Chapter 372 Ending

The warm sunshine fell on my body, and it was inevitably a bit hot after being exposed to it for a long time.

Qian Renxue clearly remembered that afternoon. She had just come out of the Enshrinement Hall and excitedly came to Amber Mountain. She picked up Nana and Xie Yue, whom she hadn't seen for a long time, and planned to go shopping in the shopping street behind.

After they returned happily carrying large and small bags, Guang waved to her and chatted with her alone for a while.

"In your opinion, what is the biggest difference between geniuses and ordinary people in terms of spiritual practice?" Guang's attitude was very gentle, and he poured a cup of hot tea for her.

A lot of sugar and milk are added to it, and there is almost no bitterness, just a warm and sweet aroma.

"It's the difference in cultivation speed." Qian Renxue, who was in a very good mood, gave an answer that most soul masters generally recognized without much thought.

Although the quality and direction of martial souls affect the performance of soul masters of the same level, ultimately, the basic soul power level is the most important.

Just like the previous continent-wide senior soul master elite competition, under a certain age limit, the more soul rings and the higher the soul power level, the best genius in the eyes of the public.

"If an ordinary soul master is given advanced meditation methods, a mimetic training environment and sufficient training resources, his training speed will not be much different. If there is no external pressure, there is no need to worry too much about time in training. In addition, diligence can also bring about similar effects. .”

Guang shook his head slightly, obviously this was not the answer he wanted to hear.

"Is that the difference between martial souls?" Qian Renxue thought for a moment and answered again. Since we are not limited to time, let's just look at the soul master's end point.

Even if everyone can practice titled Douluo, there will still be a huge gap due to the relationship between the martial arts. Even the same martial soul will have advantages and disadvantages.

"There is some connection, but I am not talking about the combat power brought by martial arts, and practice is not just martial arts and soul masters." Guang put the tea cup with ice cubes in his mouth, feeling that the milk tea tasted better when it was cold. , much less greasy.

"What is the maximum level that the Qibao Glazed Pagoda Martial Spirit can reach?"

"Level 79." Qian Renxue blurted out and was in a trance. She seemed to have grasped the context of what Guang wanted to express.

"Well, just to take the soul master as an example, some martial souls can cultivate to the title Douluo, some can cultivate to the soul saint, and some do not even have innate soul power and are called useless martial souls who cannot cultivate."

Guang put down his tea cup and looked at Qian Renxue across from him, with some complexity in his eyes. "Aside from the specific combat power at the same level, in my opinion, the most essential difference between geniuses and ordinary people is the bottleneck."

"Even if your martial soul is useless, I can replace it with a new high-quality martial soul. Even if your innate soul power is insufficient or even non-existent, I can still make up for it. It doesn't matter if you practice slower, just add external force to push it."

"As long as I am willing to spend time and energy, I can make anyone become a Titled Douluo. Even if I'm lucky, it may not be impossible for him to be a Sacrifice-level or Peerless Douluo."

"But there are some bottlenecks that I cannot detect. In other words, everyone who transcends the limits of the world is unique. Even the most cunning gods must be unique in a certain area."

"There is only one Vulcan God in the world. No matter how talented the latecomer is, he cannot become the second Vulcan God unless he tears apart the former's throne."

"I know that you have inherited the throne of an angel, a realm of power where holiness, light and fire are intertwined..."

Qian Renxue still remembers Guang's words clearly. She thought she knew her brother's strength very well, but what he said about the angelic throne that day was far beyond her expectations.

Not to mention her, not even grandpa could explain the power of angels so clearly.

According to his story, Qian Renxue even lost her respect for the angel god because she knew too much about the angel god in a short period of time.

After she realized how disrespectful she was, she suddenly realized how her brother knew that she had inherited the throne of an angel. According to her grandfather, this should be a core secret passed down orally among thousands of families.

"I don't mean anything else by saying this. I just want to tell you that once you choose this path, you will inevitably meet me in the future."

"It is not difficult to become an angel god with your qualifications. After all, the previous generation of angel gods has fallen, but if you want to go further, then only one of you and I will survive."


"Huh, brother, you really shocked me at that time. Why did you use such a perceptive voice to persuade me to change the road?" Kicking away the boulder above his head, Qian Renxue climbed out of the ruins.

She just had bad luck and was randomly teleported into the ruins. She used this time to recall some past events.

To put it bluntly, it was just asking her to give up the fast track of Angel God and switch to a new and laborious road.

