Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 307 Tang Hao’s unexpected discovery

Chapter 307 Tang Hao’s unexpected discovery

"Senior, are you going to compete?" Miga looked at the light that he had not seen for a long time, and pulled the cheerful Hu Liena and Xie Yue to the front, with a rare surprise on his quiet face.

"That's right, Xiao Mijia, senior sister, I'm going to work under you, please take care of me." Hu Liena came to Mijia excitedly, and it could be seen that she had been very happy since yesterday.

Judging from the rules of the competition, there is nothing wrong with Guang, Hu Liena, and Xie Yue joining the Eastern Spider Beasts midway. Regardless of their soul power levels, their 24-year-old age fully meets the competition's youth standards of under 25 years old.

Even compared to the merger operation of Wind and Thunder Academy and Water and Fire Academy, they couldn't even talk about the rules. After all, the three of them were indeed registered students of Dongzhu Advanced Soul Master Academy.

However, Miga knew very well that these people were too bullying when they came on stage. To put it bluntly, let alone 1V7, it was not impossible to even bring the referee together and beat them up.

"We didn't join the team to go to the ring." Guang looked at the girl in front of him who was as tall as him and explained gently, "but to evaluate the participating teams at close range, which is inconvenient and too eye-catching in the VIP seats. "

He had been very optimistic about Miga a long time ago, and facts have proved that his vision was right.

Of course, just looking at the excited little fox's aura was extremely soft, he also planned to take her to have a good time during this operation.

The actions of the Qibao Glazed Sect had many variables due to Ning Fengzhi's behavior. Although the number of people was not reduced to prevent accidents, there was no need for Hu Liena and Xie Yue to go.

Guang plans to personally lead them to perform in this competition.

In addition, what he said was to evaluate the many teams that came to participate. Of course, it was not to evaluate their participating team members, but to evaluate their accompanying high-level soul masters.

Especially Tang Yuanhai, Sword Douluo, Bone Douluo, Ning Fengzhi, Unparalleled Dragon Snake and Soul Douluo from Xingluo.

Moreover, Guang and Bibi Dong also doubted whether the other party had hidden power that was watching in the dark. If unexpected variables occurred, the plan might suffer setbacks.

Our side is in the light, and the enemy is in the dark.

If they want to reverse the situation, they also need to hide. The VIP seats are undoubtedly too stupid.

The big one is hidden in the city, and the small one is hidden in the wild. If you want to hide appropriately, Dongzhidaobaishou is undoubtedly a good place.

Although everyone knew that the East Spider Hundred Beasts were a force on the side of Wuhun Palace, they couldn't resist the deception of Guang, Hu Liena and Xie Yue's appearance.

In addition, if Hu Liena's guess last night inspired Guang, even if the other party is hiding something, he will not completely lose contact with his participating team.

He only needs to pay special attention to those key targets above level 80, and he will have a chance to catch the rat tail in the dark.

Especially the Haotian Sect, they are the most capable force to cause trouble, and they have no lack of reasons.

As for the process of the finals, it is very simple. There are 34 teams in total, 30 qualifying teams and 4 seed teams, including the Royal Academy teams from the two empires, the last runner-up Wuhun Academy and the third runner-up Haotian Academy.

The competition is divided into 6 rounds. In the first round, Wuhun Academy and Haotian Academy had a bye. The remaining 32 teams competed randomly. The loser was eliminated directly and had a day off.

In the second round, the first-place teams from the two major empires promotion tournaments had a bye, and the remaining 16 teams advanced to 8 teams. The top ten teams have been determined so far, and they will have a day off in the middle.

In the third round, Wuhundian will designate the two best-performing teams to advance directly, and the remaining 8 teams will advance to 4 teams to determine the top 6 teams, with a day off in the middle.

In the fourth round, 6 teams competed to determine the top three and bottom three, with a three-day break.

In the fifth round, the top three will compete to determine the championship, runner-up and third place.

In the sixth round, the bottom three teams competed for fourth, fifth and sixth place.

Among them, except for the fifth round, which was held in the arena in front of the Pope's Palace, the remaining five rounds were all held in the newly built fighting arena in the middle of Wuhun City.

And compared to the qualifying rounds and promotion rounds, the viewing threshold for the finals is directly higher, and only soul masters are allowed to purchase tickets to watch the match.

For the final round in front of the Pope's Palace, the ticket purchase process was cancelled. You could only apply to the Wuhun Palace, and the Wuhun Palace would issue tickets to watch the game.

In addition, Bibi Dong will not sit there for two months like that stupid old man Xue Ye in this competition. She will only appear in the fifth round of the finals.

There will be only three teams left in the competition that day, competing for the championship and runner-up in front of the Pope's Palace. Pope Bibi Dong will personally award awards to the top three as a mark of honor.


"Only soul masters are allowed to purchase tickets?" Tang San looked at the printed flyer for the finals and asked in surprise. You must know that the number of soul masters is extremely rare compared to ordinary people. Even ordinary people watching the Tiandou City audience have to Accounting for more than 9%.

Hearing this, Tang Gang explained nonchalantly to the side: "Wuhun Palace is just like this. There's nothing surprising about it, but it's also a good thing. The competition will not be as noisy as before."

