Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 346 True Spirit Contract

Chapter 346 True Spirit Contract

Poseidon released the restrictions of the sea boundary in one direction, projecting the unconscious Tang San onto the light screen condensed by Poseidon's light.

"It's really him."

Guang and Bibi Dong looked at each other and nodded lightly. Although Tang San's face in front of him had changed a lot, skin and flesh were easy to change, and muscles and bones were not. If you look closely, you can still see his true identity.

But for some unknown reason, Tang San was obviously very unlucky today. As a spirit master, he unexpectedly fell and fainted.

"It always feels like there is some connection with us..." Guang touched his chin and muttered to himself following his intuition. At his level, intuition can be trusted.

"Do you still remember the soul bone reward you received when Haotian Academy participated in the Soul Master Competition for the first time?" Bibi Dong saw a lot of information floating in Tang San's mind.

As the pope, she attends to everything in the papal palace every day, but she can never forget all the information she has seen, not to mention the relevant information of Haotian Sect, which she pays special attention to.

"You mean the torso bone of the Clown of Three?" Just watching Tang San touch his head in confusion, there must be something wrong with that soul bone, otherwise Haotian Academy wouldn't have gotten it.

But in terms of value, that soul bone is actually quite precious. After all, it involves destiny to a certain extent.

"Yes, the intelligence said that the soul bone should have been refined by Tang San. Maybe this is what you see in his mind?" Bibi Dong guessed.

"No, if it's because of the soul bone, I should have felt something during the competition. It should be something else..."

After thinking for a moment, Guang had no intention of continuing to persist. Instead, he came up with a new idea based on the relationship between the soul bones, "If he refined that soul bone, this matter would be easier to handle."

Guang and Bibi Dong looked at each other, neither of them had any intention of directly killing Tang San. The root cause of the matter was God Shura, not Tang San.

Even if Tang San is killed, the other party can still produce Zhang San and Li San as new inheritors.

In this case, it would be better to let Tang San continue to occupy the position of the inheritor of the Shura God, so that he can observe easily and use methods on him at the same time.

In addition, apart from the problems with Shura God, they had not forgotten about the Hanhai, and they actually ran away without even waiting for a day.

If there was no reasonable explanation for this, Bibi Dong wouldn't mind letting them go to the belly of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King to reflect.

"How about it? Give me the other half of the content and I can ask the entire Poseidon Island to cooperate with you. As long as you don't attack the inheritor of Shura God directly, he has the Shura Blood Sword, the inheritance artifact of Shura God."

Poseidon specifically reminded, "God Shura can directly observe every move near the inheritor with the help of Shura Blood Sword."

"We know about the inherited artifact." Guang nodded. That thing was probably the effect of a high-definition surveillance camera, but God Shura would not sit idle in front of the surveillance camera every day.

As expected, he would only lower his gaze and even strength when something unexpected happened around Tang San, so as long as he controlled the speed well, it wouldn't be a problem.

After all, Tang San had refined the torso bone of the Clown of Three, and with it as a guide, the most difficult step had already been passed.

"But for the other half, if you want it, we have to sign a contract." Guang said calmly, "If you get the remaining benefits and directly sell us to God Shura in the God Realm, wouldn't we be fools?"

"Tsk." Poseidong curled his lips. He did have this idea and was planning to do so.

The politeness just now was just to dispel the other party's wariness. After careful calculation, it was obvious that the other party attacked the guardian of the sacred pillar first, which was a slap in his face. Putting aside the interests, the two parties not only had no friendship but were also dirty.

"What contract do you want to sign?" Poseidon gave up his initial curiosity. He didn't have much contact with contracts, but contracts that can bind gods are not ordinary.

Normally, most contracts require a neutral party, and the strength of the neutral party is much higher than that of both parties to the contract, so whoever violates the contract will suffer an unbearable blow.

But he is a first-level god, and it is difficult to find a neutral party that can restrain him.

"Sign a true spirit contract." Guang took out another jade slip and threw it to the other party. The effectiveness of the divine contract was indeed greatly reduced, and the price was generally not small.

The most important thing is that if you find a neutral party with enough weight to establish a contract, it is not a big or small hidden danger for the other party to look at you.

"This contract..." Poseidon frowned after carefully reading the contents of the contract. There was no neutral party in this contract, or he was too familiar with the neutral party.

The Poseidon is the core of the contract. Poseidon needs to swear an oath with his true spirit. Once the oath is violated, the Poseidon will have a divine interaction with his true spirit.

