Chapter 314 Awareness

"That old man was seriously injured and captured by me back then. His physical strength is inherently defective. In addition, your Erlongjie severely injured him not long ago. Naturally, you won't be able to enjoy using him to test the hammer."

Looking at the little fox holding the sledgehammer with a still-unsatisfied expression on his face, Guang smiled and explained that he was not surprised at all by this result.

Tang Yuanhai was an old acquaintance. He had disemboweled this old man with one claw before, and his spine was almost crushed into pieces.

But looking at his current appearance, the Haotian Sect spent a lot of money to help him recover from his injuries. After all, he was also a Titled Douluo, so it was better than paralyzing on a chair.

But now it seems that the Haotian Sect may have wasted their efforts. Just looking at the edge of the pit, Xie Yue has already dragged the old man up.

Just seeing how he was dying, there was no need to save him. Just continue the blood sacrifice of the Hammer of Scourge. Among the three magic weapons, this hammer has the highest potential. After all, all the leftovers from Austin Griffin were used. .

I couldn't feel it when I was with Xie Yue. Hu Liena, who had finished her martial soul fusion skill and was separated, grabbed the hammer with both hands and could feel the heavy burden of the hammer.

But even though it was a bit hard to carry, Hu Liena couldn't bear to let go. The hearty hammer just now not only almost killed Tang Yuanhai, but the pure feedback the hammer itself gave her also allowed her to directly break through the level 80 bottleneck, saving two months of training. Hard work.

"This hammer has such benefits." Xie Yue's eyes grew hot when she heard the good news about her sister.

At first, the senior brother told them that when this hammer causes damage, it will also feed back a certain proportion of pure vitality to the user. At first, neither of them took it seriously. But now it seems that the so-called pure vitality is very important for breaking through the bottleneck. Very beneficial.

Of course, this is also related to the talents of the two of them. Level 80 Contra is not much obstacle to them.

But it’s not bad to save two months of effort. Seeing the envious look on her face next to her, Hu Liena hesitated and handed the hammer over, "Let's try it first. In two days, that old bastard Chui Chenxin will use more force."

Not paying attention to the slightly pretentious pushback from the brother and sister, Guang controlled the golden "stream" to circle the remaining people together, and then saw a flash of silver light where Miga disappeared.

Miga emerged from the silver light, holding a silver mirror in one hand and the Lichen sword that had just been sheathed in the other.

"It's solved." Seeing that Miga's side was over, he stopped fussing. On one side, the golden secret sword gathered into a golden mallet in his hand, and on the other hand he took out the soul-forbidden lock and moved towards the remaining ones. A few little guys walked away.

We were ready to capture and pack Yu Miga directly into the alien space of the Void Mirror, and then go back directly. It was already getting late.

"Aren't you Wuhun Hall people afraid of attracting criticism for being so unruly?" Haotian Academy's tallest captain looked at Guang coming and roared in despair, holding back his fear.

What happened tonight was so magical that the four of them almost thought they were having a nightmare. A Titled Douluo-level elder actually lost with one move, and he also lost to a soul master of their own age.

"Be quiet. The dishonest ones will stay in this forest to be used as fertilizer." Guang stepped forward casually, without answering the other party. He hit the other party on the back of the head with a stick, and then put the soul lock on them. Then he threw it to Miga.

To be precise, the value of capturing them alive was not high, and he was too lazy to use these little guys in their thirties and forties as experimental supplies. He just needed a good bait to induce other people in the Haotian Sect.

So there is no need to take them all back to waste food rations, just take a few back to prove to the Haotian Sect that their Wuhun Hall captured them.



Two more sticks went down, and Guang walked up to the last girl and raised the stick, ready to pack it up and call it a day, but when the stick was about to be smashed down, it suddenly stopped in mid-air.

The girl in front of her was tall and slender. Although she was a little immature, she already showed alluring curves. Especially her slender legs looked flawless.

The girl lowered her head, and her dark hair was covered down, making it difficult to see her face clearly, but from her beautiful figure, it could be seen that her face was probably not bad.

"Well, what is senior brother doing?" Hu Liena looked at the light that suddenly stopped and felt a little strange. Senior brother is not the kind of person who hesitates when seeing a peerless beauty. Moreover, although the other person is not bad looking, his style is not very consistent with senior brother. The XP is.

Seeing the other party put down the mallet and stretched out his hand, the girl whined and her body trembled violently.

Seeing that the senior brother's hand had grabbed the girl's shoulder, Hu Liena was also a little dumbfounded. Is it possible?


There was a sound of tearing silk, and Guang's hand lifted from the girl's shoulder, still holding a touch of dark red illusory gauze.

The next moment, a strange hidden aura spread out from the girl's body. Miga, Hu Liena and Xie Yue were all stunned subconsciously. This feeling, is it a soul beast?

Soul Beast Transformation?

The light was closer than the other three, his perception was more acute, and he could still feel a sense of familiarity from this aura.

