Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 336 The "Use" of Poseidon's Heart

Chapter 336 The "Use" of Poseidon's Heart

Early morning, dock,

The fiery sun only showed a corner. Under the golden morning light, the sailors climbed out of the cabin. After breakfast, they began to load the goods stacked on the dock onto the ship, and then inspected the ship for the last time in preparation for going to sea. Prepare.

Tang San arrived not too late. He checked out of the hotel directly after completing the Purple Demon Eye training in the morning. With his fast legs and feet, the cargo of the Hanhai had already been loaded when he arrived.

The sailors on the deck climbed up the mast and set up the pure white sail.

"When are you leaving?" Tang San asked, taking the room key from the steward's hand.

"We have to wait for the two distinguished guests to board the ship before we can set off."

Listening to the respectful tone of the other party, Tang San couldn't help but feel a little dissatisfied. He had spent so many gold soul coins but didn't receive much preferential treatment.

Then he asked with some curiosity, "Dignified guest? Nobles from the two empires?"

"Perhaps, only the captain knows the identity of the distinguished guest." The steward shook his head, "But regardless of status, the other party is also a soul master with outstanding strength."

Looking at Tang San with an unwavering expression, the steward added, "High-level spirit master."

The sea is unpredictable. Even if you have a detailed chart on a long-distance voyage, you are likely to encounter unexpected situations halfway. With a high-level soul master on duty, the safety of the Hanhai can be raised to a higher level.

The reason why these veteran seafarers respect each other so much is not only the power of the other party, but also the respect for the strong.

In addition, upon arriving at Poseidon Island, Douluo Continent's power was directly nullified, but its own strength was not affected at all.

Before Tang San could continue to speak, the sailors on the mast above them exclaimed loudly, and those who heard the words followed the direction they pointed and came to the deck of the bow to look at the sea.

On the rippling blue sea, two white lines rushed from the far end. Sailors with good eyesight could clearly see them on the mast. They were two people walking on floating boards!

The speed of the two of them was extremely fast, and there was no fear on their faces, only hearty pleasure.

Their sliding trajectory is not a straight line, but is like a zigzag, flying left and right like fallen leaves, causing surging snow-white waves every time they change direction.

For some reason, looking at the entire sea with neither wind nor waves, the two of them were able to slide at a jaw-dropping speed, and there were no signs of being possessed by martial spirits.

Could it be because of the floating board, which is a soul guide with propulsion capabilities?

Tang San, who had just arrived beside the deck, was very envious of the speed at which the opponent was operating his Purple Demon Eyes. If there was such a soul guidance device, he would also want to buy one.

Of course, he didn't want to use the floating board to cross the sea, but wanted to keep it in the storage ring for emergencies.

For example, if there was an accident on the Hanhai, when he escaped from Poseidon Island, his speed, which could even surpass that of a speedboat, would be of great use.

Before Tang San could speak, the sailors on the bow opened their mouths wide and let out the same exclamation.

I saw the waves under the two people's floating boards suddenly intensifying, as if they were angry because of their actions. Then, the two people pedaled towards the big wave and flew out at the highest point of the wave!

Rotating themselves 1080°, the two skateboards drew a beautiful arc in the air. Their movements in the sky were obviously extremely dangerous, but they were as graceful as butterflies flying.

Then they crashed into the sea like two cannonballs, causing thousands of waves.

Before everyone could hold their breath and speak, two figures suddenly shot out from the sea, continuing their tense and exciting movements in the rough waves.

"Soul guide? No. Surfing? No normal person would be so crazy. Even if there were, there would be no ship willing to carry people to the windy and wave area."

Listening to Tang San's questions next to him, the steward shook his head repeatedly. It was strange to say that the area near the dock area of ​​Hanhai City was a well-known safe zone. How could there be such a big wave?

And I couldn't feel the strong wind. The most important thing was that the waves didn't exist anywhere else, so why were they just under their feet?

Boom, with the last huge wave rolling, the two of them flew hundreds of meters into the air and performed a series of exciting moves that made people look red-faced and extremely excited.

Then, attack with the center of the Hanhai as the landing point!

This distance, this power, before the captain of the Hanhai could scream in surprise, Guang and Bibi Dong, who were having a great time, landed on the deck with skateboards in hand.

However, they had already harnessed the power of heaven and earth to slow down and unload force. Not only did they not make much noise, even the deck they landed on was not damaged. It could be said that they landed perfectly.

