Chapter 370 Fierce Battle Ten

The golden blade easily breaks through the four elemental attacks of earth, water, fire and wind.

Whether it was brown rocks, blue water waves, burning fireballs or green wind blades, Bibi Dong's three figures were all handled with ease and grace.

10 spider legs are equivalent to the human Ten Sword Style. There are no blind spots in either attack or defense.

However, the three Bibi Dongs who had passed through the elemental attacks were all in vain. The golden blades pierced the body of the little silver dragon almost at the same time, but they were just silver energy shadows.

A few hundred meters away, a slightly smaller silver dragon emerged from the void, with a sarcastic smile in her eyes. She was a very noble divine king among the gods, how could she let a mortal take advantage of her.

However, Bibi Dong, who had missed the bet, was not disappointed. Instead, she stayed where she was and stared at the little silver dragon as if she were a fool, with her plump red lips curled up.

From the very beginning, she had not cared about the little silver dragon at all, because she had already experienced it and knew that the little silver dragon was just a clone of the god behind it, and there would be no actual benefit in killing it even if she put all her efforts into killing it.

The opponent's body only loses a little energy, there is no actual loss at all.

So her target was not the little silver dragon from the beginning, all she did was serve as a bait to attract its attention.

Bibi Dong stretched out his hand, and the shadow of the God of Death behind him raised a giant sickle hundreds of meters long and smashed it directly towards the little silver dragon.

The air waves were surging, the air of death was permeated, and the momentum was eye-catching, while Bibi Dong's body calmly retreated to Hu Liena and Xie Yue to prevent the other party from jumping over the wall.

She didn't come alone, and she had a goal for him. . .

Stab it!

Ditian and Biji, who were also attracted by the huge sound of the giant scythe behind them, subconsciously turned their heads and took a look. At this moment, two slight sounds of breaking through the air sounded behind their heads.

Both of them subconsciously had something bad going on in their hearts, but the speed of the person who took action was beyond imagination, and even Di Tian couldn't react.


With almost the same movement, the two of them spurted a mouthful of blood from their mouths. They turned their heads and stared at the arm that pierced the chest with wide eyes. They could feel that their hearts were firmly grasped by big hands, in a literal sense.

The body with blood flowing all over it was full of powerlessness and did not even have the power to transform back into its original form. It was like two lambs waiting to be slaughtered. The only future that could be seen was darkness.

How can it be? Di Tian's eyes were full of disbelief. With his strength, how could he kneel down so easily?

But when he saw the figure of the shooter clearly, especially when he felt the opponent's aura of no longer concealing it, he and Bi Ji understood that they could lose without complaining.

Because the figure in front of him is a true god-level one, and he looks for opportunities to attack without regard to his identity.

The opponent was tall and tall, and looked to be a man. His whole body was wrapped tightly in purple and black armor, and his face was completely covered by a metal mask. Only a pair of narrow eyes that showed no emotion could be seen.

Between the eyebrows of the mask, a pale golden mark can be seen, which is formed by three intersecting arcs. The size seems to be almost the same, but two of them are very blurry.

He was not wearing a weapon, and the hands that penetrated their chests did not have sharp claws, but were wrapped in a layer of black liquid energy.

In the face of this purple energy, even the dragon scale protection on Di Tian's body, which far exceeded the strength of gold and iron, was easily corroded and was not much stronger than a piece of rags.

Before Ditian and Biji could speak, black liquid energy replaced the blood and spewed out from the gap in their chests, wrapping them like mummies.

Then, the man's arms flowed and rolled like liquid, swallowing Ditian and Bi Ji into his body like two big mouths, and then quickly changed back to their original state, except that two lines appeared on the surface of the armor on his chest. Fuzzy black marks.

It was obvious that the other party was not a flesh and blood entity like ordinary soul masters.

In the distance, the little silver dragon once again used his old trick of using an energy shadow to block the attack for himself. Before he could grin and laugh at Bibi Dong's useless effort, he suddenly turned his head and stared at the purple-black figure in the distance.

"Who are you?!"

From the sound alone, you can tell that the Silver Dragon King's attitude has undergone earth-shaking changes from before.

The fact that Di Tian and Bi Ji were captured alive by a surprise attack was only one of the reasons. The most important thing was that the mentally sharp Silver Dragon King accurately sensed the difference in the arrival of the people.