"Will that affect the scale of the competition?" Other members of the Haotian team next to them asked curiously.

"Don't worry. Although Wuhun Palace pretends to be noble and makes no money, the ratio of soul masters in Wuhun City is definitely the highest in the entire Douluo Continent. There will never be a dull moment in the competition." Tang Yuanhai looked at the passers-by and sighed with emotion. , "Although the overall number of spectators will be much smaller then, the number of high-level soul masters will actually increase."

"As for the strict restrictions in the last game, it is normal. After all, the front of the Pope's Palace is already the core area of ​​Wuhun Palace, so it is normal for the censorship to be strict."

On the other side, Teng Wanchun, who came back from collecting flyers, also added cheerfully.

"Yes, no matter how strict the review is, it is all for the audience. The participating teams and their entourage have specially designated viewing areas."

"Furthermore, people from Wuhun Palace also specifically stated that all 34 participating teams in the fifth round finals have spectator seats, and there is nothing wrong with Wuhun Palace's restrictions."

In fact, whether it is Haotian Academy or other teams, not only are they not opposed to Wuhun Hall's arrangements, but they are also very satisfied.

Soul masters have a more or less natural sense of superiority towards their own strength, and they are more or less repulsed by the act of competing in the ring for others to watch, especially ordinary people who are far weaker than themselves.

This is also the fundamental reason why the Great Soul Fighting Arena gives huge profits to participating soul masters. It is to get rid of this awkwardness in the hearts of soul masters with money. In layman's terms, it is the appearance fee.

In the same way, in the eyes of others, the Soul Master Competition is a PLUS upgraded version of the Great Soul Fighting Arena Competition. The audience likes to watch it more, but it does not mean that there is no awkwardness in the participating teams.

Teams that want to be famous also want to be famous in the soul master world.

The reason why the Tiandou Empire and the Star Luo Empire had full auditoriums for the games and completely relaxed the restrictions to drive up ticket prices was purely to make money back.

This is also the reason why Tang Gang satirized Wuhundian for pretending to be noble. There are indeed many benefits to restricting ticket purchase qualifications, but the disadvantage of not having money is also real, and it is entirely borne by Wuhundian.

"Tang Gang, come here." Tang Yuanhai, who had just recovered from his injury, looked sallow and bloodless, and the soul power aura on his body was a little erratic. However, it was still not difficult to torture people below level 90. Few of the teams present dared to look down on Haotian. Academy.

"Elder." Tang Gang came to Tang Yuanhai respectfully. He knew very well that the purpose of the other party dragging his injured body along was to support Haotian Academy. Coupled with the other party's status as an elder, the respect on his face and in his heart was full of respect. Nothing less.

"In this finals, all affairs of Haotian's first team will be left to one person to decide. Don't interfere with my whereabouts and actions. If anyone tries to test me, just say that I am recovering in the hotel."

Tang Yuanhai's voice was serious and cold.

"Understood." Although Tang Gang had doubts, he still chose to be obedient and suppress his curiosity when looking at the solemn elder.

Seeing Tang Gang who didn't ask any questions, Tang Yuanhai was also very satisfied and his voice became softer.

"Don't worry, I will come out to support you in the fifth round of the finals. If you encounter something that cannot be solved, just come to the hotel to find me."

After saying that, Tang Yuanhai waved towards Tang Gang, indicating that he would directly represent Haotian's first team on stage to draw lots.

Although his face was expressionless, Tang Yuanhai's heart was full of worry.

His injuries have initially recovered, but it is not easy to recover the severely injured vitality. It is not difficult to deal with Soul Masters of Contra and below, but it is extremely difficult for Titled Douluo of the same level.

In this way, he can no longer provide much help to Tang Hao.

Of course, the damage to his own strength is not the core reason for Tang Yuanhai's worries. After all, the key to the operation is Tang Hao. In theory, he, the helper, does not need to take action.

But the biggest problem is that a secret report has been sent from the sect that the sect leader Tang Chen has disappeared in an accident.

Tang Chen left in a hurry. He just spoke to the third elder who was stationed at the mountain gate and left directly. No one knew where he was going.

The people of the Haotian Sect are very confident in the strength of the sect leader, so there will be no problems.

But the one month he mentioned before leaving has now been far exceeded. No one went to Pingdingshan to contain Qiandaoliu. This was the biggest flaw in the plan.

Whether to terminate the plan temporarily or continue taking risks, Tang Yuanhai didn't say anything about it. The opinions given by Tang Xiao and the third elder of the sect were to let Tang Hao and Tang Yuanhai act according to the situation.

No one dared to say that the unreliable leader of the Tang Dynasty had led to increased risks, but a few people were unwilling to give up halfway.

After all, the opportunity for the Soul Master Competition is so rare, it only happens once every five years. If they can't win the championship and runner-up positions this year, the four elders don't know how long they will have to wait to get out of trouble.

Night, Tang Yuanhai's luxurious suite.

He met Tang Hao, who was dressed in black. The other party had already learned of the incident, but before Tang Yuanhai could explain the situation in detail, Tang Hao spoke without hesitation.

"This operation will definitely succeed. I have already tried to break through the perimeter of Dongzhu Advanced Soul Master Academy and discovered important information."

(End of this chapter)

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