Looking at the sailor running in the distance, Guang's eyes flashed, he touched the ring and took out two coats, one for Bibi Dong to put on and one for himself, and stepped forward to walk in front.

Although Bibi Dong was wearing a conservative one-piece swimsuit, it was not good to have so many people.

"It turns out you are two distinguished guests. What you just performed was like a brave man conquering the sea. It makes my blood boil." The captain immediately stepped forward and praised, and others also echoed.

In response to the sailors' heartfelt praise, Guang, who was smiling, did not forget about business, "Captain, is the Hanhai ready to set off?"

"Also, please move out of the way. We are going to the room to wash up and change clothes."

"Ah, yes, yes, everyone, get out of the way." The captain nodded enthusiastically after hearing Guang's words, and then walked in front himself to separate the crowd, "Make way for the two brave men."

After they were sent to the room, the captain took off his hat and bowed slightly, "Please rest assured, the Hanhai will set sail immediately."


"Wow, that guest is so beautiful, especially the water droplets all over her body, like a hibiscus emerging from the water."

Ma Hongjun rubbed his hands and walked ahead to take Tang San to have breakfast. He didn't notice that Tang San frowned uncharacteristically, his face was solemn and even a little gloomy that could not be concealed.

He knew that woman, Pope Bibi Dong of the Spirit Empire. He had met her on the first day of the finals of the Spirit Master Competition, and the Haotian Sect also had her portrait and information.

"You said they are the same distinguished guests heading to Poseidon Island as I am?" Tang San asked Ma Hongjun again to confirm. No one in the Haotian Sect would be nervous if they were on the same boat as the final boss of Wuhun Palace.

Especially, Tang San is still just a Soul King.

"That's right, our route doesn't have any islands along the way. We just go back and forth between Poseidon Island and Hanhai City to resell specialties from the two places."

"Other islands near the route are far less prosperous than Poseidon Island, and it is not worth deviating from the route."

Ma Hongjun nodded affirmatively, but the most important thing he didn't say was that this route was a safe route designated by Poseidon Island. Except for wild soul beasts without intelligence and those who do not believe in Poseidon, all sea soul masters and soul beasts who believe in Poseidon will avoid this route.

If you deviate from the course, other dangers will appear out of thin air, the most serious of which is pirates.

In addition, the vicinity of the Demon Whale Sea Area is also the most important forbidden area along the route. The deep-sea Demon Whales there are notoriously disbelieving in the sea god.

At least six out of ten accidents on this route were caused by the Deep Sea Demonic Whales, but no one dared to take revenge on the Deep Sea Demonic Whales, not even Poseidon Island.

Because there was a terrifying soul beast there that was so terrifying that not even the high priest of Poseidon Island could do anything about it.

"Deep Sea Demonic Whale King?!" Tang San was very confused when he heard this, "Could it be a hundred thousand year spirit beast? No, I heard that the high priest of Poseidon Island is already a peak spirit master, even if she has a hundred thousand year spirit beast in her hands, It’s absolutely impossible to ask for help.”

"Ignorance." Looking at the third young master in front of him, Ma Hongjun seemed to see himself in the past, but when he saw the other man glare at him fiercely, Ma Hongjun trembled and quickly lowered his head.

To avoid being beaten, he poured out everything he knew.

There were far more information about sea soul beasts than land soul beasts. Tang San did know something about it from the Haotian Sect's information, but that was only in terms of quantity.

The Deep Sea Demonic Whale King is in terms of quality. He is indeed a hundred thousand year old soul beast, but the specific age is not one hundred thousand years. It is said that he has reached the limit of the world, reaching the limit of 99 years for a soul beast.

A hundred thousand year old soul beast can already compete with Titled Douluo, and because of its innate physical advantages, its strength is far superior to that of ordinary Titled Douluo.

As for the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, he is a peerless level of hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast, and he has a great reputation.

The most important deed is that it once competed with the Poseidon before it became a god. Even though the Poseidon became a god, it did not kill it.

Although the propaganda on Poseidon Island is because of Poseidon's mercy, people in the entire West Sea and intelligent soul beasts know that the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King is definitely the strongest ultimate combat power under the gods.

Even the Peerless Douluo cannot defeat it, because it is too big. When the power level is the same, no soul beast can surpass the Deep Sea Demonic Whale clan in terms of size, let alone the soul master.

So strong? Tang San suddenly had an idea in his mind. If he led the ship to the Demon Whale Sea, would it be possible for Bibi Dong to fall into the hands of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King? ?

