Extra year 16
The crisp sound of fireworks continued. Hu Liena turned her head to look out the window at the colorful night sky. Her usually smiling face now looked a little lonely.

At this moment, she was writing a diary in front of her desk. She didn't have the habit of writing a diary, but she couldn't help but pick up the pen from the day her senior brother left.

[Today is the New Year, and it is also the sixth year since my senior brother left. The teacher went to the world of the dead and did not come back. She did not say the date of return, but she handed over the position of pope to the Great Enshrinement Sendo-ryu.

Axue has no intention of accepting the position of Pope. The Great Priest has no choice but to give the position of Pope to me, but I don’t want it either, but I am the Saint of Wuhun Palace. That bastard Xie Yue went to the Judgment Office early. , and have no intention of replacing my younger sister as the Holy Son.

Being the Pope is not a pleasure, it represents responsibility, the responsibility of making the entire Douluo Continent move towards a better place. I am not confident that I can do it. Just dealing with those nobles is enough for me.

The most important thing is that the Pope has a lot of official business to deal with every day, and today is the New Year and he can't escape it, ε=(ο`*))) alas.

Dean Erlong is a person who cannot bear loneliness. The situation in Douluo Continent has been decided, so she chose to go to the world adjacent to the World of the Undead. It is said that it is called the Holy Demon Continent and there are many strong people there.

Miga also went with her. Her strength has surpassed mine. No wonder the senior brother has always been very optimistic about her. The two of them did not come back to celebrate the New Year this year.

Axue came back a year ago and said that he had had enough of being the Emperor of Tiandou and wanted to relax, measure the continent with his feet, and see the current situation of everyone's lives with his own eyes.

She said it so nicely, isn't it just about going out to have fun? The most important thing is that he didn't call me, angry, Uェ*U.

Aqing and Ayun went to the former Xingluo Empire and were responsible for delineating new provinces and cities. They did a good job, and the Zhu family did not receive special treatment.

The most ridiculous thing is that the Zhu family didn't recognize the two of them, which is also quite ridiculous.

Duolong has truly returned home in glory. Notting City was given to him. The first thing he did was to rename it Duolong City. He felt that it was too shameful to change the name of Holy Soul Village.

However, the head of their village, Jack, doesn’t think so. He plans to name the village after Duolong’s advanced title Douluo. I’m looking forward to what his title will be called.
This year, the detailed map of the entire Douluo Continent is nearly complete, and 72 provinces and 1,081 cities have been redrawn.

Every city has a branch of Wuhun Palace and a branch of Holy Light Academy, as well as a parliament responsible for city management. The parliament is divided into upper and lower houses. The upper house depends on strength, and the lower house depends on voting.

In short, members of the upper house decide the direction of urban development, while members of the lower house fight for welfare for the majority of the people.

The entire Wuhun Empire will establish an Imperial Assembly and a Provincial Assembly. The speaker of each city is a member of the Imperial Assembly and the Provincial Assembly, and the speaker of each province is a member of the Imperial Assembly.

The Soul King is automatically promoted to the Provincial Councilor, the Soul Saint is automatically promoted to the Imperial Councilor, and the titled Douluo is the Imperial Councilor. The strong should have privileges. This is very reasonable, but the necessary bottom line needs to be observed.

The Speaker of the Imperial Parliament is not the Pope, but the Pope has veto power. The Imperial Speaker is also not elected, and his identity will never change.

But the Imperial Speaker has not yet been born in a strict sense at this moment, and the details will have to wait for the progress of Sister Vivian.

According to what the senior brother said before, this speaker is absolutely fair, and he works 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. With it, even if he ties up the dog in the position of Pope, it will not affect the normal development of the empire. . . .

This is really a good thing, but sister Vivian told me some unfortunate news at noon today. The progress of the plan has been slower than expected due to some accidents, and there is basically no hope for this year.

This is really the first bad news I heard in the new year.

Sister A Yin took Sister Huo Yu, Sister Lei Ming and Grandpa Cao to the Sunset Forest, where they wanted to leave a pure land for plant soul beasts.

I thought they were right, so I crossed out all the provinces next to the Sunset Forest, so that the area of ​​the Sunset Forest would be larger than the current Star Dou Forest.

Anyway, that was the territory of the original Tiandou Empire, and it would be troublesome to rebuild Tiandou City, so I simply crossed it out.

Because of the war and the elimination of local nobles, the population of the original Tiandou Empire dropped sharply. All the people in those cities needed to do was move to nearby cities.

In addition, now that the policy of eliminating local nobles has begun to be implemented in the original Star Luo Empire, the resistance is still huge. The territory near Wuhun City in the future is probably also a virtue.

