Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

394. Extra 7: The Great Victory of the Federation

Extra Chapter 7: Great Victory of the Federation
The first piece of news was good news. The strong man who confronted the Demon God Emperor Feng Xiu disappeared after the confrontation that day. The Demon God Emperor Feng Xiu announced to the public that he was going to go into deep seclusion, and would temporarily hand over the position of Demon God Emperor to the Demon Prince Abao.

The second piece of news was a bit fatal. The demons issued a mobilization order, ordering all demons to be prepared and to gather six coalition forces to attack the six border checkpoints simultaneously in three years.

The last piece of news was a bit strange, because according to the mobility of the demons, if they really wanted to gather an alliance, it would take less than three months, let alone three years.

The reason why it takes so long is because the Demon King Feng Xiu issued a new order, ordering all demons to carry their respective demon pillars to the Heart City.

It is said that it is to celebrate the death of Austin Griffin, the god of punishment, and that a lavish festival covering the entire demon territory will be held, and temples will be built in various places to worship the heavens.


Originally, due to the threats from the Demon King and the unknown strong men, Chen Zidian would never support Long Haochen's spearhead plan.

The Sharp Knife Plan was a plan that Long Haochen finalized after confirming the strength of the sixty-three Eternal Heroes.

Among the sixty-three eternal heroes, except Shu Yongxiao and Xiao Huo who are at level seven of the ninth rank, there are sixteen strong men above level five of the ninth rank, and the remaining forty-five are also above level three of the ninth rank.

The addition of such a huge force makes the overall strength of the Temple Federation not much inferior to that of the Demon Race, and it is also the greatest confidence of the Sharp Knife Plan.

The so-called Spearhead Plan means that instead of defending the border and passively taking attacks, it is better to gather the elites of the six holy temples and the eternal heroes to form a super-sized army imitating the style of the Demon Hunters.

Taking the initiative to attack the demon territory and take the initiative has three major advantages. First, it can turn passivity into initiative. Instead of guarding the six checkpoints on the border without knowing which direction the demons will attack from and when they will come, it is better to take the initiative.

Secondly, it can also be used as an opportunity to train troops, truly integrate the six holy temples, and truly promote the cooperative model of the Demon Hunting Group to the army.

To be fair, the collaborative mode of knights, warriors, assassins, magicians, summoners, and priests is definitely better than each of them fighting alone.

Finally, moving the battlefield to the demon territory will cause greater losses to the demons and reduce the losses of the Temple Federation.

However, after Long Haochen finished speaking, the lively atmosphere of one person responding to everyone's call was no longer there. The councillors and vice chairmen present were all talking in low voices, but there was a hint of doubt in their voices.

The reason is simple. If you fail the first time, you can fail the second time. Although the benefits of the Sharp Knife Plan are high, the risks are also huge.

The sharp knife army is composed of all the elite troops of the entire Temple Federation. If they play well, they can gallop back and forth in the demon territory. But if they play badly and all fall into it, it is no exaggeration to say that the backbone of the Temple Federation will be broken.

"Chairman, I think this matter is still a bit too rash. Why don't we reconsider it." Vice Chairman Li Zhengzhi cleared his throat and was the first to express his objection. He felt that Long Haochen was still a little too arrogant.

You have to know that in such a critical moment of life and death, it is not impossible to take risky moves, but you must be extremely cautious. After all, the Temple Federation, which is already at a disadvantage, does not have much cost for trial and error.

As soon as Li Zhengzhi opened his mouth, people from other temples such as Shengyue also started to speak up. This kind of thing could not be said casually. Every temple had to send out its elite troops to participate in the adventure.

According to Long Haochen's plan, the number of the spearhead army is not large, only between 10,000 and 20,000, but they are all professionals!
Most of the core forces are warriors above level 4, and the rest are elites above level from other temples. This ensures that the marching speed far exceeds that of ordinary armies, and they can come and go in the demon territory like the wind.

But if they really lose the bet, it will not be as simple as the various temples and the border guards being in danger, but the entire Temple Federation will have no chance of winning against the demons.

If Chen Zidian had not brought back the latest news about the Demon King's retreat from the demon clan, he would not have considered Long Haochen's idea. After all, the number of quasi-gods with a million spiritual powers could no longer be limited.

Gather the power of the entire Temple Federation to surround and kill Feng Xiu? What if the enemy counterattacks and kills him?
However, if the Demon God Emperor was allowed to refine the Natural Godhood and break through again, the result would be the same chronic death, which Chen Zidian knew very well.