She personally doesn't care about this. She has enough trust to believe that Guang won't cheat her, but if her grandfather finds out, he might not fight Guang to the death.

Looking around at the fires burning all around and the unlucky ones with burns all over their bodies not far away, Qian Renxue felt helpless but she didn't feel any guilt. With her ability, the most she could do was this far.

If she hadn't blocked the monster's first blow when it came into the world, the entire Tiandou City would have been dead. We couldn't let her risk her life, right?
She had given up the Holy Angel Armor and all her Holy Angel power to use it for self-destruction, and even the Angel Holy Sword was thrown away.

It's not too much to just retain the power of space she comprehended and use it to escape, right?

Looking at the little sun that was still exploding in the sky, Qian Renxue's eyes flashed with palpitations. It turned out that the ultimate holiness, light and flame would really bring about the opposite destruction.

If her control over power were any worse, there would be no chance that even one out of ten of the tens of millions of people in Tiandou City would survive, or even the ordinary people would die and only the soul masters would be left.

"What the hell is that?" Qian Renxue murmured curiously.

"That's evil." The familiar voice stunned Qian Renxue and turned her head. Guang walked to her side at some point, and Sister Vivian was also beside her.

"Dao evil?" Qian Renxue repeated doubtfully, chewing the meaning carefully.

"The appearance of the world's operation is called Dharma, and the core principle of its operation is called Tao. Only by controlling the Tao can one break through the limitations of the world and become a god, immortal, or something else."

"Tao is not created out of nothing by understanding alone, but must be stripped from the world that already exists. If there is any abnormality in this stripping process, the evil Tao in front of us will be born."

"Although Dao evil lacks reason and is no different from a lunatic most of the time, its essence is still Dao level. If you want to really hurt it, no matter how much mana you use, it will not be enough. The most you can do is seal it."

As Guang explained, he looked up at the sun in the sky, with a complexity that had never been revealed in his eyes. This evil could be said to have been created by him.

Following Guang's gaze, Qian Renxue's expression changed, "Brother, hasn't that Daoist evil been solved yet?" "You have a pretty good idea. Your quantity is enough, but the quality that meets the requirements is only that one." The Holy Sword of Angels.”

"And that's just the inherited artifact of the Angel God, and it's not a complete Angel God. Let alone killing it, even the damage cannot touch the root. At most, it can trap Him for a period of time."

"Don't worry, leave it to me." Guang waved his hand to Qian Renxue, who looked frustrated, and raised his chin towards Vivian next to him, "Take her to meet Bibi Dong, I'll go meet my old friend Talking about old times.”

. . .


The black claws easily tore through the golden sacred flames like tearing cloth. Except for the six claws with a flash of hot red, there were no scratches on Dao Ni's huge body.

Qian Renxue's powerful blow did not bring any real harm to him, and the pain he felt was far less profound than the deep-rooted light marks on his body.

But after Dao Ni reappeared in the world, he did not continue to turn into a red-eyed mad cow to search for Qian Renxue and go completely crazy. On the contrary, looking at the new light in front of him, he fell into a rare calm.

Dao Ni's whole body is covered with crazy and ferocious faces, but the seven half-bodies in the middle of his chest are the most special. The seven of them not only retain part of their sanity, but they are also half-bodies in appearance, instead of just one face.

The more the body is retained, the more its sanity is retained. The seven people with sanity have the control over Dao evil.

But this kind of rational control is not without cost. The price is that the remaining rationality is permanently worn away, and less and less half of the body is exposed.

Until there is only one face left, he is no different from hundreds of thousands of other completely crazy faces.

So most of the time, the seven people chose to sleep to avoid the consumption of reason, but today, the seven people unanimously chose to be fully awake.


Seven pairs of eyes opened at the same time and stared at the strange and familiar guy in front of them. What was strange was the physical appearance, but what was familiar was the breath.

"Baoqi Pavilion Ten Thousand Wealth Gathering, Huantian Li Jiuyuan, Kunlun Lin'a, Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple Golden Buddha, Cihang Zhai Water Guanyin, Tianmo Sect Chaohong, Five Elements Sect Zhongkui, everyone, long time no see."

Guang clapped his hands and looked at the hundreds of thousands of faces all over Dao Ni's body with emotion on his face. Memories that he had forgotten had already appeared in his mind one by one.

In the Seven Realms of the Immortal Realm of the Yuan Zhen Realm, almost all the elites of the sects are here. In addition to the seven sect leaders, he can also remember the names of many faces.