According to the senior brother, as long as the incompetent nobles who eat but do not work are eliminated, the new Wuhun Empire will usher in a period of rapid development for hundreds or even thousands of years.

During this period, the more thorough the cleanup is, the later internal conflicts will arise, and they will have to be solved by external expansion and self-maintenance.

External expansion is the exploration of other continental planes, which is essentially an invasion, transferring the conflicts of Douluo Continent itself to the outside world.

For self-maintenance, one is to pay attention to cleaning up the newly born maggots within the empire on weekdays, and the other is to pay attention to regulating fertility to ensure the balance between supply and demand of resources and population.

As for the future, senior brother said that at that time he didn’t believe that we would still have the time to care about Douluo Continent’s affairs. I am only in my thirties this year, and a hundred years is too much for me. What he said does make sense.

That's it. It's really stupid to ask ordinary people without soul power to receive the same treatment as Titled Douluo. I think this is enough so that everyone can be fed and clothed without much effort and pursue what they want.

. . .

No, I have to ask Xie Yue to skip work after the new year. It doesn’t matter if this generation of Pope doesn’t do it. Anyway, he has a big enshrinement to protect him. I heard that the sea is very beautiful, and I want to go out to sea to see it. 】

Hu Liena finished writing the last sentence out of boredom, turned the diary to the front, and then quickly read through it from the beginning.

In the first year, Tiandou City underwent great changes, but in the end Emperor Tiandou was still there, so the situation in the Tiandou Empire did not collapse.

In contrast, when Ming Kun revealed his true form and swept across Star Luo City, the Star Luo Empire was literally beheaded.

Even if Dai Mubai, the only surviving member of the Dai family, died, the soul master family in Xingluo City also suffered a nearly devastating blow. Ming Kun targeted all high-level soul masters above level 70.

With his strength, even the few remaining Titled Douluo in the Star Luo Empire are as fragile as children. If he had not been specially warned, he could even destroy the entire Star Luo City in a real sense by revealing his true body and his domain. .

Of course, Ming Kun, the only remaining member of the upper three sects, Haotian Sect, was not spared, so after the great change in Tiandou, the alliance between Tiandou and Xingluo was destroyed.

The morale of the Xingluo army on the border defense line was bleak, and the soul master army found the right opportunity to break through it. The form could not be said to be one-sided. In the absence of high-level soul masters, it was a one-sided massacre.

The Tiandou Empire's defense line was stable, but Hu Liena knew very well that it was just a different way of boiling a frog in warm water. On the surface, it seems that the Tiandou Empire's defense line is intact, which is not very good compared with the Star Luo Empire, but in fact, it is the Heaven Dou Emperor Qian Renxue who has a tacit agreement with the Wuhun Empire to kill people and eliminate the aristocratic forces.

Both Bibi Dong and Guang made it very clear on one point. They disagreed in principle with the act of surrender. The war was a matter of consumption and cleansing, and this opportunity could not be missed.

Don't worry about casualties. The more thorough the cleaning, the smoother the growth of the new empire will be. No matter Tiandou or Xingluo, there is no so-called casualty index, and there is no need to conduct detailed screening.

It's better to kill the wrong one than let it go. Even if the harvest is an empty city, it doesn't matter. The worst is to immigrate from other cities.

This is a very bloody and cruel thing. Even nobles who like to enjoy themselves, ranging from an eighty-year-old woman to a newborn child, cannot be half a good person.

But for the sake of stability, even if the strength of the Wuhun Empire has the absolute upper hand, the orders from the top are still to advance slowly and steadily, and to do their best to kill all soul masters or forces that make repeated attempts.

The five years since then have been the deadliest five years in Douluo Continent in thousands of years, and the source of everything is Pope Bibi Dong.

She did this not only for the long-term development of the new Wuhun Empire, but also for herself. In the world of Minghe, she could feel the death surging throughout the Douluo Continent, as well as the new life gestating within it.

During those five years, Hu Liena and others went into seclusion to practice cultivation. Di Tian and Bi Ji were ambushed and killed by Rakshasa, and their soul rings and soul bones were left to the brothers and sisters by Bibi Dong.

From the perspective of attributes, Xie Yue chose the soul ring and soul bone of the Emerald Swan. Blood and life have a certain fit.

Hu Liena got Ditian's soul ring and soul bone, and the compatibility was neither high nor low, but she almost didn't survive. With this, the two of them broke through the Titled Douluo and caught up with Qian Renxue's progress to complete the overtake.

Strictly speaking, Mi Jia and Xiong Jun both suffered losses, but in the end, Bibi Dong's side-effects can be imagined.

