Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

396. Extra 9: Dragon Demon Annihilation Light

Kowloon Demon Annihilation Light

It went too smoothly, so smoothly that everyone in the sharp knife army felt uneasy.

During this year, Long Haochen was walking on thin ice and never underestimated the enemy or slacked off. He tried most of the Thirty-Six Strategies, but all of them were in vain. They encountered only a handful of high-level demons and had never seen a demon god before.

The Demon Territory, a dangerous place that many demon hunting groups are afraid of, has seen its danger index drop dramatically for some reason.

To put it bluntly, the snake demon Andumari that Long Haochen's demon hunting team encountered when they were at an average level of six was stronger than all the high-level demons that the Sharp Knife Army had encountered in the past year.

Moreover, it was still okay at the beginning, but as the number of kills increased, ten or a hundred people were considered an honor by ordinary soldiers, but thousands or tens of thousands were not something that ordinary people could bear.

That was not just a literal number, but real lives dying before their eyes. To put it bluntly, even if they were given 10,000 pigs to slaughter, they would have to kill nearly 30 pigs a day.

Compared with ordinary seriously injured people, mental illness is the most recent headache for priests, and the group with a high incidence of mental illness is not front-line warriors and knights, but magicians.

The most typical example is Lin Xin. The Holy Sun Spell he practiced is a pure killing technique, and it can damage a large number of people. In the past year, he has killed even more souls than Long Haochen.

With millions of corpses lying around, Lin Xin was terrified of committing homicide. He felt that his Holy Sun Spell would be stained with blood. If there hadn't been an Eternal Hero beside him as his teacher who pointed out his problem in time, he would not have gotten into any serious trouble.

But even though Lin Xin had withdrawn from the front line early, he could still see countless faces in his dreams. What he was afraid of was not the ferocious-looking demon soldiers, but more the demon civilians who died in the fire.

In fact, they didn't look very different from the pure humans of the Temple Alliance, and the difference was even more difficult to tell in the vague dream. Especially one day, in his dream, he saw that he was setting fire to the town of the Temple Federation, and the reflection in the firelight was an ugly demon. Then, he woke up from the dream.

This is not a problem that only Lin Xin has. Many people in the Sharp Knife Corps have this confusion. When killing becomes a habit and when blood stains their bodies, the firm determination in their hearts begins to waver.

Did I kill all the evil demons? Would those demon civilians transform into evil demon soldiers? Even Long Haochen didn't know this.

He could feel that his physique of the God of Light had not changed, but his heart had changed through repeated killings. At this moment, he suddenly remembered Alex who claimed to have lost the Heart of Light.

Killing too many people will make you forget your original self. Alex's transformation was not only due to the betrayal of his lover and the filthiness of the glorious church, but also because his heart changed during the wanton killing.

Power does not change, but the mind of the user is not eternal and unchanging. Long Haochen, who realized this, was somewhat horrified to find that, unknowingly, a gap had appeared between him and the Throne of the Seal of the God of Eternity and Creation.

Although not much, this trend is terrifying when you think about it carefully.

The Eternal Throne is the seat of the God of Creation, representing the power of creation. But now it is exercising the power of destruction. Such a reversal of behavior will naturally cause rejection by this super artifact.

You must know that Long Haochen has not completely recognized the throne of the Divine Seal of Eternity and Creation. In his hands, the Sword of Eternity has not been completely unlocked as the Sword of Eternity and Creation.

Shu Yongxiao, Xiao Huo and other eighteen eternal heroes are also aware of this problem. This kind of simple killing cannot continue. Not everyone is born with the character of an executioner.

What's more, such a long time has passed, and the high-level demons are still indifferent. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that something is wrong, so a change must be made.

The pace of weakening the demon race's vitality cannot be slowed down, but they cannot continue to kill the weak. Such killing not only has no training effect, but also has a great impact on the mentality of the younger generation.

To put it bluntly, they have to find a master of the demon clan to kill. Even the eighth level is not enough, at least the ninth level, and the best is the demon god level. They have been killing in the demon clan territory for a year and have not seen a single demon god. This kind of nonsense has never been heard of in the entire Sharp Knife Corps before.

When something is out of the ordinary there must be something fishy going on. This was so outrageous that anyone with a brain could sense that something was amiss.

But according to intelligence, there are only three areas in the demon territory that are the most stable and have experts in charge. The first one is the Central Province.

But there were seventy demon gods gathered there, and it was no different for the sharp knife army to go to the Central Province and walk into a trap.