However, since the other party's true spirit has completely collapsed, there is no need to talk about the past. After all, the acquaintance between them is not a friendly memory.

"Hongguang, you are a traitor to the Immortal Realm and a sinner who destroyed the Immortal Way..."

Zhong Kui of the Five Elements Sect has good looks. Even though he is thousands of years old, he still looks like a handsome and handsome crowned immortal king. However, now his facial features are distorted, his face is red, and his mouth is talking like a machine gun. He has accumulated all the accumulated energy over the years. Vent all your grievances through words.

Just as the six people next to them were about to speak, they were overtaken by Zhong Kui's continuous curses. Then they stopped using their energy to say anything and just stared at the rainbow light in front of them.

Hongguang, rumored to be a hybrid of the demon race, is the only new-level demon saint in hundreds of years, equivalent to the return to the virtual world of the Seventh Realm and the demon king of the demon realm.

But no one thought that he would lay such a big plan. He took seven incarnations and sneaked into the Seventh Realm Heaven, setting up a peerless ferocious formation that covered the entire Immortal Realm.

"Zhong Kui, be sensible."

Seeing that Hongguang's expression and aura remained unchanged, Zhong Kui's aura became more and more chaotic, and his body even sank slowly. Lin Alang in the middle spoke loudly, his voice as clear as the sound of a sword.

Among the seven realms of heaven, the sword immortal kills the most, and Kunlun is the pinnacle of swords.

Lin A is the youngest among the seven heads, barely the same generation as Hong Guang, and is also the youngest Huixu in the Immortal Realm.

However, although he and Hongguang had fought before returning to the virtual world, they did not fully understand his past and actions. In fact, the other party's half-demon identity was only exposed after the disaster broke out.

After all, how could a pure demon clan sneak into the Seventh Realm Heaven so easily?
As for why Zhong Kui is the most angry, apart from Qi-nurturing Kung Fu, the most important thing is that Hongguang is the most ruthless to the Five Elements World led by the Five Elements Sect, which is a true sense of the word.

There are at least dozens of small fringe domains remaining in the other Six Realm Heavens. Even if the direct line is dead, there are still some affiliated forces that can be inherited.

"Hongguang, there was something I didn't have the chance to ask that day. Now I want to ask, why?" Lin A's eyes, which had always been as calm as water, couldn't help the turbulence in them for the first time.

Not only was he a swordsman, but the Golden Buddha and Shui Guanyin, who were famous for their ability to nourish qi, were also staring at each other, hoping to hear a reasonable answer.

Not to mention Wan Caiju, Li Jiuyuan, and Chaohong, one of the three is a long-haired girl with black hair and pearly eyes, the other is a gray-haired old man, and the other is an arrogant and heroic bearded man.

The seven of them all hated Hongguang's actions, but when their hatred reached an extreme level, they became filled with gnashing curiosity about the other party's origins.

Even if the other party is a real madman, there must be a reason for destroying the fairyland, right?
In the final analysis, the other party is just a half-demon, and judging from his current appearance as a real human being, he does not seem to consider himself a demon at all.

If the other party really regards himself as the demon saint of the demon clan to destroy the fairyland, then he should be close to the soul beast in Douluo Continent, not the soul master!
"It's just for a breakthrough. Returning to the Void, the Demon Saint, and the Demon Lord are all in the realm of Dacheng according to ancient records. I just want to achieve enlightenment and become an immortal in my own way."

"For a breakthrough? You are really ruthless." Wan Caiju spat out her voice through clenched teeth. The hatred in her heart had already reached its peak, but she had nothing to say about the reasons given by the other party.

None of the other six people, including Zhong Kui, had any objection to Hongguang's explanation.

If it is possible to become a true immortal who transcends the Three Realms and is not in the Five Elements, they might also be moved. You must know that in addition to the immortal realm, there are also demon realms and demonic abyss.

If Hongguang scatters the magic, the war between the three clans in the fairy world, the demon world, and the devil's abyss will probably start again, and the scale will definitely exceed history.

"But why did you choose the Immortal Realm?"

Lin A, who admitted that he was also tempted, suddenly thought of something and suddenly raised his head and asked. It was not difficult for him to understand the other party's ruthlessness, because Qijingtian also had a similar mentality, but he was a little more condescending.

Even if the other party does not care about the moral condemnation of Xianyu at all, but only from the perspective of interests, it is obviously more difficult for the other party to choose to attack Xianyu, and the interests remain unchanged.

(End of this chapter)

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