Qian Renxue, it's not that Bibi Dong is stingy or has a grudge, it's that her soul ring is full and her soul bone has an angelic outfit.

However, before Guanglin left, he still left something for Qian Renxue, which was regarded as a little compensation in advance, and for Qian Renxue, it was also the key to a new journey.

Since then, the situation in Douluo Continent has been very clear. The only places where there are changes are the Star Forest and the Far North where the soul beasts are located.

As for the sea outside the mainland, this is not something that the Wuhun Empire should consider at this stage, but if Ming Kun has this intention, Bibi Dong doesn't mind helping him.

But Ming Kun is a soul beast after all. Even if it is clear that Kun Kun will transform into a peng, even if he is given the resources he desperately needs as promised, it will be difficult to achieve transformation in a short while.

Bibi Dong originally didn't care about the Star Dou Forest, but through the small tricks she secretly deployed during that fight with the Silver Dragon King, she discovered that the opponent's location was exactly in the center of the Star Dou Forest.

Due to environmental reasons, the Far North is rarely visited by people, and there are no outstanding ice soul masters in the Wuhun Empire who need relevant soul rings, so it is designated as a soul beast colony on the map like the Star Dou Forest and the Sunset Forest.

Bibi Dong's order was very strict. According to the scope defined by the field survey, there were no more or less places for the three major soul beasts.

The specific implementation of the order is very simple. The soul beasts go beyond the boundaries and come out to wreak havoc and die. The same goes for someone who breaks through the boundaries and builds and settles inside.

The reason for this request is that as time goes by, if you swallow a piece this year and cut down a piece next year, after thousands of years, the land of soul beasts may be gone.

As for the Silver Dragon King lurking in the depths of the Star Forest, Bibi Dong didn't have a good solution. The opponent was obviously god-level, but the key was that he was good at the power of space and his running ability was top-notch.

Since he can't be killed, let's arrange for the apostle Rakshasa to be stationed in the Star Dou Forest for a long time. It is true that the Rakshasa cannot stop the Silver Dragon King from coming and going freely, but if the other party dares to attack a human city, the Rakshasa can also completely destroy the Star Dou. Big forest.

Just like Big Ivan, no one will move first. Mainly to shock.

You don't have to worry about the Sunset Forest. In the far north, no normal person would settle there because of the temperature.

Just like the Arctic and Antarctic, would anyone be willing to settle and build cities there under normal circumstances?

As for Haiyang, arrange for Ming Kun to serve in the navy. . .

In addition, the system of the Wuhun Empire, in addition to the new parliamentary governance system, the original Wuhun Palace, Holy Light Academy, Soul Master Legion, Enshrinement Palace, Elder Palace, and Trial Court have all been preserved.

There is no doubt that the Wuhun Palace is a welfare organization that helps the growth of new soul masters across the continent. It mainly helps awaken martial souls, appraise their qualifications, and distribute corresponding benefits to soul masters.

In order to prevent Wuhundian from becoming a dominant force, and to maintain the original strict talent selection system, Wuhun Academy and Dongzhu Academy each have their own priorities and do not consider expansion or building new schools.

In addition, the sect system will be implemented, and the upper limit of the private territory of the sect and family power will be set, but the expansion of the reconstructed college will be allowed. The specific area size will be linked to the enrollment limit and the number of people.

In short, if the teaching ability is strong and more new students are attracted, the college area can be expanded accordingly.

The new detailed appraisal qualification report launched by Wuhun Palace is to facilitate the recruitment of major colleges and the distribution of benefits to soul masters of corresponding levels.

The Holy Light Academy gives the useless spirit master a chance to gain a future in exchange for faith, all on his own free will.

The soul master army still follows the principle of being small but good. Although there will be no war in theory after the Douluo Continent is unified, other continents and worlds need their efforts and there will be no idle situation.

Needless to say, the Hall of Enshrinement and the Elder Hall have the top combat power in the entire Douluo Continent, and are full of various benefits. This is the privilege that the strong should have.

As for the Tribunal, Vivian took over it. The members are from the devout believers of the Holy Light Academy. There are currently not many members. Their main job is to clean up the illegal soul masters in Douluo Continent, including but not limited to evil soul masters.

The most important thing is that the judgment of the evil spirit master has been clearly defined. First of all, the spirit itself cannot be defined, the behavior of the spirit master itself is the key.

In addition, if the martial spirit will affect the soul master's own sanity, it can be recruited by the Holy Light Academy and several other officially designated institutions.

Finally, relevant manuals are printed by martial arts halls in various places to popularize common knowledge about evil spirit masters. In particular, children who have awakened strange martial spirits must pay attention in time and provide necessary protection.

(End of this chapter)

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