prince is in his early 20s and is still a student studying at the Tiandou Royal Academy of Advanced Soul Masters. He shouldn't be so outrageous. Even if there is no one to discipline him, he shouldn't have so much money to spend money in this gold cave.

But who made him have a close relationship with his uncle, Prince Xuexing, who was not only the actual manager of the Tiandou Royal Academy of Advanced Soul Masters, but also the manager of a series of industries of the Tiandou Royal Family in Tiandou City.

In addition to the Great Soul Fighting Arena, the Great Auction House, and the Tiandou Chamber of Commerce, which are familiar to most soul masters, Prince Snow Star is also the boss behind Baihua Pavilion, which has been newly opened for half a year.

So it didn't matter if Xue Beng had no money in his pocket, he could just write it down to his uncle's account. His face represented the Gold Soul Coin Savings Card, which also made his reputation as a playboy resound throughout Tiandou City.

Almost everyone in Tiandou City knew that the prince Xue Qinghe, who was gentle, elegant and knowledgeable, was the best heir to the throne, while Xue Beng was an out-and-out playboy who bullied men, dominated women and indulged in women. There was a complete difference between the two.

Theoretically, the fourth prince Xue Beng had no possibility or qualification to compete for the crown prince's position from the eldest prince Xue Qinghe.

Of course, although Xue Beng is immersed in the softness of snow-white, he is not full of yellow waste.

He had no objection to his uncle Prince Xue Xing's behavior of doubting his eldest brother Xue Qinghe's identity and making him pretend to be a playboy.

Just kidding, does he still need to pretend in these beautiful days? It's okay to just act as he is. In a sense, his life now is not as happy as his elder brother Xue Qinghe's, even his father Xue Ye is not as happy as he is.

In his opinion, it doesn't matter whether his eldest brother Xue Qinghe has any problems. If there is a problem, it is also a problem that his uncle has to worry about.

No problem, that’s even better. When the eldest brother Xue Qinghe comes to power, he will be the second Prince Xue Xing. By then, he who is powerful and rich will not just come from his family shop for free, but can go directly to the big auction. Buy a beautiful female slave now.

Naturally, Yinren Xue Beng couldn't stand it anymore, and he was probably always looking forward to killing his eldest brother Xue Qinghe and replacing him.

But can Xue Beng’s current life still be considered forbearing?

He is not an aristocratic son who has no background and can only bully ordinary people outside. He is the only prince in the Tiandou Empire. He is backed by the powerful prince Xue Xing. Except for his father Xue Ye and his eldest brother Xue Qinghe, who has to be careful. Who else dares to Is it unpleasant for him?

Not to mention that his father Xue Ye and eldest brother Xue Qinghe are both standard templates for a generation of wise kings. They all have one thing in common, that is, they are busy with imperial affairs and don't have much time to care about him.

And Prince Xue Xing, who was responsible for educating him, was not a good bird himself. Xue Beng's "enjoyment of life" was completely learned from Xue Xing.


The door in the distance suddenly opened, and the noise outside made Xue Beng turn his head dissatisfied. He was about to scold the madam, but after seeing the appearance of the person clearly, he swallowed the words in his throat.

He even reluctantly took his hands off the soft snow, stood up and greeted him respectfully, "Uncle is here, do you want to come with us?"

However, Prince Xue Xing, who came specifically to see Xue Beng today, was obviously different from usual. Not only did he not mean to be ridiculous with his nephew, but he coughed lightly and waved to the others present, signaling them to leave.

Then he turned to look at Xue Beng, with a rare seriousness on his face, "Xue Beng, follow me, I have something serious to do today."

"Business?" Xue Beng was a little confused when he heard this. First he reluctantly watched the "ragged" dancers pick up the gauze clothes on the ground and leave quietly, and then looked at his uncle Xue Xing with some doubts.

Although he was a playboy, he was not a loser. He could sense something was wrong from Xuexing's obvious anomalies.

"Brother, it's probably too early to come back. Could it be that my father has summoned me for something? What do I, a playboy like me, need to do?" Xue Beng lowered his head with some self-mockery when he said this. Being a playboy has its price, that is, his father Xue Ye looks down on him. The fact that he is not in the arena but in a brothel for such a big event as the Soul Master Competition speaks volumes.

"Ahem, no." Hearing what Xue Beng meant, Prince Xue Xing was a little embarrassed. After all, he didn't expect that Xue Beng's true character was so realistic that his eldest brother Xue Ye completely ignored him and didn't expect anything from him.