As for the remaining two places, the new Undead Province and the East Spider Province, the Undead Lords are not easy to deal with either. The King of the Dread Knights combined with the Bone Dragon King are as difficult to deal with as the Moon Demon Lord Agares.

It’s not that the spearhead army can’t win, but it can’t win quickly in the short term. What if too much entanglement causes something unexpected?
As the saying goes, pick on the weak and bully the weak. The usually peaceful East Spider Province has become the new target of the sharp knife army. The attack on Feiyun City is a test to see if any experts will emerge from here.

. . .

In fact, not long after the incident in Feiyun City, two figures appeared in Feiyun City where the fire was still burning.

The man on the left had long golden-red hair tied into a high ponytail and wore a golden battle armor covered with fiery red patterns. He had just walked into Feiyun City and in just a breath, the flames in the entire city trembled.

Then, all the flames seemed to be given life and gathered towards her like a vast ocean. Behind her, a halo suddenly expanded and a golden-red dragon head emerged from its wide-open mouth, swallowing all the flames into its mouth.

The man on the right was wearing a black and white suit, Liuyun boots, a Lichen sword on his waist, and his soft silver hair was shining, with a touch of deep ink splashed on his bangs.

"In the entire Feiyun City, there are still eighty-nine living people, sixty-five children, thirteen adults, and ten old men, in nine locations. There are seven sixth-level people and one seventh-level person. Most of them are injured, and fifteen are dying."

Mika walked forward and shook his head. "Deputy Dean, I've shared the location with you. Now that we've caught up, let's rescue them. Rescue the seriously injured first, and then have the sixth and seventh level ones take the rest to the nearest city."

"Your sword skills are becoming more and more sophisticated." After Liu Erlong made a polite remark, he stopped wasting time and followed the direction indicated by Miga, stomped hard and disappeared on the spot.

"You can't compare with the vice-president. Your physique is so strong that even soul beasts may not be able to withstand it." Miga shook his head slightly. His voice spread on the spot, but his figure slowly dissipated.

. . .

"You are awake. You are lucky to be alive. Here are the supplies. You can stay here for a few days to recuperate. Then you can go to the nearest Liuyun City and settle down."

Looking at a group of unlucky guys who were missing limbs and covered in dust, Liu Erlong took out a storage bracelet and threw some things in to the seventh-level leopard demon.

Dozens of people looked at each other in bewilderment. Finally, the old seventh-level leopard demon hesitated and took the initiative to speak, "May I ask these two adults, why did my Saint Clan allow the army of the Temple Federation to wreak havoc?"

"For this kind of thing, I can only say that it is better to rely on oneself than on others." Mijia raised his eyebrows and said simply, "But don't worry about one thing. If the other party dares to come to East Spider Province to cause trouble, we will make them pay the price. You don't have to worry about the same thing happening in Floating Cloud City."

"Miga, have you found any traces of the enemy?" Liu Erlong, who was treating the injuries of a group of seriously injured children, had an increasingly cold look in her eyes. How could she, with her explosive temper, tolerate such a thing being done in their territory?

It's hard to compare her strength with Miga's, but they excel in different areas, and Miga's attainments in that area are quite amazing. Her "Close, Far Away" domain not only has a very wide range, but can also be transformed at will, and can detect up to a hundred miles in a single direction.

"To the north, it looks like they are heading towards the Leopard Demon City." Mika's expression remained unchanged, but her eyes were cold. She and the vice-president had just arrived in this world.

They both really like fighting and killing, but life is not just about fighting and killing. The two newcomers chose to travel around the East Spider Province. It is indeed a bit primitive here, but it still has local characteristics. The most important thing is that this is the territory they are responsible for.

Because of this reason, the two of them did not come from Leopard Demon City and did not encounter the sharp knife army.

"How far is it?" Seeing Miga facing north with his eyes closed and concentrating for a moment and then opening his eyes again, Liu Erlong asked, knowing the answer.

"It's less than a hundred miles. We can catch up tonight." Miga's eyes were sharp. During his eye contact with Liu Erlong, a hint of cold murderous intent leaked out, which made everyone present feel shocked.

"Then let's go." When Liu Erlong opened her mouth, golden flames flashed between her red lips.

. . .

"According to the plan, our next stop is Leopard Demon City. The other side is the center of the entire East Spider Province. It is of great importance. I don't believe that the demons will remain unmoved after the attack there."

In the central military tent of the Sharp Knife Army, Long Haochen was holding a slender stick and talking about the next plan while looking at the map on the wall.

"Because the one we are going to kill may be an unknown master, no one can slack off in the attack on Leopard Demon City or afterwards."