If he has not left the position of Poseidon, it will greatly increase the proportion of his divinity, and it is very likely that divinity will overwhelm humanity.

If he successfully separates the Poseidon by using the method of killing corpses and dividing the gods, the backlash of the contract will also make his separated body bound to the Poseidon again.

The losses of both consequences far exceeded Poseidon's psychological bottom line.

Of course, there are ways to exploit loopholes. If Poseidon successfully separates the Poseidon and finds a suitable successor to the Poseidon, then the backlash of this contract will be unnecessary.

However, this was also a hole that Guang and Bibi Dong deliberately left for Poseidon. They needed time to grow. After they grow up, whether Poseidon abides by the contract or not will not matter to them.

The method of killing corpses and dividing gods is not easy in the first place, not to mention that Guang and Bibi Dong still have the damaged Heart of Poseidon in their hands.

In order to find a heir to take over the position of Poseidon, Poseidon also had to put in effort to complete the Poseidon Trident, an inherited artifact.

"Sign it or not? After signing the contract, I will give you the other half of the corpse-breaking method. If you are not careful, there is no need for you to care about the inheritance of the Poseidon."

Guang looked at Poseidon and chuckled, "The Poseidon's throne is empty and the inheritance of the artifact is damaged does not mean that the Poseidon will be discontinued."

If someone with amazing talent and beauty can reach the limit and gather faith, they can also pull the vacant Poseidon in the God Realm to fall on them, but it is not limited to the Douluo World, but all worlds within the radius of the God Realm have the opportunity.

When the new god comes to the throne, the damaged Trident of Poseidon will lose its original meaning and degenerate into a simple weapon.


Poseidon Temple,

The seven Sea Dragon Douluo who had just been released were standing below, feeling very aggrieved. The high priest Bo Saixi in front of them ignored them and just looked at the Poseidon in front of him with a pious expression.

The phantom of Poseidon, the god of the sea, which is more than ten meters high, stands high above the trident of the god of the sea. It has a majestic aura and a simple face, making the believers below almost dare not look directly at it. Not only because of the authority of the gods, but also because of the mistakes committed by the seven people.

After being rounded up and captured alive in his own lair, His Majesty Poseidon was required to come to the rescue in the end. Hai Long and others only felt their faces boiling hot, and they wanted to plunge directly into any gap on the floor.

Bo Saixi was not in a good mood either. Allowing His Majesty the Poseidon to come forward was undoubtedly the biggest mistake of their servants. As the high priest, she had the highest strength and the greatest responsibility.

However, compared to the other seven guardians of the sacred pillar, she had much more communication with His Majesty Poseidon. With this familiarity, she could vaguely feel that His Majesty Poseidon was not in a bad mood.

This made the self-blame in her heart lessen a lot.

"I have reached a cooperation with Pope Bibi Dong of the Spirit Empire. Within ten years, all spirit masters belonging to Poseidon Island are not allowed to enter the mainland, nor are they allowed to have any cooperation with spirit masters outside the forces of the Spirit Empire."

"In addition, the other party enjoys VIP treatment during this period of time on Poseidon Island, and his status is second only to the high priest. Whatever the other party wants to do, he will do his best to cooperate. Do you understand?"

Poseidon was in a good mood now that he had obtained the complete method of killing corpses and dividing gods. After briefly browsing the contents, he found that this method did not require the assistance of the power of faith.

In other words, Poseidon Island in the lower realm could not provide him with much help. He could find all the necessary materials in the God Realm.

Therefore, if nothing unexpected happens, this should be the last time he is conscious of the lower realm. In the remaining time, he will concentrate on collecting materials, studying the method of killing corpses and dividing gods, and strive to escape from the divine realm as soon as possible.

When His Majesty the Poseidon issued the order, Bo Saixi and the guardians of the Seven Holy Pillars did not dare to have the slightest objection, and they all bowed their heads respectfully and obeyed the order.

Poseidong looked around the 8 people, and finally waved his hand, "Go down, 7 Guardians of the Holy Pillars, while Poseidon stays."

Although they had doubts in their hearts, Hailong and the other seven people did not dare to ask any more questions and bowed before exiting the hall.

According to His Majesty Poseidon's orders, their status is lower than that of the three outsiders. Naturally, they cannot expect revenge or anything like that.

Of course, with the help of High Priest Bo Saixi to protect them, the seven of them would not suffer. And to be fair, the absolute suppression of their strength left them speechless.