Therefore, Chen Zidian neither directly supported Long Haochen nor intended to stand on the same side with Li Zhengzhi and others. Instead, he turned his attention to the two seniors next to Long Haochen.

Chen Zidian has been doing life-threatening work in the demon territory for many years. He is not as thoughtful as other high-ranking officials of the Temple and is wary of the Eternal Hero.

On the contrary, he admired these predecessors very much and was also in awe of their strong strength.

His strength is only level 18, level , and the next level , level is a big threshold for me. However, among the Eternal Heroes, there are people who are at least at this level, and the two strongest ones have even reached the level , level .

This level is actually already quite high. Among the demon clan, currently only the first nine demon gods have the cultivation level of ninth order and fifth level. Even the fourth demon god of death is at the peak level of ninth order and fifth level.

The Star Demon was said to be at level 9, level 6 to 7, and the Moon Demon was slightly higher, but would never exceed level 9, level 8.

If it weren't for the fact that this year's Demon King Feng Xiu was truly transcendent and the Demon Pillar had not greatly enhanced the Demon God's strength, the current paper strength of the Temple Federation would have been suppressing that of the demons.

This is why even Chen Zidian felt a little dissatisfied with Long Haochen. The powerful beings that the other party provoked in the other world, even if they were not as good as the demons, were not much different, which made the already disadvantaged Temple Federation even worse.

"Everyone, we old guys who just crawled out of the coffin shouldn't interrupt, but there are some things I still need to make clear to everyone in advance."

Seeing that the situation was indeed difficult to push forward, Xiao Huo took the initiative to step forward and speak in a calm voice. Most of the people present fell silent and listened to show their respect. It was true that the other party was an undead, but he was also the founder of the Knights Templar and had a high reputation. Especially the people of the Knights Templar did not dare to show the slightest disrespect.

"We are going to die." Xiao Huo spoke the truth, "Theoretically, the super forbidden spell can only make us eternal heroes survive for a thousand years. It is only because of the long years of sleep that we are alive today."

"After fully awakening this time, even if we, the sixty-three Eternal Heroes, do nothing, we will be wiped out in three to five years at the shortest, or eight to nine years at the longest."

As soon as these words were spoken, the expressions of all the vice-chairmen and members of parliament, including Chen Zidian, changed drastically. They no longer cared about respect or not and started to have a heated conversation with each other through voice transmission.

Seeing the people in a panic, Xiao Huo continued to speak without changing his expression. His voice, enhanced by his spiritual power, was not affected by the chaos. "So, I want to tell everyone that the demons can afford to delay, but we can't. The Sharp Knife Plan was not first proposed by Chairman Long Haochen, but by me."

"It has two purposes. One is to train the troops of the Temple Federation, and the other is to train successors for our sixty-three dying old guys."

"Although our cultivation has not improved at all in the past six thousand years, we have gained new insights in other aspects. We hope that young talents can inherit what we have learned, and actual combat is the best teacher."

"I know what you are worried about. The defense pressure at the six major borders is indeed very high, but we old guys are here to bear the pressure for everyone."

"The strongest eighteen of us will lead the sharp knife army. Even if there is an accident, we old guys will be the last ones to leave. The remaining forty-five people will not follow the sharp knife army, but help guard the gate."

"In addition, the initial target of the sharp knife army was not anything else, but the demon army that was eyeing us covetously outside the six major borders. This is a sharp knife pointing at our heads, and there is nothing to consider."

"After destroying these demon armies, even if the sharp knife army goes deep into the demon territory to fight, they will be careful to stay away from the direction of the heart city. In addition, with the intelligence survey of the demon hunting group, there is no need to worry too much about safety."

Seeing that the Knight Senior Xiao Huo had said so much, Chen Zidian took the initiative to stand up and said, "Don't worry, everyone. Our two title-level demon hunting groups, Demon God's Fall and Proud of the Nine Heavens, plus all the emperor-level demon hunting groups in the demon clan, will definitely find out the specific movements of all the demon gods for the sharp knife army, even if it means risking their lives."

Seeing that the other party had considered everything so carefully, Li Zhengzhi and the others had a few words through voice transmission and no longer remained silent. They all stood up and agreed to the proposal of the Sharp Knife Army.

In addition to approving the proposal to form a sharp knife army, the Federal Parliament also approved the proposal to gather all the reserve forces of the six major temples to form a mixed army, led by forty-five eternal heroes to go to the six border checkpoints to prevent accidents.

At the same time, during this gap, the original garrisons at the six border checkpoints can be withdrawn to complete the reorganization of the corps.

