Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 309 The Target of Light

Chapter 309 The Target of Light

The teams that had a bye in the third round were Wuhun Academy and Haotian Academy, with the highest overall soul power levels. Most people thought the arrangement of Wuhun Hall was fair.

The top priority is how to draw lots for the remaining four qualifying spots.

Thinking about the reward for sixth place, Hu Yanzhen slowly shook his head at Hu Yanli, "Ali, this is not worth the gain."

The Elephant Armor Sect can naturally gain benefits by joining the Wuhun Palace camp. Hu Yanzhen can actively apply to the Wuhun Palace for what he wants, but there is undoubtedly a clear limit on the number.

8-year-old skulls are already very precious. Hu Yanzhen's ability to seek such benefits for his direct grandson is due to Hu Yanli's superb talent. He doesn't want to waste the rest.

If he licks this old face and goes to find someone from Wuhun Palace, it will probably be okay to change the order of the lottery, but Wuhun Palace's debt to the Elephant Armor Sect has almost been exhausted, so it would be unavoidable to exchange this for the sixth place reward. What a loss.

Hu Yanzhen's eyes were profound. What every Soul Douluo wanted most was undoubtedly the goal of breaking through the level 90 Soul Master.

If he could get a secret medicine from Wuhun Palace to give him the possibility of breaking through the Titled Douluo, it would definitely be better than putting his hopes on future generations.

And this kind of thing happens sooner rather than later. Hu Yanzhen remembered Salas' hint to him before leaving.

On that day, Salas put down his disguise and released his martial soul and soul ring, telling Hu Yanzhen that he had broken through the level 90 limit. He used his own words to prove that the secret medicine of the Spirit Hall was real and effective.

Because Salas himself, like Hu Yanzhen, has been stuck at level 89 for many years.

The secret medicine is indeed useful, and it is valuable and limited in quantity. More importantly, Salas hinted that Hu Yanzhen, in addition to the Elephant Armor Sect, has recently been leaning towards the Wuhun Palace.

In addition to the lower four sects, Tiandou Academy's Water and Fire Academy, which merged with Blazing Academy and Tianshui Academy, also has this meaning.

If you can't make up your mind before the end of the competition, the good things will be taken advantage of by others. . .

Of course, Salas's words also have some merit. After all, the secret medicine came from the hands of Pope Bibi Dong. There are currently 6 users, including four platinum bishops, the masters of the Holy Dragon Sect and the Goshawk Sect.

Salas and Viana did succeed in breaking through, but the other two people, Bishop Platinum and the Goshawk Sect's leader, failed and were seriously injured. The Holy Dragon Sect's leader, Tuoba Xi, was still in retreat.

In other words, this secret medicine only has a half chance at most, and it has to be an old level 89 Contra that has been stuck in the bottleneck for many years. If it fails, it will take a year and a half to recover, and it cannot be used a second time. . .

Salas is not sure about the quantity of the secret medicine. Based on the principle that good things are never too much, he must be talking about less and not more.

As for the competition between Water and Fire Academy, it is even more nonsense. It is true that the deans of Blazing Fire Academy and Tianshui Academy are Contras, but one is level 87 and the other is level 85. It is too early to talk about the secret medicine.

Besides, listening to what the other party said, it seemed that he was more interested in opening a new academy in Wuhun City. Salas could not make the decision on this point, and had to ask the two of them to go to Bibi Dong to discuss it in detail.

After all, land in Wuhun City is very valuable. The land to open the academy needs to be located in the spiritual vein, and demolition and decoration are a huge expense. Unless the other party makes a contribution in the coming mainland war, how can the credit come from Bibi Dong? Change the secret medicine?

. . .

Looking at the man and woman in front of him, Bibi Dong was a little surprised at the other party's arrival.

Huo Jiao, the former dean of Chihuo Academy, and Shui Feng, the former dean of Tianshui Academy. Even in her opinion, these two people and the academy behind them could not be described as unknown people.

The old academy of the Tiandou Empire should not only look at the high-level soul masters, but also the academy's foundation, experienced teachers and the outstanding students it currently has.

Although she didn't show much on her face, Bibi Dong was very satisfied when she saw the strength of the members of the Water and Fire Academy team, and the other party's education level was probably at a low level.

Everyone knows their own affairs, and Bibi Dong, a student of Dongzhu Academy as the dean, knows very well that the overall soul power level of the super model is entirely due to the assistance of unique resources.

Moreover, the other party's elemental martial soul training does not conflict with the Wuhun Academy and Dongzhu Academy currently affiliated to Wuhun Palace. Opening this academy will be beneficial and harmless to Wuhun Palace, and the investment will never be a loss.

"You have a good idea. I can sponsor the opening of your new college." Bibi Dong didn't mean to waste time by showing off. She touched the storage ring and took out a simple map of Wuhun City, spread it out, and pointed towards it. refer to.

Seeing the place that Bibi Dong simply designated, Huo Jiao and Shui Feng looked at each other and could see the surprise in each other's eyes.

The two of them had naturally done enough homework before coming to find Bibi Dong. Among the five places suitable for opening an academy in Wuhun City, Bibi Dong pointed out that the one Bibi Dong pointed out was the best one, and the designated area was also larger than they expected. Much bigger.

"But I also have a request." Seeing the actions in their eyes, Bibi Dong raised her left hand and stretched out three fingers.