"It's like this. This competition has produced a rare genius in the history of the Tiandou Empire. Not only does his martial spirit have a top-level martial spirit body, but his soul power level is as high as level 55."

Prince Xue Xing explained Du Hengkong's specific information to him in detail while taking Xue Beng downstairs and boarding a luxury carriage.

"I think His Majesty wants me to stabilize him first, and then he can win over Xue Qinghe when he comes back. You can't pretend this time. If you pretend any more, you'll really become a pig."

Hearing Xue Xing's solemn behavior, Xue Beng cast a curious look. This kind of thing violated the low-key code he had always taught.

"This time is different." Xue Xing explained with a hint of disappointment when he saw Xue Beng puzzled, "Why do you think His Majesty gave me so many rights? The previous generation of the Tiandou royal family was not just the two of us."

"Isn't it because, uncle, you fully supported my father's rise to power? Also, uncle, you are greedy for money, lustful, and have a bad reputation?"

Hearing Xue Beng's words, Xue Xing's face turned slightly dark but said, "Well, although these are also part of the reasons, they are not the important reasons."

Speaking of this, Xuexing whispered, "The most important reason is because I have connections, connections with high-level soul masters."

"Not only do I have a close relationship with several Contras, but the deceased titled enshrinement also has a very good relationship with me."

"You have to know that Douluo Continent is the world of soul masters. The empire needs high-level soul masters to maintain stability, and I am an important part of this stability."

"I have mastered so much royal property. Not all of the income has been pocketed by me. I only took a small amount. His Majesty took far more than me, but only half. The remaining part was used to manage high-level officials. The relationship with the soul master has come to an end."

Using money to win over high-level soul masters and being good at dancing among the major forces are the fundamental reasons why the Tiandou Empire's royal family's martial soul is not strong, but has been passed down steadily to this day.

After hearing so much, Xue Beng gradually understood that if he wanted to be a playboy like his uncle, he had to do nothing. At least he had to win over a few backers and win them over through playboy entertainment.

Some soul masters may not like the sensuality and lust of people, but most soul masters still don't reject it, especially those middle-aged and elderly high-level soul masters who have nowhere to go.

"Your Majesty's condition is not very good. It seems that he has already planned to support Xue Qinghe to take over the throne. Regardless of whether he has problems or not, you can't waste your time anymore."

Xue Xing told Xue Beng in a deep voice the latest information he had obtained. The Qibao Glazed Sect was already preparing to fully support Xue Qinghe under Xue Ye's arrangement.

In this competition, Xue Qinghe was even appointed as the highest representative of the Tiandou Empire. Ning Fengzhi and others were only assistants in name. This was to build momentum for him to ascend to the throne.

"I'm afraid this Du Hengkong has the qualifications to be titled. Regardless of whether Xue Qinghe has problems or not, you must have a good relationship with Du Hengkong, and it is best to form a deep friendship. In this way, you will become a prince like me in the future. At least one bit is indispensable.”

Speaking of this, Xuexing's expression was not good-looking. He had already been in contact with Du Hengkong, and his temperament was that of a low-level person with no "aristocratic" upbringing.

After hearing his uncle Xue Xing's worries, Xue Beng didn't have much worry on his face, "Uncle, in my opinion, this is a good thing. Mud Legs has never seen the world, so this will make him satisfied."

"Let's see if I have the patience to interact with him. I will definitely get along with him before my eldest brother comes back." Xue Beng, who understood the seriousness of the matter, took it very seriously, and at the same time, his face was full of confidence.

"I feel relieved when you look like this." Seeing this, Xuexing's face softened a lot. He invested in Avalanche because of his abilities, not because of his complete useless teammates.

"He should be in the Great Soul Fighting Arena now. I will take you there directly. His personality is similar to that of a martial arts fanatic. You should read the information carefully first, so that you can adapt to him when the time comes."

Xuexing, who had been well prepared, took out two pieces of paper from his storage ring and handed them over. He had also found out Du Hengkong's origins these days.

Born in Shuangtian City in the northern part of the empire, he is the sect leader of a small sect, Tianji Sect. His team is also patchwork, and his friendship is not deep. Even if Xue Xing uses some means to make other members of this Tianji body voluntarily withdraw from the competition, OK.

"If you are from the empire, it will be easier to handle." Xue Beng had an idea not long after reading the information.

(End of this chapter)

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