As for the spearhead army, the commander is the Dawn of Light Demon Hunters, and there are eighteen eternal heroes following them. Considering the composition of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunters, the six major temples have no objection.

If this adventure is successful, the achievement is so great that it is beyond words. It is understandable to hand it over to the new generation of young people. If it fails... there is no failure. This operation is only successful and not failed.

For this reason, the first to set off is not the spearhead army, but Chen Zidian's Demon God's Falling Demon Hunting Group. They will split up with the Proud Nine Heavens Demon Hunting Group and go to the most dangerous Heart City to determine the whereabouts of the Demon God Emperor Fengxiu and other high-level demon gods.

. . .

"Your servant, Abao, bows to Cangxiong, the sun, the moon, the mountains and rivers, and the tombs of the ancestors of all generations, and I will end the creation of the continent from the punishment of heaven... Your servant will follow the way of heaven and obey the people... Heaven created all things to nourish people, but people have nothing to repay heaven... Your servant will inherit the great rule of the demon clan on the first day of the first lunar month, take the throne of the Demon God Emperor, and take the name of the Son of Heaven..."

On that day, a grand ceremony was held in the Demon Clan's capital, Heart City, with all seventy Demon Gods present. All the demons in the entire Central Province and even the entire Demon Clan territory received two important messages.

First, the demon prince Abao took over the throne of the Demon King and ordered the construction of temples in all the demon cities to worship heaven and earth. There was no need to set up statues of the gods, and images of the most famous mountains and rivers in various places would do.

Although this news sounds strange, the cost is essentially not that much, so it did not cause much waves.

After all, even if there was no practice of offering sacrifices to heaven in the past, there was a custom of offering sacrifices to ancestors and praying for their blessings in most places. Now the objects of prayer have simply been unified.

As for the second piece of news, Austin Griffin's confirmed death, although most of the demons had never heard of this name, they felt shocked and excited from the bottom of their bones and souls after hearing the news.

However, before this auspicious news began to ferment, bad news one after another reached the Heart City. The Temple Federation formed a sharp knife army, and after inflicting heavy damage on millions of demon troops on the border, it plunged into the demon territory.

However, what upsets Abao the most is that according to Feng Xiu’s order before he went into seclusion, all the demons, including him, cannot leave the Central Province no matter what happens, and the seventy demon pillars cannot leave the Heart City!

Therefore, even though the bad news brought by the sharp knife army was more outrageous than the other, Po, as the Demon King, could only be furious and helpless. The most he could do was to issue a useful order.

That is to let the strong men from each demon clan bring their elite troops to the central province to avoid being threatened by the sharp knife army.

"Assholes, Second Uncle, Third Uncle, Moon Demon God, Star Demon God, do you know how great the loss of our demon clan is? Now what do the demon clan members and many demon gods say about me?!"

"They say I'm the most cowardly Demon King in the entire history of the Demon Clan, and that I'm a coward. Agares, Vashak, if you don't give me an explanation today, even if you and other high-ranking Demon Gods disobey orders, I will lead the Heaven-Defying Demon Dragon Clan's guards to personally attack the so-called Knight Army of the Holy Templar Federation."

Po's face was red, and his aura was violent and surging, which made Agares and Vashak's eyelids bulge. On the one hand, Po had been scolded too badly recently, and on the other hand, Po's strength also made them look sideways.

If we don't count the Demon Pillar, even if Po's strength is not as good as Agares, it is not much different from Vassago.

"Your Majesty, please calm down. Vashak and I will explain this to you right away." Agares and Vashak looked at each other and sighed in their hearts. If they didn't tell the truth, Po would probably not be able to sit still.

"Calm down? How can I calm down? Our demon clan has suffered three million casualties in the past year, and the number of civilian casualties is close to 100 million. Eighteen large cities and fifty-three small cities have been destroyed."

"The number of demons surviving in each city was no more than three digits. All their property was looted, and even the city was burned down to ruins."

"I am not only a coward, but also a sinner of the entire demon race!"

Po yelled loudly. If his father Feng Xiu hadn't told him to listen to Agares and Vashak before he went into seclusion, if all the high-ranking demons hadn't been united in their attitude, if the seventy demon pillars hadn't been pinned down by the three core demon pillars of the Sun and Moon Stars and couldn't leave the Heart City, could he have endured this violent temper for a year? !

But at this point today, he could no longer endure it. The human army of sharp knives had become more and more rampant. If he really endured it for another two years, not only would nine out of ten demon houses be wiped out, the population alone would at least drop by more than half!

(End of this chapter)

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