The seven people were trying to relieve their depression when they saw Bibi Dong and three people coming towards them.

The corners of Hai Long's mouth twitched, and he forced out a smile and asked: "Excuse me, what can I do for the three of you?"

"It's not a big deal. On the way to Poseidon Island, we were thrown into the waters of the Demon Whale by the merchant ship Hanhai and ran away. We want Poseidon Island to arrange for someone to take us to find the people on that ship and ask what happened?"

Bibi Dong didn't hesitate to speak directly. She was not big-minded in the first place and always advocated taking revenge overnight. Before, she had other things to do, but now that she had time, the first thing she wanted to do was to ask the people on the Hanhai for details.

"This is a simple matter." Hai Long was a little curious after hearing Bibi Dong's request, which ship's warrior dared to do such a thing.

Then the seven people looked at each other, and after a brief exchange, they turned their attention to the Sea Witch. Among the seven, it was appropriate for her to follow and solve the problem.

On the one hand, the external port of Poseidon Island is within the jurisdiction of the Sea Witch. On the other hand, although this matter is not serious, considering the strength of the three of them, it is better to have a sacred pillar guardian to follow them to avoid causing any further troubles. .

Outside the main hall, the Sea Witch took Bibi Dong and the others back to Witch City to find the people on the Hanhai to find out the truth. In the main hall, Poseidong looked at Bo Saixi with a pious face below and sighed softly.

"Bo Saixi, do you know why I keep you here?"

Compared to the emotionless and majestic voice before, Poseidon seemed to have put down any pretense at this moment, with an active frivolity in his voice.

"I don't know." Bo Saixi raised her head and watched the shadow in front of her shrink rapidly. Soon, the Poseidon, who was about the same height as her, walked up to her with a relaxed expression and folded his arms in front of her chest.

"Tsk, tsk, you are just too rigid. In fact, gods are also made by humans. If you have this kind of mentality, it will be difficult for you to become a god."

Seeing the confusion on Bo Saixi's face in front of him, Poseidon no longer tried to hide it. Bo Saixi was not only his high priest, but also his direct descendant. She was also loyal to him during his reign.

So when he was about to run away with the bucket and return to the God Realm, he was willing to spend some time to give the other person a few pointers.

"This is probably the last time my consciousness will come to this world. If nothing else happens, I will start to separate the Poseidon after returning to the God Realm."

"After the Poseidon is successfully stripped away, I will no longer be bound by the divine world and can be free. This means that I am no longer Poseidon, and the Poseidon will be vacant. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Your Majesty Poseidon, you..." Bo Saixi's eyes widened after hearing the other party's words, her face full of disbelief.

"Call me Poseidong." Seeing Bo Saixi's reaction, Poseidong was slightly disappointed, and then he continued speaking with relief, slightly faster than before.

"Once the position of Poseidon is vacant, the Poseidon Trident will no longer be imprisoned in the Poseidon Temple. When that time comes, you can pull it out."

"The Poseidon Trident lacks the core Poseidon Heart, but this is not a bad thing. Although you cannot directly inherit the Poseidon position with it, you can at least increase your certainty by 30%."

"Remember, rely on Poseidon Island, follow what I did back then, gather faith, and re-condensate your own Poseidon Heart. In this way, you will have a great chance of pulling the vacant Poseidon back into this world... "

Poseidong's shadow became darker and darker, and his voice became faster and faster. Bo Saixi only had time to listen carefully and remember, and had no time to interrupt.

Finally, Poseidong hesitated and said, "Bibi Dong and you two, please try your best to meet each other's requirements and establish a good relationship with them. It will be beneficial to your future."

"In addition, you must pay special attention to Tang San's affairs. You must not let him die on Poseidon Island. You must be especially careful about the Shura Blood Sword he carries on his back. If he chooses to leave Poseidon Island, don't stop him, because that is actually a good thing. "

"Also, since Tang San appears as the successor of Shura God, it means that Tang Chen, the successor of the previous generation, is probably dead. You'd better let it go."

"The emotional thing is that you have seen too little. If the ten-year period has passed, you'd better go to Douluo Continent for a stroll. Although the sea is vast, there are too few soul masters. The core of this world is Douluo Continent."

Hearing this, Bo Saixi raised her head. Unknowingly, most of the shadow in front of her had disappeared, leaving only a calm and charitable face.

"Bo Saixi, the best among my descendants, I hope you can become the new Poseidon so that we can have a chance to meet again in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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