You must know that the high priest of Poseidon Island and Bibi Dong are not only at the same level, but also have the reputation of being invincible in the ocean.

No one like this could defeat the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, let alone Bibi Dong, who had just been promoted to this level. The opponent did not have a water-attribute martial spirit.


"The effect of the surfboard you made is ridiculously good." Bibi Dong carefully wiped the surfboard in front of her and said with great satisfaction.

Whether she was controlling the waves or accelerating the speed of the surfboard, she did not feel any sluggishness at all, and her soul power consumption was far less than expected.

"Of course, I added a standard portion of the ocean source power to the surfboard. Even if this trace is as light as a feather compared to the complete source of source, it is still the source of the source."

On the sofa, Guang, who quickly washed up and changed his clothes, sat in front of the sofa. A dark square box appeared on the coffee table in front of him.

Right above the box, there are blue light patterns flowing like a stream. The light patterns converge toward the center. In a small transparent bottle, a drop of blue light condenses and forms.

Although there is only one drop, any living being who sees it seems to see the ocean.

"Another standard portion of Haiyuanli. Xiaoxue is really a good gift to bring back." Guang quickly removed the small bottle and replaced it with a new empty bottle.

That bullshit Tiandou Empire’s national treasure, the Vast Sea Universe Cover, is clearly an artifact made by the gods.

The so-called method of injecting soul power is completely the stupidest way to use it. If you inject 100% of the power, at least 90% of it will be intercepted, and the remaining power will activate a less than satisfactory body protection skill.

The most important thing is that it is not difficult to see with a light's eye that this thing is not an ordinary artifact. It not only contains the back-up of the gods, but may even convey the will of the gods.

To put it bluntly, the highest control over this thing is the god who cast it. Others can only borrow it, and the god will spy on it.

Therefore, the light's processing method can be said to be simple, crude and effective. First, isolate the Vast Sea Universe Cover, and then dismantle the thing bit by bit.

Then during the process of dismantling it, Guang was pleasantly surprised to find that it actually contained the incomplete source of the ocean, which was quite valuable hard currency.

So he changed his previous plan of violent dismantling, and instead boiled the frog in warm water, separated the ocean source power bit by bit, and stripped out the incomplete source of energy at the core as completely as possible.

Of course, this Ocean Principle is said to be incomplete and indeed extremely incomplete. It would probably be difficult to help a level 99 soul master break through the limit and become the lowest level of god.

But just considering the weapon refining, a standard portion of ocean source power can be used to refine a wave board of such excellent quality. One can imagine the great use of that incomplete source of energy.

Conquering Douluo Continent is only a matter of time. We should take a longer view. The world is not only continents, but also seas.

Nana, Xieyue, and Xiaoxue are still young, and a continent is far from enough for them to grow.

Guang and Bibi Dong didn't mean to interfere too much, but it was just right to provide them with some convenient external assistance.

Fortunately, the isolation box made by me was effective enough. If Poseidon, the god of the sea, knew that the heart of Poseidon, the core part of his inherited artifact, the Poseidon Trident, had begun to decompose and be scrapped, he would not have to slowly let Poseidon solve it.

It is possible for Bo Saixi to hold the incomplete version of Poseidon's Trident and kill Wuhun City.

Bo Saixi is not an ordinary level 99 peerless Douluo. She is the high priest of Poseidon. Using her as a medium to perform divine descending spells is in compliance with the rules of the world in a short period of time and will not be sanctioned by plane consciousness!

You must know that Poseidon is a first-level main god. Even if he lowers the phantom, his strength is better than that of Tang Chen, a priest, because Tang Chen had no intelligence at the time, and Poseidon controlled the phantom himself.

"Xiaoxue." Bibi Dong was a little silent when she heard about Qian Renxue. Aside from the fact that Qian Xunji suffered countless tortures before her death and was crushed to ashes after her death, she actually liked this daughter.

It's just that she has been unfamiliar for too long and is not used to it, but the other party has taken the initiative to show her kindness to this point, and she has overcome the knot in her heart and no longer remains indifferent.

"We'll talk about this when we get back." Bibi Dong shook her head slightly and made up her mind secretly, with a much softer expression on her face.

Guang, who noticed this change, did not continue to delve into the topic, but turned to one of the more serious matters of the trip, "Then prepare to go to the Demon Whale Sea. I will go to the captain and ask him to change the route."

(End of this chapter)

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