"I know that everyone has lost their vigilance over the past year, but I think that is one of the demons' intentions. We are the hope of the entire Temple Federation, and we must not be lax in this way."

Long Haochen's voice was serious and solemn, but the people below inevitably showed a little numbness.

There is no way. Long Haochen said this when he just set out a year ago, and he said it nearly a hundred times during the period. As a result, nothing happened after a year. It is simply the ultimate deluxe version of the story of the boy who cried wolf. Even the real veterans are a little numb at this moment.

Seeing this, Long Haochen felt helpless. It was impossible for a human to stay nervous all the time, and he was not a machine. It was not a bad thing to relax appropriately.

For some unknown reason, Long Haochen shook his head at the people below, "Forget it, everyone just have a good rest tonight."

Seeing the joy of most people smiling, Xiao Huo, Shu Yongxiao and other eternal heroes looked at each other and took the initiative to say, "You all should have a good rest, including the staff on duty. We old guys will be the ones keeping watch tonight."

. . .

"Ashu, how are you?" Looking up at the stars in the sky, Xiao Huo looked at Shu Yongxiao beside him and asked with some concern.

Others could not see Shu Yongxiao's problem due to their cultivation level, but as someone at the same level as him, how could he not know that this old acquaintance was just trying hard to hold on while appearing strong on the outside but actually being weak on the inside.

"I'm not dead yet." Shu Yongxiao shook his head expressionlessly. He said only one sentence and fell silent again.

"I'm the only one here now. The others have gone to different directions to keep watch. What can't you say? Don't think I didn't see that the girl's injury has not healed at all, but has transferred to you."

"Will you die if you don't speak?" Shu Yongxiao said sarcastically. Just as he was about to continue speaking, his face suddenly turned pale, and his breath became slightly disordered.

"Is it so serious?" Xiao Huo frowned. Shu Yongxiao is an assassin by profession, and it is her instinct to hold her breath. If she can't maintain this all the time, it means that her trouble is far more serious than he expected.

Hearing this, Shu Yongxiao was silent for a moment, "He won't die, but he won't live long. Unless your attainments in death are similar to his, there's a hope of cracking the so-called Eternal Creation. But I suspect his attainments in death are close to or even close to those of a god."

"The worst thing is that I am now a dead soul. If I can't eliminate it, the damage to me will be far more serious than that to a living person."

"How long do you mean by 'not long'?" Xiao Huo's face was serious. These eternal heroes were not going to live long after their resurrection. It was not an exaggeration to say that they would not live long in three to five years at the shortest and ten years at the longest.

And the fact that Shu Yongxiao actually said this to him meant that the time would be further shortened.

"About a year at most." Shu Yongxiao said a time without any fear on his face, "It will be enough for me to teach Cai'er everything I have learned in my life."

"That's why you went against your usual practice and directly opposed the withdrawal of the Spearhead Corps." Xiao Huo patted his head in sudden realization. Shu Yongxiao only had two years left and he wished he could be on the battlefield every day. How could he think of retreating?

"Let's see if I can catch a big fish this time. I might just die quietly like this." Shu Yongxiao's eyes were full of coldness. She was determined to die and unknowingly the aura of death around her became purer.

But what made Xiao Huo feel heartbroken was that even so, Shu Yongxiao still failed to heal the injury in his body.

But before he could say anything else, they both turned their heads at the same time and looked towards the south, where a black beam of light spurted out.

"Enemy attack!" As a heavy warning roared in the military camp, four figures from that direction quickly rose into the air to meet the black light column that was almost the same color as the night.

"It's Lao He and the others." Shu Yongxiao and Xiao Huo breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously. Although the opponent's attack was sudden and swift, Lao He and the others were reliable enough and did not slack off at all.

However, the next moment, their expressions changed, "No!!!"

Fusion of soul skills, dragon-demon annihilation light!

Three thousand meters south of the military camp, Miga and Liu Erlong were suspended in the sky. Under Liu Erlong's feet, a huge golden-red dragon head opened its mouth wide, and black light spewed out of its mouth.

Around the giant dragon's mouth, nine halos surrounded the black light wave in turn. Miga, who was standing by, could see clearly that the black light wave looked like light, but was actually a flame condensed to the extreme. To say it was the ultimate fire was an understatement.

But the most peculiar thing is that the light waves containing infinite light and heat, before they were truly released and exploded, were like the dark night sky without any leakage of any breath, and were full of the breath of returning to nature.

But if it did break out, Miga could "see" it clearly through his domain, and those four unlucky guys would be turned into ashes in the first instant without even making a sound.

(End of this chapter)

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