Golden flames ignited in Guang's hands, directly igniting the dark red illusory energy gauze. Then he put his hands on the girl again, and the soft flames spread across her body, igniting more dark red Light forced out of the girl's body and ignited.

It's just that the temperature of this flame is extremely low, and it even looks translucent and illusory to the naked eye. The dark red light burned quickly, and the golden flames also disappeared in an instant. It did not hurt an inch of the girl's skin, nor did it cause any damage to her clothes.

But Guang locked his hand firmly on the girl's chin and lifted her up. The breeze blew away the black hair that had been deliberately covered, revealing a pale, frightened and endearing face.

"You really care about this little rabbit." Guang, who was sure of the other party's identity, did not let go of his hand, but turned to look at the junior sister who came to watch the excitement.

"Nana, you are really lucky. Do you want a hundred thousand year soul ring for your eighth soul ring? It comes with a hundred thousand year soul bone."

Hearing this, Xiao Wu's face turned pale, especially when he felt that every part of his body was tightly locked by illusory fasteners, and his soul power was like a pool of stagnant water. Even the light in his eyes dimmed a lot.

After the arrangement of God Shura on her body was eliminated by the light, she was completely freed from the previous confusion, but as soon as she woke up, she fell back into despair that she could not extricate herself from.

She knew this man, this golden secret sword swimming in the void like a fish, this familiar fiery aura, he was clearly one of the murderers who killed Da Ming and his mother Xiaobai.

After going around and around, she was back to where she started, and this time she was even more alone.

"Senior brother, do you know her?" Hu Liena asked in surprise. This 100,000-year-old soul beast looked like it was still under adulthood. When had senior brother seen it before?

"Oh, I deliberately left it for you and Xie Yue when we were in the Star Dou Forest. Neither Teacher Bibi Dong nor I are suitable."

Guang's words dealt a heavy blow to Xiao Wu. Seeing the other party's words that were so calm that they didn't seem to be fake, she couldn't help but face this fact that made her shudder.

"I'm lucky today. We met you just after you broke through level 80." Guang patted his head and said a little embarrassedly, "Bibi Dong and I originally thought that this rabbit should stay in the Star Dou Forest and not dare to come out. Who knows? She actually came out."

"But it seems to be the handiwork of God Shura." Guang's face was slightly condensed as he recalled the dark red aura on Xiao Wu's body. If he hadn't noticed something was wrong when he arrived, a normal soul master would not be able to detect it even Qian Daoliu.

Why would God Shura do such a thing to a soul beast? It looks like raising pigs, but as a god, why would he do this? Even a hundred thousand year soul beast should not have much effect on the gods. That's right.

It sounded a bit familiar. Guang suddenly remembered that the last hundred thousand year soul beast transformed into Ah Yin. There seemed to be a lot of doubts about her sacrifice to Tang Hao, and Tang Hao also had the shadow of God Shura. . .

"Nana, I have to wrong you for something." Guang, who had put aside his thoughts for the time being, waved his hand for the others to go back together, but his hand still held the back of Xiao Wu's neck, and then looked at Hu Liena with a smile on her face. He smiled apologetically.

"It's okay, senior brother. If you need me to do anything, just ask." The little fox came to the senior brother without any hesitation and reached out to pat his shoulder. He looked so eager that he thought it was her birthday.

"Lend this hundred thousand year old soul beast to me for study for a week. If it exceeds the time limit, I will personally provide you with a hundred thousand year old soul beast."

"That's it?"

"Yes." Guang's eyes looked at the soul beast in his hand with caution. The golden secret sword surrounded Xiao Wu's body and penetrated into her skin, turning into a golden tattoo. Before he could dig out the information he wanted, he could Can't let her die.

"What's there to say?" Hu Liena spread her hands indifferently, "Senior brother, you were the one who caught this soul beast in its incarnation. You can deal with it how you want."

Seeing Junior Sister's reaction, the smile on Guang's face became gentler, "Don't worry, Senior Brother won't let you suffer. It's just that there is something I want to know about her."

"By the way, senior brother, you want to ask something from her, right?" Hu Liena volunteered. "Leave it to me, okay?"

Looking at the junior sister who looked forward to doing something, Guang patted her shoulder and nodded in agreement, "Then I'll leave it to you."

Then Guang looked at Xie Yue and Miga who were aside, "Would you two come together? I think this competition is quite boring for you."

"The finals of the fifth round will start the day after tomorrow. You still have one day tomorrow. If they can capture Ning Fengzhi alive, they can let you try."

The two had no objection to Guang's proposal, but the questions they asked later were a bit strange. Xie Yue wanted to know what he should do when faced with torture to extract a confession, while Miga was simply curious about the soul beast's transformation and purity. There really is no difference between humans or not.

Listening to the rather cold-blooded speeches of several people, Xiao Wu felt that her mind was filled with fear, but her body was no longer shaking at this moment.

It wasn't that she looked away, but that she suddenly realized that she could no longer control her body!

(End of this chapter)

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