Divided by the limits of the world, mortals and gods are different.

The person coming is a god-level person. Even if he is not the real person, he is not an ordinary energy incarnation, at least he must be at the level of physical clone.

In the Silver Dragon King's understanding, god-level beings can only be the gods of the divine world, and she must not reveal her true identity in front of the gods of the divine realm.

Fortunately, the power she just used did not exceed the limit. Even if the opponent has been lurking for a long time, he cannot be sure of her identity as the Silver Dragon King.

In Douluo Continent, golden dragons and silver dragons only exist in legends.

But he couldn't stay any longer. Seeing that the other party had no intention of answering, the Silver Dragon King chose to give up without much thought, but Ditian and the others wanted to abandon the car to save the commander.

If you want to save people, you must use true god-level strength, but if you can't kill the other person to silence them, then her identity will be directly exposed.

She didn't have the guts to take the risk of being exposed and hunted. No matter how familiar Di Tian was, they were just subordinates.

"One finger of death!"

Bibi Dong had an almost instinctive and accurate grasp of the timing, but the moment the little silver dragon turned around, she launched her killing move without hesitation.

The giant scythe that hit the empty energy shell turned into gray airflow and dispersed, rejoining the shadow of Death like a tornado. To be precise, it was the pale finger stretched out from the gray cloak of Death.

The hand was as pale as marble, and the extended middle finger was long and straight, becoming whiter and smoother with the rapid inflow of gray air.

The target of this finger is very clear, it is the little silver dragon in the distance, with a radius of tens of meters around it.

Regarding the way of space, Bibi Dong's understanding is far better than that of Hu Liena, who is half-assed, and Qian Renxue is also far inferior, so she knows how to attack so that the opponent can't hide.

Feeling the sudden increase in pressure around her, the little silver dragon looked at the surrounding space that changed from color to gray and was very surprised. With her control over the space elements, she was as free as a fish in the water.

But now, the surrounding water has turned into ice. It is not that she has no way to deal with it, but at least at this moment, she has lost the possibility of using the power of space to dodge.

However, it was only for this period of time. The Silver Dragon King looked at the distance between her and the two of them without paying attention. She just marveled at the other party's deep understanding of space.

The phantom of the God of Death looked a bit bluffing, but at most it could only freeze the space around her for a few breaths, leaving no room for harm to her. It was just a useless soul skill to make up for the face. The Silver Dragon King turned his head and looked in the other direction. At this distance, he could take Mr. Xiong back with him. After all, there were not many useful subordinates.

The little silver dragon, who was ready to move away, didn't notice that a gray figure appeared behind her, as silently as a ghost.

Bibi Dong's expression was solemn. From the beginning to the end, she never revealed her true identity. Those three figures were genuine clones that could exist for a long time to look like the real ones.

The other two are, to be precise, phantoms. They can only exist for a short period of time due to lack of energy, so they are mostly used in combat.

The reason why she went around in such a big circle was that she naturally did not intend to let go of the man behind the scenes who almost killed her students.

All ten spider legs on Bibi Dong's body have dissipated at this moment. Only her extended middle finger is covered with dark golden lines. This is the real finger of death!

The silver scales deep inside the little silver dragon's body quickly shattered, and then collapsed into ashes. She didn't notice anything strange until the finger hit the scales, and it was too late to react.

Who destroyed her energy clone? The Silver Dragon King, who was far away in the depths of the Star Dou Forest, raised his head in astonishment. . .

"Teacher, is she dead?" Hu Liena's eyes widened as she looked at the little silver dragon that was destroyed in ashes. Of course, she was well aware of the power of the teacher.

But this little silver dragon, which left her with almost no power to fight back, was killed by the teacher with one move. Not to mention the soul ring and soul bone, not even a bit of scum was left. Isn't it too outrageous?

"The opponent is just an energy clone. Compared to her body, it is just a drop in the bucket."

Bibi Dong's clone, who was standing in front of Hu Liena, shook his head slightly and explained, the expression on his face was not relaxed at all.

From the beginning, she knew that the other party was just a being similar to her clone, but she didn't just do it to vent her anger, but also to trace her origins.

Bibi Dong's eyes were not on Hu Liena. The direction was exactly towards the Great Star Forest. The direction was determined, but her current strength was obviously not enough.

After sensing the information she wanted to know, Bibi Dong took a long breath and put her thoughts aside for the time being. This time would not be long.