"My Majesty, it's okay to talk." The two of them chose to listen with great interest.

"First, water and fire are too monotonous. I request that the college be renamed the College of Elements. I will arrange for the Elephant College to join it as well, and other colleges will join in the future..."

"Second, I can delegate the management of the college to you, but I have to arrange for a dean with a Titled Douluo level to manage important affairs..."

"Third, let's not talk about the specific matters of the academy for now. We will wait until the Soul Master Competition is over..."

. . .    East Spider Beasts vs. Wind and Thunder Academy,

Tianji's body versus Xingluo Royal Advanced Soul Master Academy,

Water and Fire Academy vs. Star Academy,

The Eastern Spider Crazy Wolf versus the Elephant Academy.

"Miga, which teams are you optimistic about?" Hu Liena took the freshly released schedule with great interest and ran to Miga, who in her opinion had the most vicious eyes besides her senior brother.

On the other side, Guang, who looked like he was dozing off, opened his eyes and turned his head to look over with interest.

The excitement of this year's competition was indeed beyond his expectation. Looking at the current situation, it was really hard for the Eastern Spider Beasts to win.

"East Spider Hundred Beasts, Tianji Body, Water and Fire Academy, and East Spider Crazy Wolf are promoted. The top three will be determined by drawing lots. The specific results are hard to say." Miga hesitated before giving the answer.

"Tianji's true body?" Hu Liena scratched her head in confusion, "Their overall strength is so weak. The captain's strength is indeed quite good, but the opposite Xingluo Royal Advanced Soul Master Academy team can have martial soul fusion skills."

"It's been less than two months since I taught him the Quiet Moonlight Diagram." Miga said softly, "Now he has entered the lake realm without any reluctance."

"That boy has made up for his shortcomings and has become one of the three elements. If he can master the fist skills in a fierce battle, he will be the champion." Guang added with a smile beside him.

"Then do I need to end?" Hu Liena turned her head and asked with some evil humor.

"Didn't you hear what Miga said? Teaching him the Quiet Moonlight Diagram means that the boy has joined the academy, and those who are capable will naturally get those rewards."

There was a bit of coldness in Guang's eyes. Except for a few people who were emotionally biased, he followed the principles of realistic justice for the other students at East Spider Academy.

He will give benefits, but they are never specific to one person. Those who are capable are popular and popular, and those who are incompetent cannot blame others.

Hu Boqing did work hard, but she lacked spirituality and her craftsmanship was a bit heavy. She should not be obsessed with breakthroughs in spear skills, but should use her simple little brain on the basics.

Accelerating breakthroughs and overwhelming others with strength is the path that a hard-working person like her should take.

"But I'm so bored, senior brother." Hu Liena looked at the ring with some boredom. She put one hand against her smooth chin and the other hand quietly reached out to senior brother's earlobe and pulled gently.

This game seemed very boring to her. It might be more interesting if she went on the field and beat the referee together.

"In a few days, senior brother will take you to do something exciting." Guang didn't pay attention to Hu Liena's little movements, and there were several scenes flickering as his eyes opened and closed.

He didn't bring Hu Liena and Xieyue here to sleep in a daze, but brought them to perform meritorious services.

The reason why he slept was because his consciousness had been divided into six parts, and he was controlling six demon leaders to carefully inspect every corner of Wuhun City.

Speaking of which, it was also because he was lazy on the first day. He happened to miss the Haotian Sect spies on Tang Yuanhai's side, but felt that there was very little aura left in Tang Yuanhai's room.

Now he could only compare it with that breath, bitterly divided his consciousness into seven parts, and used the stupidest way to check the Wuhun City.

However, it was already the fourth day, and he had already investigated two-thirds of the area in Wuhun City. It was bad luck that he hadn't caught anything yet.

Could it be possible that the adult has already run away? Just a simple spy? Guang touched his chin and opened his eyes, his gaze shifted from Haotian Academy to Tiandou Royal Academy of Advanced Soul Masters.

Of course, he was not looking at the team that was eliminated in the second round, but carefully looked at Xue Beng, Ning Fengzhi next to him, and the two titled Douluo lurking not far away.

Sword Douluo, a very familiar name.

If I remember correctly, back then, Nana, Xie Yue and Qian Renxue narrowly escaped death from him, right?

Sensing the auras of these two guys is indeed not mediocre, even better than most of the elders in the Elder Hall.

Especially for the Sword Fighter Luo Chenxin, it goes without saying that his soul power aura is superior. The key is that the opponent's sword intention is as real as substance, his sword domain is complete, he is a pure swordsman, and his actual combat ability is absolutely first-rate.

Moreover, the Seven Killing Sword Spirit, the top-level weapon spirit known as the number one in attack power, is also a good starting point for making a magic weapon.

The technology is perfect, but the raw materials are hard to find. He has only three top-level magic weapons in his hands these days, but they are all in his hands and have never been seen by outsiders.

Nana, Xie Yue, don't say that senior brother doesn't take care of you. The great achievement of killing the enemy and killing the titled Douluo is right in front of you. Whether you can grasp it or not depends on you.

Hearing Guang's voice transmission, Hu Liena and Xie Yue were stunned for a moment, and then their eyes lit up. They suppressed the desire in their hearts to avoid the direction of the rest area of ​​Tiandou Royal Academy, for fear of alerting the enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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