Having made up her mind, Bibi Dong withdrew her clone and came to Hu Liena to take over Xie Yue and inspect her carefully while treating her injuries.

Hu Liena next to her was not worried. Her brother's injuries were mainly internal. It would undoubtedly be a big problem for a normal soul master's soul to self-destruct, but it was not that serious for them.

The two have almost complete control over their own martial souls, their soul rings, and their refining. The so-called self-destruction of martial souls can be done in a measured way, which is similar to the ring explosion skill of the Haotian Sect but more violent.

Of course, the reason for being so decisive is because there are no permanent side effects of self-destructing martial arts, but the injury will take some time to rest.

"Teacher, who is this?" Hu Liena, who was very aware of the teacher's treatment skills, estimated that Xie Yue, who was originally going to lie down for a month, would be fully recovered in two or three days, so she turned to look at the unfamiliar purple-black figure behind her.

She knew very well what level Di Tian was being chased all the way, and she actually didn’t recognize him!

"Apostle, Rakshasa, your senior brother's new subordinate. If it weren't for him, it would have been a lot longer for me to get here."

After carefully treating Xie Yue's injuries, Bibi Dong waved his hand, and pure white light spots fell on his wounds, which contained exceptionally pure vitality.

apostle? Hu Liena, who thought of Sister Vivian, didn't have time to think too much. Together with Bibi Dong Rakshasa next to her, she turned to look in the direction of Tiandou City.


Dozens of people hugged each other, and a bright red light beam fell from the end of the sky.

Not to mention the terrifying aura emanating from it, even the point where it landed made everyone's pupils shrink. Everyone in Tiandou City knew that direction was the direction of the Tiandou Imperial Palace.

Of course, the entire Tiandou Imperial Palace has long been cut into its own realm, leaving only ruins.

But at this moment, the sacred world that disappeared in the space slowly reappeared, like a golden ball stuck on the ground by a bright red beam of light.

Tens of breaths later, the boundary between Tiandou City and the Sacred World shattered like a golden eggshell.

At the bottom of the bright red light beam, Tang San was sweating profusely while holding the Shura Blood Sword in his hand, and his violent breathing was like a rapidly pulling bellows.

Tang Xiao next to him had his mouth wide open and his eyes widened. In his perception, Tang San's soul power aura was growing like a rocket since the bright red beam of light fell.

Soul King, Soul Emperor, Soul Saint!
Tang San performed in front of him what is cheating and what is miracle? The improvement of more than thirty levels is almost one level in one breath.

There was no bottleneck, not even the slightest hindrance. Even the spirit ring quickly condensed and rose from the soles of Tang San's feet without any sluggishness.

From the original purple, purple, purple and black to purple, purple, purple, black, black and black, the black soul ring that finally condensed completely overturned Tang Xiao's original world view.

Eight Rings Contra? !

"Is it possible that Tang San was able to become a god in one step today?" Level 96 Tang Xiao almost fell to the ground like an ordinary person, murmuring in disbelief.

The slight doubts about Tang San in his heart disappeared at this moment. The other party must be the ZTE Master who revitalized the Haotian Sect, and he was undoubtedly Tang San's only biological uncle.

From now on, he fully supports the twenty-year-old young man in front of him, both in his actions and in his thoughts.

"Damn it, this guy's foundation is too bad." A voice suddenly sounded from behind Tang Xiao, with undisguised anger in his voice.

"This consumption is almost enough to make a titled Douluo, but the result is still so far short..."

"That's all, with the endurance of this useless thing, it's not enough to directly become a titled Douluo."

The voice spoke very fast, but the content made Tang Xiao startled. But when he wanted to turn his head, he found that his body was as weak as noodles, and the red light around him was as strong as gold and iron. Fixed restraints.

"Tang San can't afford to make any mistakes, but I need an identity to cover up..."

Tang Xiao's expression became more and more frightened, not only because of the content in the voice, but also because Tang San, who was not far away, fell to the ground and was swallowed up by a red vortex and disappeared.

The Shura Blood Sword that was originally inserted into the corpses of Corpse Soul Douluo and Ghost Mother Douluo pulled it out without anyone controlling it, and then suddenly pierced his chest.

"Tang Xiao, your status is quite good. Although it is a bit wasted, there is nothing you can do to take the initiative."

(End of this chapter)

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